messages to tawnee:
(click here to add new message):

from meg-cntrygrl :
hey. i forget your email. Just email me [email protected] and i'll send you the password :)
from soleille :
Hi! I was just stopping by ...... I hope you still read my diary every now and then. :) Just wanted to let you know i'm moving to Diary-X..... I hope you'll still come visit me. :) <3<3<3
from meg-cntrygrl :
i thought you weren't coming back :)
from pennygirl :
you know, your password doesn't work for me anymore..why is that? *sob*
from meg-cntrygrl :
my email is [email protected]
from tawnee :
HEY....sorry if people didnt get the password...EMAIL ME AT [email protected] if ya want the password!!!! If i know you read this, than i have NOOO problem giving you the password......Sorry for locking:( Its just an uncomfortable feeling not knowing who read this!
from meg-cntrygrl :
why did you lock?? Can I have a password? If not, I understand :)
from ray0flight :
how come you locked? can i have the pswrd please? [email protected]
from linnyeg :
Hey, i still never got the e-mail. If you dont want me reading though, thats cool it's all good. take care.
from pennygirl :
i want a password.
from thewayifeel :
hey hun. I'm hoping I can get your password for your journal. If not, I totally understand. My new email is [email protected]. Tell Char, I said Hi! Hugs, M
from perceptionss :
I was looking through your pics and you and your friend look really cute. I'm speaking of the one before the bar hopping began:)
from snowstorm00 :
Home for a bit are we?? sounds like fun... message me on icq when u get a chance.. I havent been online much lately, too much goin on ... ttyl *smiles*
from britneypink :
inspite of still learn a lot of life lessons & I like your take on them.
from robinlaura :
Tawnya, I really and truly understand your sucks. And as close as I am to some people, I really don't feel that they know me....they can't tell when I'm sad, and I can't just hold them and cry. I understand the feelings you have right now...
from neangel :
Hey just stopped in to say Happy New Years!
from ieatcheerios :
happy 100th entry
from pixiedust182 :
Hey Girl! Thanks for the nice things that you said. You're absoultely right. Screw them! Except... I won't actually screw them, because then I'd be living up to the whole whore thing. Ha! ;)
from snowstorm00 :
Hi Tawnya.... hope ur doin well... have a merry Xmas and a Safe, Happy New Years.. adios, Austin
from snowstorm00 :
thanks Tawn.... I have now posted a link to what it is exactly im lookin to maybe do.... so take a look and see if it would be something ud go to and tell others about! :)
from amy83 :
People say the same thing about me and Angel, they think that we've known each other for years and then are sooo surprised when they find out we've only really known each other for like 2 months. It's great to have such good friends in a new place. :o)
from smushy :
i know how you feel.. growing up really sucks!
from linnyeg :
have you kissed more guys than me yet??
from linnyeg :
have you kissed more guys than me yet??
from rlc :
tawnee, you're awesome! that last entry was funny!! i totally want you (and lindsay) to come and visit me. crazy fun times, yo!
from glasstear :
Thanks for the note!
from bubbleyumgrl :
not to sound rude or anything.. but why did you put a smiley on my note page??
from amy83 :
ahh that's so also called the turkey toss by some people around here too! It's totally happened here....most people have broken up with their "significant other" but some troupers have hung in there and stayed together. I hope you're having an awesome time at school
from amy83 :
I know I know, I'm trying to make some more diaryland time...I'm working on it! We totally have the turkey dump thing at ryerson too, we were talking about it just the other day. hehe gotta love university lingo!
from amy83 :
I haven't been by your journal in a while....but today while I was changing my layout I was totally going to use that one! I decided to go for simple instead
from smushy :
Happy Thanksgiving hun! Enjoy your weekend at home!
from kgruber :
Hey, just came by to check out your diary since you've been to mine...not bad at all, not quite as good as mine but nothing will ever compare to mine. Later
from smushy :
woo I am not the only one with a hot new layout!
from linnyeg :
TAWNEE!! you stole my layout dude.
from mde1116 :
:) Thanks bunches! I'm get really freaked out when people I personally know read my writing. I'm a loser like that. But, I was thinking that exact same thing too! I live like 20 minutes from P-town (driving) so we're all pretty close. Small, small world I tell you.
from mde1116 :
Hey! Yup I still talk to her. She has her locker down the hall from mine. She's probably one of the nicest people I know. :) I'll tell her you said Hi. All I ask of you is to not give her my diary name. I like to keep it as personal as possible. Hope you understand. TTYL!
from mde1116 :
Hey hun! I was reading one of your entries from your older entry. I know Charlene you worked with at the zoo. She goes to my school and was the first friend I had when I came to the highschool I'm at now. Just thought it was crazy since it's a small world. :) Good luck with everything this year! TTYL!
from ieatcheerios :
my sweet bigsister. :o)
from lucky-starz :
Sometimes there are boys looking for the same thing you are in bars. Theyre everywhere. The trick is to not settle for just anyone so you wont feel lonely. Its my fatal flaw. You are beautiful, articulate and fun. I feel sorry for all those canadian boys who have no clue what they are up against.
from tawnee :
yayaya.....i have notes now:) they like me, they REALLY LIKE ME..hahah..ok now that im so excited maybe i should acually READ MY NOTES! good plan, tawnee
from zippytheclam :
i read a bunch of your entries...very interesting...i know what you feel like when it comes to the alcohol thing..i am 23 and have never been out drinking more in my life!!! and not only does the doing stupid stuff thing suck but i never really realised how much money you can spend in one single night...hehehhhe well hope you read mine sometime..i just started and want to hear what people think... anyhoo bye ...ben
from pyro-maniac :
you have no notes!! what happened?!?!

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