messages to fungal-nail:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
What kind embroidery do you do? Surface? (And while you're at it, post a pic of your cat!)
from jimbostaxi :
We have a Cavapoo and I was shocked to see how tiny she was after her fur got trimmed. Lol
from jimbostaxi :
That's a lot of fluff! :)
from portlypete :
The Queen will be a hard act to follow. The Charles and Diana thing was a disaster even before the get-go. It should never have been allowed to happen and the press / media in general have a lot to answer for too. I’m not sure how much now brioche I can take. Do you make ciabatta -that’s quite challenging.
from portlypete :
I enjoyed your latest hard-hitting post on brioche rolls. Also, your note. I think the modern generation is not used to ice on the inside of their windows and can’t cope with a few hot days without rushing out to fight tooth and nail over the last, hugely expensive, Dys0n fan. I opened some windows (on the non-sunny side - job done. Slept like a baby (I.e. waking every two hours -not really).
from portlypete :
Yesterday, someone I barely know packed up her car and headed over to Ukraine. Friends and friends of friends all donated stuff- sleeping bags and medical supplies; a few toys. The UK government is being totally pathetic. I can only wish your friends out there the very best of luck.
from portlypete :
Hi,I recently posted that I am leaving DiaryLand and, guess what, I am still lurking beneath the covers because, although most of the people I used to chat with are either dead, or otherwise no longer posting, I can't keep away and have now discovered new interesting people here (I include you) so beware. :-) BTW, I think I have fungal-nail on both big toes. :-(
from echoman :
Dland is absolutely a first love. I'm glad you feel the same way about it. And I'm so happy it brought us together - and that we stuck together. :)
from papotheclown :
No, I am a real clown. I swear it.
from echoman :
I almost never post anymore, but I still check in on my friends list every few months. Almost nobody updates anymore, although it's still fun and heartening to look, and get a fun little inside-smile when you see a red name w/ a new post. I still follow tons of d-land folks on Facebook (and have gone on to meet tons of them in real life over the years), but there's always going to be something special, magical, and sort of gloriously hidden about D-land and this space, you know? And hey, if they want the cat face and want to give you pounds sterling to create it for them? I say run with that.
from dangerspouse :
I'm sorry Poopy's gone. But welcome back to you! Next time bring Adam West again, though.
from echoman :
I think that's the prime reason I keep coming back to d-land, even if it is sporadically. It's a place where I can go on and on about petty things, or repetitive things, or wallow or vent or whatever and then be done with it and get on getting on. It's a repository for me, the one place in the world I'm writing for myself, if that makes any sense. It's so comforting to know it's there when I need it.
from apatheticq :
you should email me at the gmail. euqton backwards. @ the last word in the previous line. not needed, but a lot of fun.
from apatheticq :
from oiweirdkid :
There is a difference between clementines, satsumas and tangerines?! I wonder what it is. Your guestbook has died. Happy new year, Noodle.
from prissypants- :
Hello. You might not remember me... we used to read each others diaries a few years ago before I got boring and lazy. You apparently *haven't* got boring and lazy. Which is fantastic! :) I'll enjoy catching up. :) From Kat (grrrl way back when) (
from glistenen :
*harasses all those who don't like chai*
from chondroma :
chai. eeewwwwwww.
from chondroma :
hey you. yeah you. remember me?
from fluffykatt :
You poof, I am not Canadian. Yeah, um, I had something important to say. Oh yeah, my heart is still with Crispin; wherever the poor soul may be.
from psycho-chibi :
How odd. I never thought 11 to be such an interesting number until you mentioned it. Now that I think about it, 11 is quite good. You do realize though, that now you've told me this, the next time you check your buddy list I will not have updated 11 hours ago. It is Murphy's Law. The bugger should have been shot.
