
of joy & of heartbreak. of too many things.

My favorite diaries:

neuroticaa profile - diary
comments: "You better stop what you're doing, honey, lock yourself into some groove of routine if that's the only way you can get things done. Our patience is wearing thin. The world eats people like you for breakfast."
mandywarhol profile - diary
comments: "I don't think one should have a philosophy."
fadedxme profile - diary
comments: "The sky's painted a whole bunch of colors that shouldn't be there..."
the-accident profile - diary
comments: "I want to be special in that barbed wire kind of way."
what---if profile - diary
comments: "That was the whole purpose of the place. To think. The 'Hell' of it was that...whatever you finally remembered that was important in couldn't do anything about..."
itsdorkrock profile - diary
comments: "There's so much destruction and it's still not enough. I will tear down the world before anything becomes enough."
themurderof profile - diary
comments: "And their bodies were writing you letters on the ground...'Have you seen them shooting across the sky like stars?'"
killingjar profile - diary
comments: "I think fate owes me a down payment now; it's deserved."
blackout- profile - diary
comments: "But now I think I understand that the risks we take are the only thing that keep us out of our cocoons. I've been alive all this time, just pretending to be dead."
miseryfire profile - diary
comments: "Forgotten by those that said would remember me. Quiet when the world seems to scream."
ms-bormann profile - diary
aperfectmap profile - diary
comments: "some of the things that i used to think were beautiful now seem immeasurably plain"
absurniverse profile - diary

My favorite music:

Florence + The Machine
The Format
Mumford & Sons

My favorite movies:

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

My favorite authors:

Ray Bardbury
comments: Fahrenheit 451. Dandelion Wine. The Illustrated Man.
Daniel Handler
comments: Adverbs. The Basic Eight. Watch Your Mouth.
Neil Gaiman
comments: American Gods. Good Omens. Stardust.
Kurt Vonnegut
comments: Cat's Cradle. Slaughterhouse Five.
Tim O'Brien
comments: The Things They Carried. Tomcat in Love.

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last updated: 2017-03-10 19:29:52
this user's total entries: 328
user since: 2003-06-16

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