Lindsay's Journal

I'm an 22/f in Pickering, Ontario. I'm a child and youth worker graduate from Centennial College. I work at a great job and I own my own business making Candles & Bath & Body products. Check out my writings.

My favorite diaries:

dree1128 profile - diary
comments: She's a girl at college. She macks boys. WOO WOO!
ray0flight profile - diary
comments: She's a great person and she lives in Pickering!
brandone profile - diary
comments: He lived in Pickering and he's a cool dude.
a-secret profile - diary
comments: Go and post your secrets! it's a public diary.
auxetoiles profile - diary
comments: I've been reading her forever. Great girl.
deela profile - diary
comments: This is Dorothy. She's one of my good internet friends. i've known her for awhile now and she's great.
epiphany profile - diary
comments: I found him through a banner.
meg-cntrygrl profile - diary
comments: Megan is amazing.
lealoo profile - diary
comments: found her through a banner and like!
boogiebeep profile - diary
comments: Aww babies!!
kidmittens profile - diary
comments: Amy.. again... haha
jendra profile - diary
comments: She's really open, and very nice!
randomsnark profile - diary
comments: you cant help but laugh.
pregornot profile - diary
comments: AWW babies!
veronabrit profile - diary
comments: Veronika, Markus's cousin.
soverycherry profile - diary
comments: Super cool girl.

My favorite music:

Barenaked Ladies
comments: They're amazing live... YAY for Canadian Bands!

My favorite movies:

Dirty Dancing
comments: This movie is the greatest of all time!
Save the last dance
8 days a week
American Beauty

My favorite authors:

John Irving
comments: I really liked the Cider House Rules.

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diaries which list linnyeg as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-02-05 16:39:50
this user's total entries: 887
user since: 2001-04-22

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MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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