messages to sugarcooky:
(click here to add new message):

from shoeboxcat :
:] your layout is cool.
from johnguinness :
Hi Katie. Glad to hear things are going so great, and you've started having fun dreams again. Are you running, and how are the rabbits? I've shut down theswordsman and moved over here now. I had a phone call from an anonymous cell phone at 11:30 one night, and when I answered, some guy kept asking, "is this theswordsman, is this theswordsman?" Since then I've just been writing at the other place, and that's a gold memberships I can IP ban and stuff. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Hi Katie. I'm abandoning the Internet scene. I just wanted to say that you're a really neat person and I've enjoyed reading you. good luck. I wish you a sunny spring filled with running and rabbits. Take care. John
from johnguinness :
I've missed your dreams. I think one night last week I dreamed about an empty cardboard box and a piece of string. I'm sorry the hobbits didn't stick up for you. Have a great weekend. John
from johnguinness :
Hey Katie. Wasn't it you who had a habit of getting lost in elevators? It would be good to have one that talks to you. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Welcome back Katie. I'm glad you're happy. John
from theswordsman :
Hi Katie. Thanks for the birthday wishes. What on earth have you been up to? Have you been running? Are there bunnies in your life? Have they decided to turn your dream journal into a TV series yet? I hope everything is going great for you. Take care. John
from clairecav :
Thanks :D
from clairecav :
Sorry, I didn't realise everyone else was leaving similar template-loving notes. bet you feel attacked now :P
from clairecav :
Ooh, I LOVE your template *grins*
from killsbury :
I love your layout!
from chickpea981 :
I just randomly clicked on your diary name and I just had to tell you that your mario layout has got to be the best layout I've ever seen. I love it!
from theswordsman :
Where have you been???
from swordmaster :
Hi Katie. I just wanted to check in and say that I hope things are going great and you're just really busy. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
I rock & deserve lots of candy. You're on a vegeatarian South Beach Diet?!?!?!? Thanks for the nice note. Take care. John P.S. I'm sure the cats are fine. P.P.S. What do you dream about if you eat spicy food before bedtime:)
from theswordsman :
Your dreams should have their own cable channel. Did you see the episode of the Simpsons where Homer couldn't see and was surrounded by rakes? Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Hi Katie. If you make up these dreams, please don't ever tell me. Take care. And thanks for the prayer. John
from theswordsman :
I had that same exact dream! What a coincidence. Ronald's a stronger swimmer than I would have thought. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Happy New Year, Katie. I hope it's a great one. John
from theswordsman :
Merry Christmas, Katie. John
from theswordsman :
But your explanation was MUCH better, so I'm leaving it out there for others to see. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Hi Katie. A couple of British uni students who are mutual diaryland friends are having a war to see who can come up with the oddest hat. They both admit to being very competitive, and I'm trying to diffuse things just a bit by putting hats out there without being part of the war. If you don't believe me, read through my recent notes, or the notes of buffylass and skinnylizzie. Beware, some of their notes are R-rated. I'm sure you did fine on your Physics exam. It's scary when your fellow students walk out like that. I used to be really competitive, and wanted to do my exam, double-check the answers, and be the first one out of the room. One time a guy gave up after five minutes and I was a bit upset with him for leaving before me. Have a gret rest of the weekend. John
from letsgolions :
hehehhh hey i read ur diary.. lol.. u always seem to be having good days!! your lucky =)
from theswordsman :
Hi Katie. Thanks for the well wishes - work is going okay for now. That other story was from a couple of years ago. Godspell the movie was the Gospel of Matthew performed by people dressed like, I don't know, hippies or flower children? The soundtrack has some great songs, Like Day by Day and God Save the People. Good luck with your other exams. Congrats on making another bunny friend. I wonder if other students are secretly giving the bunnies other names? Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Hi Katie. I always loved that sone - from Godspell, and from some weekend retreats I used to attend at first and then later helped present. You church sounds pretty awesome. Good luck with exams. John
from theswordsman :
It was SO much cooler when the rabbit said it. And he smiled and did a little eyebrow thing afterwards. Glad you've got a good day streak going. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Rats! Or rabbits, actually. The card was a talking rabbit in the middle of a bunch of vegetables, and it said: "Hi Katie. Sorry to hear your day was "flying buttresses of doom." Hope today is going much better. Thank you for the cool bananas. Other people give us food, but you're our favorite. You rock!" Oh well. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Hey Katie. I hope your days have much improved. If you check your e-mail, I sent you an e-card yesterday morning. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Hi Katie. It's Thanksgiving here tomorrow, and one of the things I'll be thankful for is that you're not a thirteen year old boy. Not that I ever thought you were. Take care, and thanks for hanging around. John
from theswordsman :
Even your dreams are more interesting than mine. John
from theswordsman :
Hi Katie, I wish there was some way that I could make your day instantly improve. I hope it gets better quickly. Take care. John
from soitwas :
Your banner was hilarious. Oooo, I love Red String, too! Thanks for the banner though, I needed a good laugh!
from theswordsman :
Your banner got me again. Nice one. John
from theswordsman :
Thanks sweetie. John
from theswordsman :
Don't be jealous. When Andrew offered one weekend to send banner proceeds to Hurricane Relief, I bought 75,000 with a donation. That got me like fifty new readers, which I really enjoy because they're cool and leave notes. This weekend I did more banners for the heck of it and some of those folks didn't care about the diary but filled out the survey. It was fun interacting with them as well. I appreciate you because you didn't cost me anything:) I hope it's okay that I linked to your diary in bright red Sunday and claimed you as a friend. Do they celebrate Halloween in the Great White North???
from theswordsman :
Glad I made you laugh. I'm really not trying to win anything, I just enjoyed yours and I guess I wanted to be cool like you. When I woke up this morning, the questions started popping up in my head. Good luck in the drawing. Take care. John
from killsbury :
No problem. I have a new survey up too. Chime in, if you like :)
from theswordsman :
Sorry I caused you to huff indignantly. John
from theswordsman :
TWO untold lost on an elevator stories and seven begging, banana-eating rabbits. You're KILLING me here;)
from theswordsman :
That's a beautiful picture. Looks like a great place. Growing up I thought that "greasy" and "gross" were two of the five food groups. But you're much wiser than I. Still can't sleep nights wondering about the elevator story:) Take care. John
from beety-queen :
lol I know. What comes around goes around and I hope she gets it. >=( But, thank you for leaving a note. Take care of yourself too. Lauren~
from beety-queen :
Hey, thanks for the advice about my team. It brightned my day.Thanks again. Lauren~
from theswordsman :
Oh come on. Just a little detail? I promise I'll still like you. John
from theswordsman :
Hi Katie. The dream probably doesn't mean anything, but maybe you should carry a golf club around with you just the same. People will think you're all exotic and stuff (if they don't think that already:) Rabbits being the way they are, maybe you should also carry a list of names with you so you'll be prepared. Take care. John
from randh :
Hey thanks for the note. It was really difficult to write about, but I wanted others to see it, so I chose to do it. I'm glad it made you appreciate something in your life. Please, never take your family for granted. You seem pretty cool too, I LOVE the template. Come back soon and drop a comment or a note or whatever. Later yo.
from theswordsman :
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! How long is the Ring Road? John
from agape-luv :
hey! thanks for leaving a note!! :)
from sugarcooky :
Let's see if this notesy thing works...

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