from fluffykatt :
Crusty...I haven't used the word in ages. I've been brainwashed by evil preppies. It's time for me to raid my school with my rabid guinea pigs and laugh at the government. I am a shirt ninja! Shirt ninjas are awesome, you should really try it...juss kinda pull the back part of a sweater right near your neck up to your eyebrows and then wrap the arms around your face so only your eyes show and...whanana! That description really didn't make much sense O_o
from fluffykatt :
Screw the tofu, it was all about the crust! I binged on muffins and things of the such...bad me.
from fluffykatt :
Guess who's back? Everyone's favorite katt! Muahaha...and for good this time...FOR GOOD! Nyeh.
from echoman :
nine in a pond is here.
from oiweirdkid :
I was writing enough for both of us to cover your absence. Sadly it was all crap but I tried. Now can I go back to watching He-man?
from oiweirdkid :
My coosines never talk to me unless i ply them with fizzy drinks or confiscate their mobile phones. Maybe your coosine has just reached the inevitable revelation that fashion has moved on a season and you are now "cool"?
from oiweirdkid :
Well I need a haircut so my head is prime for running over with a lawnmower...
from glistenen :
BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL, I DEMAND THAT YOU GET A NEW GUESTBOOK, NAMELY ONE THAT WORKS!!! works, but you can't leave replies to your entries there. And I don't understand why people hate I think it's fine. Anyway. BLAH.
from oiweirdkid :
I dislike guestbooks that don't work. However, I do like He-man whom I have been watching. I saw someone i knew on quesyion of sport. Tis much of the scariness
from glistenen :
I HATE your stupid ass GBook! It hardly works for me! *fumes*
from echoman :
I'm waiting for a package from the UK. Why is international mail so slow? Woogawook.
from futility :
you really shouldnae encourage me in my tales of pikey woe, I'll just harp on about them even more
from futility :
yay you're happy :) scotchland is great i like it there ;)
from futility :
i think they shut at 2am, they were all open at midnight when i got home from work last night, urrgh! *AVOID* ;)
from futility :
Are you "person" who got 66%?? If so, WOW.. I got 10% and I'm me(!) If you want another piccy on your wall this is what I look like: :)
from kaelyca :
i'm spying on you.
from futility :
Well if you ever got that shop, can I have a job? ;)
from futility :
I remember I went to a class-mates birthday party when I was about 6 years of age. I was so I excited I started jumping and dancing around, and then I actually did throw up hehehe... SO remember there is truth behind the pudding, or summin?
from futility :
HMV is my new home, I stood and watched Shrek there the other day for an hour, do they let you eat popcorn in there? Next time I'm taking my sleeping bag and a disco mirror ball.. ciao....
from futility :
I hate "consignia" or "royal mail the wankers" as I call em, I ordered summin from amazon 2 weeks ago, and it has been sent, where the hell is it eh? Not to mention two sets of gig tickets that I cannot get a refund for as they have been "sent" to the best of their knowledge... A vintage dress an LP and a whole host of gubbins... Yes I'll shut up now!
from grrrl :
from lejt :
I like your diary....its very cool :) And the layout is wicked! I've left my url up there, but you can't get to it, cos there's a password, but I'd be quite happy to give it to you if you like....anyway, take care of yourself, keep writing!! Lois xx
from pixgrrl :
yo, where have you gone? [runs off into distance] noooooooooooooooooooo!
from zairaa :
no more fungal-nail diary for sarah? =/ i left you voicemail! i hoped it would cheer you up. i go now.
from pischina :
Oooh Fungal, I have been looking for MY Pooh book, and I have found two, but they are the wrong ones. So I have declared today "Clean your room day" and both kids are chained to their beds now where they will stay until my special Pooh book has been found! BWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!!!!!!!!! Then I can read you special Pooh Poems. Do not worry, I have not forgotten!
