My therapist said this would be good for me...

Ever heard that bit of "friendly" advice that says it will take half the length of the relationship you just broke up from to really get over your partner?

Ever thought to yourself, "What a load of shit!"?

My favorite diaries:

captvfirefly profile - diary
comments: Yes, another chica braving the internet dating world of freaks and weirdos! I feel your pain, girl! She's also a very dear friend... =)
cnotefwb77 profile - diary
comments: She makes me laugh, and cry, and feel like I know exactly what she's going through
cardiogirl profile - diary
somnambulist profile - diary
comments: I still care...
heylee profile - diary
comments: Sweet and nice and fun to read!
orlith profile - diary
comments: Just doing the best she can... I admire that
daizylee profile - diary
comments: Intelligent, well-spoken, as I would like to be myself!
essaywriter profile - diary
comments: Girl cracks me up, I was instantly hooked and read all of her archives in one sitting
gozzard profile - diary
madlyme profile - diary
comments: Just the sweetest!
duranfanatic profile - diary
comments: Another one of the good guys
beautiflntmr profile - diary
workcrush profile - diary
justvivo profile - diary
t85225 profile - diary
comments: A beautiful soul that will be truly missed. RIP, my friend
cera-jeanne profile - diary
comments: She shares such nice pictures
koi-ishly profile - diary
theflyingrat profile - diary
comments: I love her kids!
prolifique profile - diary
comments: If I could only be as strong...
gutterstar7 profile - diary
comments: I'm tryin' her out
f-i-n profile - diary
comments: Brilliant
theturtle profile - diary
comments: New read

My favorite music:

comments: Currently, my favorite rockers! I'm obsessed with Amy, if you haven't noticed...
Avenged Sevenfold
comments: I'm very hooked on them. Speed guitar, great melodies, pounding rhythm... what more could you ask for?
Nine Ince Nails
comments: Just the right amount of industrial to get ya hoppin'
comments: Ok, so he's not a band.... but he still deserves props
John Mayer
comments: Lyrical genious and hot stud all rolled into one! He's da man

My favorite movies:

Pulp Fiction
comments: ... Kill Bill 1&2, etc--I loves me some Tarantino
Cold Mountain
comments: ... Shakespeare in Love, The Notebook, Braveheart--I'm a sucker for beautifully-crafted, tragic love stories
Good Will Hunting
comments: ... Oceans 11, Talented Mr. Ripley, The Bourne Everything--Two words: MATT DAMON
Something's Gotta Give
comments: The best movie about relationships I've seen in a long time
The Wizard of Oz
comments: "How would you like it if someone came along and picked something off of you?"

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: How many nights did I stay up too scared to breathe because of him?!?
Kevin O'Brien
comments: My latest nail-biter
Val McDermid
comments: She's amazing, and a great way to keep me busy between O'Brien novels

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last updated: 2008-06-15 02:46:05
this user's total entries: 1049
user since: 2003-12-07

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