blewyouakiss's Diaryland Diary


Dreams and Hurt Feelings

P.S. I had a dream about Gary last night. I was at some party with Porche, Stephen (and Meghan), Tasha, Kevin, Jarret, and a few other people. But like all the seniors from last year were there and it was at Kent Stark. Alexis, Lauren, Gary, and couple of other people were hanging out together and I saw Gary looking at me. We walked up to each other and we said hi and stuff. I reached out to hold his hand and I told him I loved him or something. And he had that familliar "I love you but you hurt me" look in his face. We kissed. It was like how kissing him always had been. Soft, slow... Calming. But after we kissed he disappeared.

Dreams can be horrible things. He looked so amazing and he was soo nice in it.

I miss him. As a friend.. or just his presence. I miss the good times.

But I try not to spend too much time dwelling on that because I know that we've both changed and he is no longer amazing looking nor nice. He is no longer comforting... nor familliar.

I can't even remember how he kissed.

I think I'm well on my way to recovery. This is just a low hurting point. They are occuring less and further apart. That's a good thing.

I'm afraid I might see him soon. He will be on spring break next week.

Shit I just realized that I go on spring break for Kent next week and I already e-mailed my teachers telling them I'd turn shit on Monday. Haha, whoops.

Anyway, I just have this feeling that I am going to run into him somewhere. I hate that feeling. And I want it to go away.

Well.. I'm gonna gt a shower or do homework... something.

Call me.


**Don't forget to read the previous entry to learn about my tongue ordeal**

OMG I have to sneeze sooo bad!

10:35 a.m. - 2002-03-21


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