messages to sarahmac1980:
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from gumphood :
I hope that you do keep writing.
from sanetwin :
I'm glad you're still writing. I'm so sorry about Eddie :(
from sanetwin :
I'll be sad to see you go. I'm sorry so much has been going on in your life and that you lost him.
from lifeasme66 :
Wow, what a beautiful entry (4/29)! You should write more often =) **HUGS!!**
from long-ignored :
Sarah, I'm guessing you are "the sarah" that left the wonderful comment on my journal. Thank you so much. And yes, I do believe you can. It's amazing how close you can feel to people you've never met based solely on their words posted in this little community of ours.
from lifeasme66 :
Just read your 4/4 entry... wow, you are a very good writer! And I hope someday soon that you will have your whole you. **HUGS!!**
from sanetwin :
what a really really cool gift idea!!
from sanetwin :
oh god other people's diaries make mine so inadequate. really I'm not as funny or nice or smart or well written. I used to beat myself up over it. but eh. you kinda gotta just do your own thing.
from lifeasme66 :
Hey there, thanks for adding me as a fave and for filling out my survey. I enjoyed your answers! I'm sorry about your best friend, I mean, I haven't read a lot of your entries so I dunno what kind of relationship you guys have, but friends should be there in times of need! I hope you're having a better day today =) p.s.--I'll work on the pictures ;) **HUGS!!**
from daizylee :
Thanks for the add. Read your entry and I know what you mean about bridal showers. Some good news: the thing is that they don't really want original gifts. They want stuff. Since they're going to have to get it anyway, they'd rather it be gifted to them. Sometimes, though, I still try to be cute. Like once I got my cousin a vase for flowers and put a few flowers in it, but also in the bouquet I had a bunch of kitchen utensils like spatulas and whisks and stuff. It was really cute but also stuff she needed so I felt better. Oh, and just wear something cute but casual, depending on how nice it's going to be. If they sent nice invitations, I'd say go with a skirt. If not, nice pants should do the trick. Good luck. I hate those things. I hope it's not one of the ones where they play lame party games.
from sanetwin :
I talk to myself all the time too. people always stare at me when I'm singing really loud in my car lol.
from sanetwin :
((HUGS)) see a doctor!!
from long-ignored :
thank you so much. What a nice thing to say.
from sanetwin : try this site. It's a listing of diary template sites. Some will work and some don't. Or try raging pistaccio. I think if you do a search for it it will bring up the site. They have links to other designers. Are you having problems with the html? You might want to email me, for some reason I don't get notified of my notes. [email protected]
from sanetwin :
from sanetwin :
oh crap beautify isn't there anymroe. try this:
from sanetwin :
try beautify or diva designs.
from sanetwin :
I liked reading your list. Hey there are tons of great sites that have free designs for diaries. let me know I'll send you a few links.
from sanetwin :
I didn't realize you were a photographer!! how cool!
from sanetwin :
Happy valentines day!
from sanetwin :
:( I'm sorry about the puppies. As to the bipolar - I am as well (as I'm sure you know). It's really not as bad as some other things, say schizophrenia. However, it does mean you have to watch yourself for signs of impending episodes. Something I'm still trying to figure out myself
from sanetwin :
Great entry! God, I wish I could convince myself to let go as you have. and I love puppies.
from poolagirl :
Hey Sarah, thanks for adding me to your faves list. I visited your diary, and I think you are a wonderful writer. Your latest entry was amazingly poignant and honest. I truly appreciate writers like you. Thank you so much!
from sanetwin :
Kids ARE hard work. But they are so worth it. It's much easier if you wait until you're settled with the right person. Being a single mom is really tough.
from iwillsurvive :
Hi, I noticed you listed me on your favs list. Firstly, Thanks for that! Secondly, I'm trying to rally the Diaryland Community to raise $10,000 for the victims of the Tsunami. Please visit my diary for all the details. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
from sanetwin :
Merry CHristmas!
from sanetwin :
I'm at the opposite end ofhte spectrum I guess. I'mthe friend who thinks the other one is too clingy. I hope you call him back to talk about it. don't let your friendship end like that !
from sanetwin :
Oh man I'm all about Christmas too. we just put up our tree today!
from sanetwin :
AH!! Your notes are finally turned on! Now I can comment! I hope you had a good thanksgiving!

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