messages to belmonaut:
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from ritsuko-san :
By mere coincidence, that is how i found your diary. An interesting entry was the last one you wrote. Getting out of trouble isn't such an easy task, but dammit, you are lucky indeed. Farewell.
from gye :
hey i think you ar ereally original and love reading your stories mate. keep up the good work
from thegrapevine :
Couldn't care less about either Simpson, totally agree with most of what you said...disagree about Kerry being better - they both suck. I liked the rant, though.
from themandikat :
I like your diary. Really. It's well made, and honest. And the layout is original, which adds.. oh, let's say... 100000 points. There. But I mean, a point is like a yen, so that should... nevermind. Anyway, well done.
from betchy :
wow, i loved that entry you just wrote about "the simpsons", i hate the both of them with a passion, and everything you wrote in that entry was so right! yay you! great entry.
from tiphane :
I love you.
from tiphane :
That's so gracious of you, your last post (8/31). I doubt I would have had the strength to do something like that. It feels so good to vent, but once it's done it's hard to take back. Whatever anyone says about you, you're a good person. Regardless of what "horrible" things you may have done, that fact doesn't change. In some ways, you're stronger than I am.
from tiphane :
Wow, I read your bday entry today. It's very interested. Here's what I'm thinking: you seem to expect that every person is able to spend every moment of the day reveling in the fact that they're alive. This is not so. Life is a process, and it's what you make of it. It is a series of events that make you you, and how you perceive these events, reacte to them, and go about your day to day activities, and they all tie in together. You remember odd little things, things that keep coming back to you. However trivial they may seem, those little things are a part of you. Think about a person you love or have loved, think of the things you love about them. It's not going to be "the way she was so THERE and always LIVING". No, it's going to be "the way she laughed...the crappy jokes she liked...the horrible habits she had that were so annoying and so endearing at the same time..." The little things that make up the whole person. You are going in circles. EVERYTHING in this universe goes in circles, but you're not standing still. You're recognizing the patterns in your life and making of them what you will.
from emperorincxt :
Capn Kangaroo got my attention.. so im leaving you a note. youre funny. heh. that is all.
from madam-rose :
hmmm interesting site. I am sorry I can't get u to see them. As I am no where near there and dont have any connections. Good luck though.
from dalyrical1 :
we are a lot and that sad or a good thing?
from haberdasher :
i grew up with three of the dorks in boxer. i had no idea people really liked them... weird. i was in the first band they were in. now they are in the lot six. i am solo. you are the only person to list boxer as a favorite. nobody's perfect.
from soulsurvivor :
back for seconds....
from overthought :
new words......=)
from jackrabbit :
grand royal shut it's doors recently...that means online fire sale soon!!!!! atdi hoodies for like $5...crazy crazy crazy!!!!!!!
from belmonaut :
These are my notes. If you got any, leave them here

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