from zerom3ph :
i'd give you my shoes, but they're new shoes. instead i'll give u my mushu's...oink...oink
from glistenen :
Provoke? Hey there, all I said was that we had a great stable stalker/stalkee relationship and everything went to hell! However, looking back on the entire situation, I would have to say that it was all just a misunderstanding and that you just need to come to terms with the fact that your well being is in constant danger of being stalked by myself! And that's all there is to it. (But could we have an arguement anyways... cuz I think that would be fun.)
from zerom3ph :
i'm wearing my happy noodle boy t-shirt today. abort? retry? fail?
from glistenen :
I am OFFENDED by your apparant lack of stability. My stalkingness should be though of by you as a constant thing. I breath, think, feel (in a non sexual, metaphysical sense, of course), see, hear, eat, smell, and SPEAK to you at all times. Our relationship is that of an obsessive type fly who buzzes ceaselessly around a big beefy hamburger. (Not to insinuate that YOU are big and beefy... or that I'm a fly.) I feel a constant presence of FUNGUS in my life. It scares even myself. Nothing could tear my 800 eyes away from your words... As for there being another Stalkee... well. That is just nonsense. I wouldn't possibly have any time to care for, love and cherish another Diarylander, the way I do you. There may be some runner-ups, but none that match, THE ONE... THE ONLY... STALKEE!!! Understood? Goodness. Have a little more faith in your stalker, woman! I'll come through for you, always. I'll always be there, buzzing around, driving you slowly mad. Hahahaha!!! Why? Do you have another STALKER I should know about? Heh? Is THAT what this is all about? You don't get enough stalkingness from MEEE, you need to get fulfilled someplace else? Going around, getting cheap stalkers behind my back? Oh, HOW COULD YOU? I knew it was too good to be true. Ahhhhhh!
from glistenen :
Isn't it great how we can go for days with no contact, but you still have the assurance that I haven't stopped stalking you? Because we are just STABLE like that. I good stable stalker-stalkee relationship. It's one to be envied by many generations to come. We'll be an example to all lunatics and obsessive peoples of the planet! Hey, we're making history here.
from glaze :
Well, I *finally* talked to you, yay! Anyway, right now I'm mad since someone had stolen my html code. But its soooo funny since the person actually pasted my COUNTER code on the page, so I got HER hits, HAHAHAHA. Isnt that the funniest thing? I mean, why would anyone copy my counter code. Anyway, thats the funny thing for the day. Hopefully we'll all be happy. See, from here :( to here :| to here :) and finally to here! :D I knew you can do it! Dont worry, if you ever need anyone to go through those crazy emotions, theres me, heeeheee :P
from clarify :
I love your diary! :o) You don't seem happy latly. I hope you feel better. I always go to your page to laugh and feel good. You are realy intresting.
from glistenen :
I just got to a computer where I can read your diary! Yip-yip! Now I may stalk you to the best of my ability. I just realized that the hair on my arms is getting darker. Ewww. I'm turning into a gorilla-woman! Help!
from apatheticq :
i like your diary more than steamed carrots!
from karina :
my my girl, you do seem to have so many friends and admirers in here...will my little contribution go unnoticed, I wonder? no matter, I just wanted to tell you that your layout is beautiful, as are your words. see ya! ~K
from glistenen :
I'm so glad to hear that you've already had run-ins with the law. Well, if you could call it that. I'm tired. I think I shall try to sleep on one of the skanky couches in the breakroom whilst I'm on lunch. *yawn* I'm updating again finally. Yee haw.
from glistenen :
Okay. I've got to make a commitment here to call your voicemail TODAY!!! Oh, wait. Wait, wait WAIT!!! I know what you're up to, my little Stalkee. Oh YES I DO!!! This will give you a chance to have a recording of my voice so that you can identify me and have Scotland Yard take me away to have nothing but tea with lemon for the rest of my live-long days? It that what this is all about? I knew it! It's a conspiracy against my evil stalkingness! How dare you! Ahhhh! Now I must leave a message!
