messages to torchstar:
(click here to add new message):

from whystinger :
I recently did the same. Repurposed and recycled electronic devices, started the declutter process, in order to make room for change in my life.
from whystinger :
It is good to see you post here at Dairyland once again!
from lust- :
Thank you so much. I'm flattered. Hope you're enjoying your day!
from whystinger :
I love the 1980 Diary! I would dig out mine, but it was only three pages...
from whystinger :
You, my friend are a treasure, as is Bob. Some day I hope to have a drink with you and he or break bread.
from whystinger :
Okay, I now Twitter...
from whystinger :
Well, a pleasant surprise! My PC is dead, killed by the "virus scan 2009" virus and is at the shop trying to be revived. I have been thinking of twittering. If you could, since I am lazy and without a pc, could you give me an executive summary of how I could use it and such? I emailed you a few times, but never heard back. I hope all is well with you.
from drugzilla :
i just added you on to the okay list for locked diaries. my b for not having done it before-if it hindered you.
from whystinger :
Very cool entry. Here is another on hooping:
from whystinger :
BTW, first of the boiled peanuts are here!!!!!!!
from whystinger :
Isn't Pymatuning a reservoir lake sort of? What was the other one... Ah Conneaut Lake?
from monstrathart :
none of my entries are anything anymore...but the password to this and the other is dammit...
from swimmmer72 :
I really enjoyed the rendition of "Mercedes Benz" I had done that once (not recorded, thankfully), an air-guitar version. It didn't go over well. Ooops. ;)
from whystinger :
what you doing on so early on a Friday morning? Good morning Sunshine! Hope y'all have a great day.
from whystinger :
Not a prob... I have been preoccupied too, learning and working towards a decision or decisions. I am fighting towards the end... Work, training for the new job, home... I will email you. If you have a password you are using, email it back to me and I'll try to figure what went wrong...
from whystinger :
Awesome animation! First it reminded me of an old (original) Star Trek episode, then it reminded me of the underground lake in one of the Tolkien fantasy books I read, where Gollum lived and ate cold raw fish... I always thought of lighting a fire down there...
from whystinger :
I tried to leave you a guest book message and it didn't take. It may be where I am this week, as it is a different system. Cool owls. We recently had two doves mate and hatch two chicks in our jasmine bush...
from strawberrri :
you are so talented. and the hydrangeas look amaaaaaaaaazing!
from whystinger :
I seem to have caught you on Diaryland!
from stardumb :
you caught me on a rare day when i'm actually on here, deleting some entries and cleaning up sorta.. it's what i do sometimes to get inspired to still keep writing.. had a strange few months.. thanx for the great news though! thinking of you.. n sending love your way! xoxo
from whystinger :
Thanks! How are you two doing? I should email.
from swimmmer72 :
Sure! I'm a Millcreeker, too, right around the corner from the peninsula. Actually a replanted Buffaloian (10 years ago). Thanks for the note! Maybe my Erie entries will remind you of the "olden days".
from whystinger :
I have seen that record (LP) somewhere, I swear. By the way, I have a weird old classical music album, it is on ebay (not my listing) the title is: STEREO-DYNAMICS-to-SCARE-HELL-OUT-of-YOUR-NEIGHBORS very cool cover, two skeletons in iron maidens...
from whystinger :
Hey Girlie, how you be???
from stardumb :
haha.. cool image. i heard something on the news about someone crucifying a snowman too. christmas is kinda pagan but i like it. catholics do it better. but everyone's good at it :)
from fan4 :
I'm a Christian, torchstar.
from strawberrri :
no they didn't tell us. the worst thing is i'm paying back 3 grand of fees to them, which i have no power to stop as they take it direct from my monthly pay! they seem to think they will need us for private work (like the diana inquest and other far less interesting cases) but the number of stenographers exceeds the amount of private work. MI5 and live tv events use stenographers so i may not have to abandon it completely :) would prefer to be a journalist than a librarian! or maybe i could write a crime novel after some of the things i've seen! hehe.
from drugzilla :
did it work? idk because im on a computer where it always looks ok.
from drugzilla :
just let me know what i can do to help you help me. thanks.
from drugzilla :
help me! im looking at my page in mozilla (its usually ie) and its all crazy. i cant read any of it. the white background is supposed to run as long as the entry!!! help, please. its wierd.
from stardumb :
that song was great. just what i needed to hear at the end of my day. winter is starting to seduce me in some ways, i wrestled with the cold today, but in a "we're going to make a soldier outta you" sense. great. thanx. winter love. full of astral-ness. :)
from stardumb :
wow, that is rare. tell me more tell more did you get very far..
from whystinger :
That's one of your strenghts, you are super perceptive. The therapist also made some similar comments, although not as colorful as you. She keeps telling me to not rush and to prepare myself mentally, legally and to keep my cards close to my vest. I have felt that way all along, Honi doesn't want to change and really likes the way things were...
from drugzilla :
thanks for taking time to read me. i checked my diary and it looks okay from here (florida). check it again? lemme kno.
