messages to karbonphyber:
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from fuckxthis :
fuck you.
from lisaannlm :
LOL, I got you. And being a girl, I'm not at all offended by your honesty rather I applaud it.
from lisaannlm :
Are we talking the crazy psycho girl??? Please, you don't need her, you can do better. Let her be the pussy's problem. ROFLMFAO, I guess you are a Leo, you really let your claws show on this entry, not that I mind.
from lisaannlm :
She reminds me more and more of the ex ("Yak yak yak, I got soooo drunk/high last night.") Maybe you ought to direct her to 3eb's "Tattoo Of The Sun." If that doesn't stop her incessant "speaking to everything," nothing will. "Bitch, I don't find your craziness attractive" LOL! Who would!!!! Maybe she needs Prozac. "I just read what I've written thus far and now I think I know why I don't feel bad! Wild how that worked out." Ask her this question: "What do you do to me to make me treat you so bad?" That;s from 3eb's Farther, and I think it's an appropriate and fitting question to ask. although it sounds to me like it's not YOU it's her. LOL!!! What's your astrological sign? I'm a Gemini. I'd bet that you are either a Gemini or a Libra (Air Signs) which totally explains why her chatter annoys you so. I get annoyed too by mindless chatter. However, when i read your blog, I am totally into what you say.
from lisaannlm :
Your latest entry pulled me in immediately. At first I was like, "Oh no you didn't," but then I realized yeah, you did. I admire your honesty and think there is absolutely nothing wrong with admitting that you are maybe, perhaps, looking for something more than a random plaything, or a meaningless fling you'd be over before the condom was even unwrapped. Knowledge isn't a bad thing really, just remember, if you want to find the one that's right for you, the knowledge that is most important lives within yourself. Everyone knows sex is overrated anyway, LOL!!!
from comebacktome :
So, I can't believe the random-ass note you left and was all set to write something scathing and smart ass back. Then I read your blog and you remind me way too much of my mate James who also says the same kind of sh*t, but makes me laugh. So you're safe. For now.
from hoonlives95 :
afternoon. am digging your blog. i don't know how to 'follow' it though. checking mine out wouldn't be worth your time. something for a rainy day? have fun. don't die.
from beauty28 :
Hey Would you like to be my BFF?
from and-the-way :
Plastic seems to take over everything. Hangers, bottles, money.
from thelongwait :
I ought to.
from starhearts :
Thanks for the note and ya I need to focus far more on my own happiness...working on it though it will happen in time it seems that he gets most of my attention most of the time. Read your entry about your newest interest and ya her boyfriend might be a bit of an inconvenience...darn it all she sounds great! Good luck! C.
from jackslips :
Your entries read like fiction. I'm not sure if thats beautiful or depressing.
from suckledhoney :
I suppose that's possible, though I feel almost normal after eight hours.
from vintagepearl :
Haha, I can't promise anything groundbreaking. I'm between muses (or something). That's nice to hear =]
from vintagepearl :
Heyoo, my username is allegory and my password is cave ... I enjoy reading your entries! Haha, thanks; are you interested in philosophy?
from shoot-down :
gosh, i have to completely agree. maybe i should turn off my phone while i start and then i'll get so slammed i'll completely forget i even HAVE a phone. sheesh.
from college-kid :
Oh, of course! Easy mac is definately a given. That and cold leftover pizza.
from coffinspire :
Oh mushrooms. I wish I could have a good time being alone on them.
from supertuesday :
they say it helps...(sorry this reply is so late)
from idontpretend :
Yuh, it is. D:
from coffinspire :
Oh, and I do!
from virginistic :
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be apologizing or not.
from mixedup :
Haha. Touché.
from sharon--- :
Easier said than done, I suppose.
from stardumb :
you fancy my fingers.. random is the best button to push unless you're looking for california spelled backwards
from for-you-only :
Don't brush your teeth with toothpaste and you won't have the lemonaid problem. (Use backing soda.) :)
from fuckxthis :
fuck you. ; ) love, fxt
from gumluverxoxo :
Hi I'm gumluverxoxo and I'm new.Note me sometime
from missy-17 :
well hello you seem like a very laid back, cool kinda person!!!
from for-you-only :
you seem like a gentle person
from bluperspex :
hehe. i can see how that could be annoying...
from lostplatypus :
Ew. Spiders are NOT what I'd like to have an abundance of.
from smokeybone :
Hey. Thanks for putting me on your favorites list. I will look forward to reading your diary as well.

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