Not for people under the age of 18!

Portions of this diary contain explicit sex.

My favorite diaries:

whereisanna profile - diary
comments: lost and beautiful, now gone forever
floorplay profile - diary
comments: likes whispering late at night
palepurple profile - diary
comments: the only kind worth knowing
broken-dyke profile - diary
comments: wounds wont seem to heal
dykeinside profile - diary
comments: even if it hurts
wigglestick profile - diary
comments: society is looking down on her
glassboxgurl profile - diary
comments: girl in the glass box
lily-white profile - diary
comments: hints and allegations
iamlearning profile - diary
comments: either learn or leave
violentskies profile - diary
comments: red on black
katherine001 profile - diary
comments: in case of the end
saranade profile - diary
comments: strawberry gashes
lostunfound profile - diary
comments: no one knows
got-crush profile - diary
comments: just another great story
preshusthorn profile - diary
comments: and it goes something like this...

My favorite music:

liz phair
comments: exile in guyville
barbara manning
comments: being cheated
tori amos
comments: little earthquakes
vienna teng
comments: warm strangers
comments: back in black

My favorite movies:

lost and delirious
virgin suicides
fried green tomatoes

My favorite authors:

nancy garden
bett williams
paula boock
julie anne peters
dr. suess

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diaries which list babysmacks as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-09-03 22:48:05
this user's total entries: 412
user since: 2002-11-19

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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