from stardumb :
aah looney tunes works better, can i use that?
from whystinger :
BTW, not wearing my wedding ring is not to pickup women, I don't wear it because she no longer owns mine (the one I bought her)
from stardumb :
yeah that's kinda what i said too after i wrote it.
from whystinger :
In reality, I have not worn my wedding ring in a year or two or even three. I kept it on for the longest time, but it became uncomfortable when I gained weight. I fits now, but I decided that since she traded in my engagement ring, one that she helped pick out back when, got rid of the symbol of my love, that I really no longer needed to wear it. The lighter line has long since faded... I wrote about the ring a few years ago and then again, after she brought it up in an entry in May, the 6th I believe in my archives. I think also on 7/6. I would be wearing it if I felt that she was trying more to make the marriage work.
from stardumb :
nice tori reference. it was like a spark in my gut.
from stardumb :
likewise. i took a test today where i used the work kinetic. i like that. i think it was the hat that did it for me. although gloriously unfettered musta struck a cord. keep the heart. it's refreshing. :)
from stardumb :
"I danced like a psychedelic banshee" one of my favorite activites.. i guess we wont be meeting on a plane after all :)
from stardumb :
hey torch, thanks for your encouraging comments! sometimes only a few simple words from the drilling inside. it's harsh and freeing. i don't know what's going on, but time travel is possible, everything just falls into place somehow. i love the way you look at things-- "psychically" -- just curious, do you think someone can feel your love or thoughts if they aren't there? sometimes i feel like the conversations i have in my head are more real then person to person.
from stardumb :
i love that. you're great.
from whystinger :
What more would you like to know??? I thought there was more of a parallel and had asked you about Indianapolis. Ever been there? I knew Erie... I worked in Erie around '86-87 till Thankgiving. Gary moved to Erie a few years ago. I also have some friends in Erie, haven't heard from them in years, Norb and Chris... You sure you weren't in Indianapolis in '84?
from stardumb :
i like that level.
from whystinger :
I hope you feel better and they find out what is ailing you. I hope Scrappy is doing better too. I recently had to rescue Q from getting caught in a laundry basket... Let me know about the taste thing. Also, do a websearch, nevermind, I will drop an email
from stardumb :
i made someone smile at starbucks yesterday. that felt good. old things look better in the light. if this was your response, thanks as well.
from vibinghigh :
Hi there! So sorry I hadn't had a chance to stop by in a long time and say hello. I appreciate your notes. :-) I hope you are feeling better!
from whystinger :
So, when is the next rewind party???
from whystinger :
That reminds me of two stories... Once when Honi made some killer muffins, we came back and she thought I was fucking with her - each of the six or eight muffins had a bite out of the top... The little white cat ate a bite out of each... And once at the 'Garage, the guard dog ate a new box of tire crayons that we left on the tire machine. Poor thing shit yellow for a three days!
from whystinger :
Actually I was not on the prowl. I DID leave the house, but I went out as part of the strategy to re-train her on how to treat me. She was definitely being a bitch and needlessly. I did go out and people watched, but I did not do anything improper. I did want to hear some music and happened to hit a cool bar with a live band...
from fan4 :
thanks for stopping by.
from whystinger :
Great minds think alike! I have been looking for Go Girl and haven't found it. I figured I would have her try it just for fun. I also wanted to take a hit too...
from stardumb :
"they" are the opposition, i guess. "they" are the lie. "they" can even be the voices in your head. sometimes it feels like the better you want to be, the harder it gets.
from whystinger :
A new buzz in GoGirl... is it caffein and taurine???
from whystinger :
Heh, heh, heh it is that New Years eve buzz...
from whystinger :
Oh, oh - a burning sensation. Joint pain? See what the Doc says... then consult the web... autoimmune problems can be a bitch, but you know that already. I hope it is nothing much
from whystinger :
I also sometimes write first in a text doc, but not always, so shame on me, I "shoulda learnt."
from princesse69 :
Our house bunny is a chewer too. He used to roam freely but now has to stay in a hutch when he isn't being supervised. He was much naughtier before he had the chop. He used to hump things too, mostly our feet. I had to wear slippers all the time to protect me!
from whystinger :
So, since my eyes are beginning to open and this is a step towards needs fulfillment, do you think she will step up and pitch in, or will I be moving on. I am curious about your take. You seem to have a pretty good perspective on things.
from stardumb :
sometimes i get to analytical. i don't know, life unfolds in mysterious ways. sometimes i write, then, i just, cannot, i feel compelled, though, tonight to write, even by your encouraging comment. we don't know, sometimes, we just don't know. thank you for adding me as a friend. i feel inexplicably united. :)
from whystinger :
I saw the tribute to Little One. Very nice. He was colored very similar to Big Boy. BB is a Maine Coon cat with similar temperments, our house is his KINGDOM! Honi got him before we dated. She had him de-clawed and neutered. I disagree with the declawing, but they are house cats. He watches over her when ill, sad or else. Weird thing? When she was in the horrible depression mode and we didn't know what was wrong with her, she would scream at me. Both cats would give me the most sympathetic looks, like they were saying "sorry pal, we feel for you." I was on the road lots then. She would scream, I would pack and leave for the road (and work) and Big Boy would stay the hell away from her, which was her punishment I think.