from glistenen :
My lovin' (said in really freaky wierd voice) will never be erased!!! I am victorious!!! I'm still thinking about leaving you a voicemail. I try not to think about it too long because I'm the laziest stalker ever, and I can't think that long. I don't get off work for another hour and 58 minutes. Double time and a half, baybee! Yeah!
from virgincherry :
I love your diary. Tori rocks.
from glistenen :
I'm going through Fungus withdrawels (sp?). Seriously You know what else? This box is on crack, it's like letting me keep typing and typing on one line. Ewww, I don't like it. Yeah, but seriously, my computer broke and it seems that all the other ones I'm able to use don't like your diary. I CAN go to the source of your site and read it that way, but it sucks, man. AHHHHHHH!!! I can't live without my FUNGUS fix!
from pischina :
Oh Fungal, you ARE so eloquent, and you just said in your entry exactly what I had wanted to say. Thank you for saying it so much better than I, as usual. :-) I do love you so much.
from glistenen :
Yipee! Fungus has VOICEMAIL!!! I think I shall curl up and die. Now I can leave spooky messages to you and scare you even more! You'll be afraid to sleep at night, because I might sneak up on your voicemail and go... "BOO!"
from glistenen :
My poor, poor Fungus. The game does LOOK pretty nifty, with it's 3D sticker-type thing on the little grey box doohickey. Well, I don't know if they have the same decor on the British games. I bet Link is sipping a cup of tea and eating strawberry tarts. With Lon Lon milk, of course. It's very nutritious!
from glistenen :
Stop being sad or...or... I'll have to beat yer arse! Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy joy... Do you watch Ren and Stimpy? Focus on... Zelda. Let Zelda be your guide. I haven't been playing it lately so that I can be more like you. The more like the Fungus I am, the more we are "one" and the more I can truly stalk you.
from glistenen :
I had an early shift today. I'm tired. Fungus is my favoritest stalkee ever! Wait. My ONLY stalkee ever! Yip-yip. I wanted to ask you if you ever got the rest of the Golden Skulltulas??? I think the guy gives you a huge mofo of a wallet or something. Lemme go ask my brother.... umm, he's at school. Rotten bastard. Bored, bored, bored... *stares at screen with a manic look on her face*
from glistenen :
French is the coolest language. If it wasn't for the FRENCH... *ahem* Actually, I don't hate all French peoples. Just this one customer I just had just now. He talks all cool-like. I just don't like what he's saying. *Ahhhh* Zelda will be there for Fungus soon! Yeah! It's going to make you crazy, just like it has made me crazy. You'll have a lot more lovely masks to play with. Woowoo for you! Wouldn't that be cool if they made every game a little different, so there were no game was exactly the same and there could be no guides to it? I'm a mad watch, that's for sure.
from harbinger :
woah woah woah katalicious...your analyzer is like soooo happy. it has tons of friends in it. well i am glad to be adding myself to the bunch yet again. you are the bestest!
from apatheticq :
This is my poem called Silence. - " . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. ... . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. " - It's a work in progress...
from apatheticq :
a what?
from apatheticq :
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade, piss in it, and give it to your enemies.
from bunni :
Hey there fungal! I love your diary and you! (In that diarylander type way of course!) You've got one of the beste(est) diaries around! I read you at least, every other day! (Friendly) Hugs and kisses, *teehee*
from pischina :
OOh, Little Ray was SO SEXY in that dance! He is HOT, oh yes he is!!!
from glistenen :
As I bit into the nectarine, it had a crisp juicyness about it that was most pleasurable, until I realized that it wasn't a nectarine at all, but A HUMAN HEAD!!!! (My sisters fave quote)
from glistenen :
I'm deliriously happy. How about I kick Mavis' heinie for you? Then you could say, "It wasn't me, it wasn't me! It was my psycho stalker whos actions I am not responsible!" The only problem I see is how to get across the country and across the big blue ocean. Oh, and the whole, kick hienie thing. I'm a wuss. So I'd probably just go up to her and make a lot of really cool impersonated Jackie Chan moves and scare her out of her mind.
