messages to fremenchild:
(click here to add new message):

from malev :
Emily, I've tried to contact you but with little success. I was shocked to learn that you'd updated your diary somewhat recently; I was seriously considering the possibility of your untimely demise. Please email me. I miss you and want to if know you're okay. I never intended for us to drift so far out of touch. --Yours erstwhile, JML.
from pink-circle :
{Circle Invite} On behalf of the circle, I invite you to join our writer's group. I have noticed your shown interest in poetry/writing. If you are interested, please note back. :) ~Circle Counsil
from rkr :
please stop you're poetic head stops my photographs from developing. Developing plans. Developing plans. Don't stop your words though, hearts sing through them. Soul aches visit daily. Beautiful.
from elberry :
I'm in your older diaryring and came for a visit. "The past is a ghost of memory. All we have is now".
from dernhelm :
hey. I'm in your Dune diaryring, and wanted to tell you that I'm temporarily locking my diary; it'll be back up in the end of August. Please don't kick me out!
from broken-glass :
Please don't give up this diary, I've only just discovered you!
from freshiballz :
Hey, i was bored and reading stuff on diaryland, and you taste in music, movies, and books is GREAT!!!! i'd love to just chat with you so give me an IM on AIM (freshiballz) or you could email me at [email protected] LATER!!!!
from loonacy :
Didn't mean to imply that ALL people with allergies are attention-seeking whiners - I'm allergic to shellfish myself. However, the increase in vague, nebulous medical conditions such as undefined allergies and fatigue seems to have risen proportionately along with the increase in self-obsession. Just an observation on my part - no more, no less. But - you have much greater control over your health than you know. You ARE what you think. You ARE the energy you choose to put out and attract. It's always your choice in the end.
from ravenheart :
Thanks for checking out my webpage and diary! Yes I know, carrots are orange, the poll answers where more or less meant as a joke
from petrichor :
What do you mean by your view source doesn't work? Not at all works, it gives you an error when clicked on? Or it didn't work when you were trying to figure out the prev/next links? Or? Need details! Details!
from petrichor :
Ah, damnit, didn't work, should have seen that, I'll try to e-mail it then since you can't get view source to work.
from petrichor :
K, when you fix it, you better tell me too. Thanks. K, how to do the prev/next links: previous-------------next
from pianosa :
Hey, please put a prev. and next link somewhere. Please??? Please? It looks promising, but hell, I've only so much energy jumping back and forth. Please? Thank you lots.
from greyfillseye :
The sleeper must awaken!... hey, I like your writing style. As for my style, well I'm still looking for that.

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