from whystinger :
Happy anniversary! Very cool pics in the link you sent, thanks. I also read up a bit on the neighbor. Really weird. I don't understand it and can see why you can't either.
from whystinger :
I think you are kidding me about the half century... but then again, I am three years shy of that myself. whystinger"at"
from strawberrri :
happy birthday for yesterday! you look lovely :) i still haven't drank jagermeister on its own - only as a jagerbull.
from whystinger :
I tried to leave this under comments, but it may not have made it... Happy Birthday! I love boiled green peanuts soooo damn much that I hate them. I live in peanut country down here... Can't wait till September, when the BIG green "carolina" peanuts are in season - the gas station in the country has the abso-fucking-lutely best boiled green peanuts! A bag of boiled peanuts, some boiled shrimp and a six pack of beer - life don't get much better...
from whystinger :
Actually, I am learning about her tricks and how to deal with them so I can break the circle... By the way, I had to use my DVOM several times over the last few weeks and I though of you and your meter each time! Some day we gotta chat about that.
from whystinger :
so now where did you disappear to???
from strawberrri :
i think the woman and i owe joint responsibility for barging into one another (though i was clearly in a hurry to get somewhere...i certainly wouldn't go out jogging in my court attire!) but thank you for your kind note. i plan to dance on saturday night :)
from strawberrri :
thanks! and i guess diaries are here for us to rant about any which thing we's all good.
from stardumb :
hey, i saw it. reminds me of a quote by henry drummond "When God speaks he speaks so loudly that all the voices of the world seem dumb. And yet when God speaks he speaks so softly that no one hears the whisper but yourself."
from stardumb :
hey, thank you. you got me thinking about cyberpaths now..haha. look forward to reading more of your journal..
from strawberrri :
oh i'm wishing good health for your friend!
from strawberrri :
thank you, yes i will have a look at that web page. have to wait until next weds to see the doctor (well ok, they could have fitted me in friday afternoon but that's pub time - i have my priorities sorted!) i wore a wrist support today which helped. not giving up all hope yet!
from whystinger :
Oooooh, I remember something like that soooo. I wish I would have written down all the weird shit she did and we went through when she was ill and kept (everyone did actually) convincing me nothing was wrong. If I wrote it down, I would have a very funny, but sad bestseller... probably would have been a good retirement! I also remember taking her for help twice. First time, I had to lie to get her in. I told her we were going to see if we were a candidate for marriage counseling(long story for a note). The intake nurse who interviewed us pulled me aside and said "you guys don't need marriage counseling, I think you wife is suffering from severe depression." We got a referral and she refused to go. I dragged her kicking and screaming to the psychiatrist. I realized that I had to take her or I would not survive - I started thinking of suicide. What an ordeal. I punched the wall several times, creating lots of drywall repairs...
from whystinger :
Thanks for the note. I normally don't have these problems, but have developed them since my marriage, twelve years ago... Most likely "trained" by my wife's severe depression that hit her about a month after we were married. I am learning how to put things back into perspective... I will try to write more later. Thanks again for the note.
from strawberrri :
eeeeek how big is that spider, cos it looks kind of tarantula-ish?!
from fan4 :
Yes, the Unconscious Mutterings prompts are fun. I'm not sure what happened to Monday Madness though
from strawberrri :
jagermeister is...herby. i can just about cope with a jagerbull though :D i think i am going to inflict rose wine on him next time (he is an utter lightweight which is amusing!).
from strawberrri :
oh it was a success i think. i wore a lovely summery skirt and top though it wasn't warm enough to take my cardigan off all day! he definitely likes me as he has invited me over for dinner tonight, but i am going to have to make him wait a bit longer as i'm going out with a friend! think i'll have to write all this up later.
from strawberrri :
hey :) yes i hate it when it's too hot (not that that's an often occurrence in this country). unfortunately my workplace is very warm already and we have to have all the windows open and several fans on (had blissful aircon in my last place) so i dread to think what it'll be like in a couple of months...
from poolagirl :
I have added you too! Love your wisdom and your soul.
from forty-plus :
What a creep Mr. Trouble is! I hope your blackberries can recover.
from forty-plus :
Thank you for adding me to your reading list. I am so looking forward to learning more about you!
from strawberrri :
hey :) happy epiphany to you too!
from fan4 :
I don't like Winter. That season is too cold for me. My favorite season is Spring.
from fan4 :
I'm glad you were able to get treated for your kidney infection.
from candoor :
and still it turns me on... thank you for still being here and inspiring positivity :)
from candoor :
a grand life is a grand thing to know and live :)
from cavecanem :
from torchstar :

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