from glistenen :
I made an ill-fungus laugh! I could die happy right now. If that is your kind of humour you'd LOVE Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey. I get stitches when I read him.
from glistenen :
Poor sick fungus. I will send you some medicine. I'm a total witch doctor. Voodoo!
from glistenen :
So happy, so happy, so happy.... Did I mention I was happy? Sorry not to be stalking you yesterday. You thought you got rid of me, eh? BTW, I haven't been playing Zelda lately, I haven't had time. I miss my Link! Hope you get it soon so we can and go out of our wits writing about it all day and scare people.
from sambot :
Bumblebee tuna to you. On the subject of Q, I must say "bygons". Thanks for analyzering me, that was so cool of you. I love your diary. I haven't gotten around to reading much of it, but you have a cool writing style and "Fungal-nail" is enough to get me hooked. -S
from indigotide :
Kat! I can't believe how gorgeous your writing is getting! I love your blogger too--did I already tell you that? I forget...oops...Yeah, I think I should look into plane tickets for your wedding (lol)! hmmm...these analySers are so fun--the comments popping up right away is so gratifying! Instant! (Yep, my only problem w/ I'm blabbing, aren't I? I just wanted to send my praise--gush, gush, gush...
from glistenen :
Hmmm. Yes. Truly interesting. *rubs her chin thoughtfully* I SEE... eggs are... good. Yes. Isn't that ironic, that you have fetus chickens *and* chickens all conveniently cooked together in a single delicious dish?
from glistenen :
FIRST call of the day is DEAD AIR! Nobody there! This is going to be a good day.
from pischina :
Hey, Q only wrote short things in *our* AnalySers, but LOOOOOONG things in everyone else's AnalySers, do you think he likes us less? Or perhaps we scare him? And you were in need of another hug earlier, so here I am, (((HUGHUGLOVEHUGHUG)))
from glaze :
This is a nice little program.. except I dont ever use diaryland.. all I like is to design.. Anyway.. just telling you that I still go through your sites.. your designs are getting better and better, and so is your writing :)
from glistenen :
I just emailed you. Woowoo! It was too long to put here... Anyhoodle, that "I'm a Child of the Eighties" thing is totally spiffy. I-I-I wanna put it on my diary too. HEY! Why can't you find cool stuff like that for me and I can use it instead of you, so I'm not a copycat. I remember those jean-poofy-skirts and cut off lace gloves too!
from glistenen :
Omigod! Did it happen again??? Ack!!!
from glistenen :
How about I send you a bunch of funny customer situations, and you can recreate them and say they are your own?? Yee haw! No one will ever know. (Unless they read this thing)
from glistenen :
People who talk to recordings when they're waiting on hold for customer service are funny. "Thank you for holding. A customer service representative will be with you shortly." And the customer pipes up, "OKAY! I'll wait! Bye." Yeah, WIERDO! They can't hear you!
from glistenen :
Woowoo! I'm so MYSTERIOUS! I'm so happy that I'm still allowed to stalk you. *laughs fiendishly*
from glistenen :
I just realized that I think I'm the only person who gets a compliment about being a noodle, and decides to stalk that person. Kids these days.
from impiwhirl :
Nak-ked Noodle, I've signed your guestbook but never your analyZer :(. Your guestbook is sooo much nicer then this shoddy old offence, but really, it puts some peoples diaries (like Fun-Gal Nail Nak-ked Noodle) to complete's a shame we can't choose our own colours *pouts*. Anyway.. hi there :)) I love your diary and I read it everyday, more then once obviously, but you know that, hopefuslly... and thank ewe muchly four keeping it English. *hugs* Maria xxx
from glistenen :
So, let me get this straight: Your 'puter is smart enough to populate your name automatically, but it takes how many hours to download a programme? Hee. I just realized that that might sound mean. It's okay, because I don't even HAVE a computer. *covers her face with her hands*
from glistenen :
FINE! *pouts* WHAT are you downloading that is taking soooo long? I wish I could stay up that late... but then I wouldn't be able to stalk you to the best of my ability.
