messages to ambershine:
(click here to add new message):

from randh :
AWESOME. I still love you and I was wondering where the hell you went. I LOVE YOU.
from ambershine :
just testing as someone couldn't seem to leave a note before
from nimfalas :
Yay, someone left me a note. Heh.. use: friend p: mellon. Tis now free to visit. :)
from buffylass :
Thankyou! Sorry about the viewing, it only works properly in 1024x768, due to all the layers and crap. I shall add you to my list right now.
from pastagirl :
You're welcome for adding you, found you through a banner and found your diary pretty interesting. I like the new design, Angelina Jolie is HOT!
from maaikeb :
hey, that's weird, I tries to leave a guestbook message but nothing showed up. Anyway, wanted to say that I like your diary, a lot of similarities, it seems. You're a new favorite. bye.
from uridium15 :
you know, it's pretty crazy. i saw your banner (which by the way was hard to understand with the wonky letters at different angles) and i thought to myself that you're definitely one of these old-school dlanders who've been on here since genesis, but to my shock you're not. serious shock. anyway, how is everything? i've got nothing to say but i feel like leaving a long, rambley note to someone, so you're being victimized. ain't it good to know? probably not. I'M A LITTLE TEAPOT SHORT AND STOUT. not really. have a nice night.
from dvlsdisguise :
Why do we sound so similiar?? Overweight, 19, birthdays in December... we're like twinkies seperated from the package. :)
from lifeasme66 :
Hi there! Just wanted to say thank you for visiting and adding me as a favorite! I like your diary. And wow, you have a hummingbird tattoo on your lower back? That is EXACTLY what I wanted and where I wanted it, how cool! **HUGS!!**
from weymouth66 :
Hi! Just surfed onto your diary via your 'amber shine' banner. I LOVE it and will defo be coming back to read more. Take care, love Jess xx
from where-i-fall :
Hi, I'm my usual self. Sounds as if you're doing well in life though, what with a job and going to uni. Try not to worry about the weight thing too much. The less you worry about it, the more you'll lose I think. Have fun at work.

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