messages to dree1128:
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from ljo83 :
Andrea, Hey lady! It's Lacey..remember me from Dreamangelxo?? I haven't been on here forever but I created a new user name and started reading all you guys's entries that I've missed out on!! Anyways, just wanted to say HI and it's good to hear you're doing so well! Lacey
from linnyeg :
CONGRATULATIONS!! must feel so great. you rock!
from linnyeg :
i still read it.
from amusedcourt :
Andrea! I can't tell you how much I loved getting a note from you. I have seriously always felt like I knew you more than I actually did...maybe because you were so close to Kyle or maybe because I could see myself in the exact same positions as you or maybe just because I liked you immediatly after the first time we really talked, but whatever it was, I liked you and I thought of you as a much so that whenever you would write about something exciting I would be happy for you. Whenever you would right about something crappy happening I would be sad for you. And whenever anyone hurt you I would be PISSED at them (those Jerks!) You are a freakin' amazing girl, and don't ever change who you are. And of course you are invited to the wedding! It's on New Year's Eve (Dec. 31) 2004. Woo! Ohhhhh.....and I just realized you also remind me of my little sister, A LOT. (That is a good thing)
from linnyeg :
I was just wondering when it generally falls in the US cause im hoping to go to California around the beginning of March and i was wondering if there would be crazy lots of ppl there! Thanx hun.
from linnyeg :
Hey can you please let me know when your spring break is?
from collegeboy :
Yeah. Lovely Bones was so damned good I read it in six hours one night. Finished at four in the morning. Then I lent it to a friend. HE read it in one sitting, too. It's so ridiculously good.
from linnyeg :
YAY you're back!! WOO!
from linnyeg :
IM GONNA MISS YOU!!! (im sure Tawnya will too...) come back please!
from linnyeg :
oh hun... everything WILL be ok.
from pink-sparkle :
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA its soo funny because its true! man lindsay you read my mind, i was just coming here to ask her how she met her new boy too! AWWWW i hope everything works out hun, cause you deserve it! *haha its sad, because i feel like i know you...*..
from linnyeg :
HAHA yeah you probably thought i was a big freak when you saw that i had a dream w/ you in it! Me and Tawnya (pink-sparkle) have little conversations about you every once in awhile, it's funny cause since we both read your journal it's almost like we actually know you, and we talk about whats going on! (ok, so now you REALLY think im a freak!) ttyl hun
from linnyeg :
hey how did you meet your boy?? im all curious!
from girl101 :
you have loads of good taste. as the image on yr pages started loading, i read 'sing it back' and i started singing jimmy eat world and wa-la! there it is. and isnt chris carraba wonderful? yr diary is pretty. xxo.
from smilingme :
Your layout is absolutely beautiful and you write very well. I was so into your entry, that I didn't even hear my doorbell ring. heh. Keep it up Drea!
from pheonix112 :
I'm sorry about Justin. I am kind of going through the same thing and it fucking sucks! So, I guess I know how you feel. Hang in there.

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