from glistenen :
I don't know what it is with that word, it's just so, NEAT! I don't know. It's right up there with "mate" and "wanker". Eww, did I just cuss in English? Hehehe. Bloody hell. (I'm tired. It's 7:30 and I'm ready for bed)
from glistenen :
Hehe. You said bloke AGAIN!!! Bloke Bloke Bloke!
from glistenen :
Hehe. You said bloke. Hehe. BLOKE BLOKE BLOKE BLOKE BLOKE!!!
from glistenen :
Oh, now you're (your) getting into that whole, IT'S *blah* HERE, HOW 'BOUT THERE? Are ya? Well, it's 6:11 here now, and I bet you can go look at your time zone chart that you keep handy now and see exactly where I am! But, I have foiled your evil plot! Unbeknownst to you, it's the same time ALL OVER ARIZONA!!! Mwa-ha-ha! *Okay, I'm certifiably wierd*
from glistenen :
Do NOT type to me when you have mui bad headaches! You will not be able to be properly "stalked". That is no fun. Plus, it makes me feel guilty for stalking so fervently someone who is drugged up on Exedrin. Wait. Do the English believe in over the counter drugs?
from glistenen :
Headaches=bad Zelda=good I just finally read all that horsey and sock-o doohickie stuff. *chuckles* I would never have gone there without a referral from the fungus!
from frozensoul :
Ooh ooh! I loved the underwater fishy trip in Snake, too! And I remember the "aaaaaaahhhh..." too, it was really annoying. :) I never got too far in Shadowgate, I was so young when one Nintendo magazine gave it to me. And now I don't even the have the console anymore! *sob* That skeleton who showed up when you died really freaked me out. And it took me a long time to realize that letting your torch die would mean an instant death! *eek* Remember that horrible music that started to play when the torch was about to die? *eeeeek*
from glistenen :
Of COURSE I'm rubbing it in! I'm into cheap thrills and chills, and I must get attention any way possible. Mwahaha! (Actually, I'm getting sort of frustrated with the game, and I give up a few times a day now) Are you SURE you didn't get it? Maybe it's just like your funky English electrical outlets. You prolly have different Nintendo 64's too for all I know. I bet my American game wasn't compatible with your English hardware. Or, the game just didn't like you.
from artsykelly :
if i ever jump across the pond again, i'll be sure to visit. smiles*kelly
from glistenen :
Of course this counts as stalking even though we don't know each other's real names or addresses. DUUUHHHH! Because we said so.
from glistenen :
Let us now dance, like children of the night! Laaaaaaaa! I'm stalking. *stalk, stalk*
from frozensoul :
I know, the last foot was a killer, even getting through the final ice level was horrible. I still remember the pain of climbing the final stairs and falling down all the time. :) Thanks for signing my analyzer thingy!
from ferokitty :
harry potter rocks my world. thank you that is all.
from mangoes :
You can come and sleep over at my place any time. I haven't been visiting long but have enjoyed the time I've spent with you. ...and I love your (relatively) new look.
from glistenen :
No, foolish mortal! You ARE books! That's what I was trying to say. Duhhhh. I know that whenever I complete a game I always feel empty somehow. I mean, all you GET are the stupid credits! C'mon! I want the longshot to come pop out of the "tube" so *I* can use it. Hya!
from glistenen :
I know your busy beating my Zelda game right now, but I just had to say just this one thing... YOU'RE BOOKS ARE MAJOR EUROPEAN LITERARY CRAP COMPARED TO HARRY POTTER! I'm sending them back, with those revealing pictures you also sent. Sick-o. Oh, wait. That wasn't you. (Sorry, sometimes I get my stalkees mixed up)
from ferokitty :
i do not have a mouth. that is why i type everything. have you ever heard me speak? no? thank you that is all.
