messages to sparksfley:
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from cdghost :
enjoyed your words
from monkey-king :
Clicked through your banner: Your child sounds like me. As a child, that is. I just wanted to say that despite having the same traits, I eventually turned out fine. It just took, oh... about 24 years. So good luck with that.
from schmutzie :
I think I left that a while ago, but I can't remember exactly when. The allergies are still around, and I usually look like a stoner these days. Thanks for the compliment about my writing. I am working through a fairly big thing at the moment, but I've made it super public on purpose. Thanks for the note!
from schmutzie :
I just came out the other side of a massive attack of allergies that lasted for six months. I have never had such severe allergies, but they sound just like yours. They seem to have eased up lately. I'm not sure what exactly I'm allergic to, but it seems that I am allergic to natural air-borne things plus multiple chemicals. It gets infinitely worse if my immune system is compromised or if I am under emotional stress. Good luck!
from starlight42 :
Had to click on your banner because this used to be my diary design :)
from warcrygirl :
Damn, do you live my city? I swear we had to do the same thing to get me into the city grandparents were told they had to have ALL their stuff moved in before I could attend! So I missed the first 4 days of my senior year. Idiots. Anyway, found your link via chezmiscarriage.
from prosa :
Thanks, you're so quick. One more thing, though. I clicked on your banner and couldn't get back to it (gold banner showed on refresh). So I don't know where it is located now and I need you to let me know its url. If you have more banners you'd like to show please let me know their url's as well.
from prosa :
hey, nice banner with the butterfly. I wonder if you'd like to have it included in my page of (good) banners. I have banners from 21 diarists so far and I'd like very much to add you to my stable of popular, sweet, influential banner-makers. (pfft, what's my tongue ddoing with my cheek?!)
from flyinby :
cute conversation with the little one. i found you through your banner btw. i love your layout. maybe i'll visit again . . .
from soandsotgs :
Hi, i saw this site and thought it was great. being a membe of the AIM-ME diaryring, i thought you might get a kick out of it too... it's great to throw on your profile
from lizardspace :
Hee. I like your husband. He can ride shotgun with me anytime!
from skylarkusa :
Hey...I love your layout. It thrills me to no end to read your testimony. Praise God for godly husbands! Oh yeah, and thanks for joining the flybabies diaryring. - a shoeless flybaby :)

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