Here is a list of princessreva's favourite diary entries by other members:
I am in love by wifemotherme comment:   now THAT'S love:) "The Count of the Flies", by William Dumas by ssgtsocrates comment:   how to think on your toes when being used... this is hilarious! a good one:) She'll never be 3 again by scoobertdoo comment:   it is really shocking what a child can pick up.... Perspective -Submission by Phoebe Caprona by september911 comment:   from the great Phoebe. good stuff. This is how p5 writes when sick. by girls-suck comment:   hee-hee. Mutant coconuts. I Come Bearing Trashy Talk Show Entry by phoenixchild comment:   from one of the funniest ladies on D*Land, comes one of the funniest entries Food. Bah. by itsmylife comment:   this is so friggin funny... I'm goona try it! Profits and loss, sorrow and hope by widower comment:   the message? get out there and live. the messenger? someone who knows. Arizona in July by edensgarden comment:   I'm going there. I'm going to meet her and I'm going to see what she sees! I'm so glad it's beautiful there:) Brave Enough For Love by ms-lemony comment:   I love jane Eyre and this is the sweetest part!! A Walk To Remember by spacemuppet comment:   i'm so glad he decided to share this day:) describe peaceful by scoobertdoo comment:   a little peace time never hurt anybody... I like to hear that it happens now and then. Because by libbyo comment:   because every day has wowzas and miracles. I love people that can see the little things! go make some of your own:)
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by princessreva as a favourite:
princessreva has 2 entries listed by spacemuppet as favourites princessreva has 1 entries listed by ms-lemony as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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