from venita :
So this explains what you wrote on my analZyer thing-ma-do. The similarities are...shocking. :)
from glistenen :
I will mystically send you my copy of Zelda. My game is under "Sugar". My brother is "Wizard". So erase his. Hahahaha! *flips through the damp pages of books* They had to fly pretty far to get here, huh?
from fungal-nail :
I neeeeeeeeeed that game right now, GIVE ME THAT COPY NOW!!!! Gimme gimme, *gasps* I really, really NEED that game NEED NEED. here *throws books* take them, have them all..... except maybe Hogfather, oh who cares? Take them ALL, Just give me that GAME NOW!!!!!!!!!!
from glistenen :
I must curl up in a ball and die now because I've never heard of Terry-whatever-his-name-was. 'Cept, it's okay, cuz I asked somebody in the computer room here, and he gave me a little synopsis of the story or whatnot. How about I send you a copy of Majoras Mask, and you send me those books, eh? (This would also be a sneaky way for me to get ahold of other stalker materials I would need in order to horrify everyone to the best of my ability.) Fireworks? Bonfires? Well, we have a gobble gobble turkey day. So neener neener.
from glistenen :
Hey, we have Yellow Pages AND White Pages. Cuz we're cool like that. Stupid country? STUPID COUNTRY??? I **LIKE** pictures of England, man! Besides, any country that Harry Potter decides to live in is okay by me. And it like, rains there. I wish it would rain here.
from glistenen :
Yesss! Yess-yessss!!! Since you are thinking about making an official stalker plaque, you will have constant helpings of my stalkiness! In the first degree! I'll start looking up people with last name Nail, first Fungus in the international white pages... uh. Do they have white pages in England? Jeez, what a sucky stalker I'm turning out to be.
from glistenen :
I have been seriously neglecting my stalker duties of late. Did you think I forgot, or that I was going to stop mailing you obsessive-compulsivly? You DID!!! It was all a part of my sinister plot! In other news: I got the Biggorons Sword, and now I can kill those dern jumpy spiders with one swing. Yeaaawww! Hey, d'you know how to get a fifth bottle? I hold that almighty secret!
from i-am-unique :
you are great, keep it up.
from pischina :
Ohhh! See, Fungal? I am an html nincompoop!! I have fixed the error, and now I will send a gazzilion hits to your site! I most humbly apologize, for I think the world of you and site!
from zairaa :
all the happy love notes are gone... i cry!!! muchly!!! at anyrayte. yes. Zelda definately rocks my casbah... i think the criteria for my next boyfriend will be.... HE HAS TO BE JUST LIKE LINK!!! hee hee. men in tights. wait. no. frightening. <3 Sarah
from ferokitty :
Dearest fungal, I am writing to tell you that you are good. And the things that I wrote to tell you earlier are gone. That is sad. I played old school Zelda on my old school Nintendo [you know, the one from the 80's] yesterday. love, kit
from apatheticq :
fungal, FUN GAL! fungui, FUN GUY!
from pischina :
Wherefore art all our Lovin's??? (((LOVELOVELOVE))) for Fungal-Nail! The most thoughtful and loveable, and colOUrful, I wish she was my neighbOUr, and I'm honOUred to have her as a friend. (how's that?) :-)
from glistenen :
So, like I was saying before I was so RUDELY interupted... Umm, actually I can't remember what I was saying. Bah! I know it was SOMETHING silly and full of excitement, adventure, and DANGER!!! Actually, I'm just saying that because no one will EVER know, will they?
from glistenen :
If the silly thingy is REALLY broken for all time, I want to be the first person to leave Fungus a message. Well, it's my quota and responsibility anyway seeing as I'm her STALKER!!!

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