messages to kuri-chan:
(click here to add new message):

from marolocco :
heya~ Sorry it's been so long, again, testing and such. Hope you're doin' okay though, and I hope that teacher isn't giving you trouble.. I think every teacher is paid extra if they give everyone a hard time.. er.. learning experience.. ^^;;
from amiekira :
Hey again =) Just read about your nosy RS teacher, hope you're alright now =)
from myafee :
Hey, s'me. I just read your dairy, about mrs whatever, and that is so mean *huggle* She has gone behind your back, she's been nosey and looked into all your personal thoughts, into your life, the things you don't exacly want people in your class to know, nevermind your RS teacher. I just am in shock...if she reads it again, she is just an idiot, and if she is reading this, get a life, please...your making me cry. <3
from amiekira :
I saw a movie recently too, except mine was horror (I didn't like it though). :P
from amiekira :
ello, hope your back's alright now ^^
from hexa-chan :
^-^ Thank you
from hexa-chan :
Hey there. It is *very* alright if you want to read my diary ^-^ it's nice to meet a fellow Pratchett fan!
from blinkrevu :
my apologies for the extreme delay, but would you still like a review?
from hcafc-adam :
Hey... uh.. your entry from tonight [5/2/05] is dated as January.. not sure if thats a diaryland thing or a you thing, but wanted to point it out for you! :)
from forty-plus :
Thank you for joining the All About Me List diary ring. Your list is great and you design really nice templates!
from ghettoangel9 :
you have awesome template i used your placebo one
from blondie4wurs :
hey, great site, but some of your links are broken!!!
from ankh :
Ooh, I am linked. You're right that my Ankh diary isn't updated anymore. I'm at now.
from coconut-leaf :
This is great, what you created!
from keyblader :
hi!!!! i used the suteki da na template...hope you dont url is keyblader.diaryland.. THANK!!
from hcafc-adam :
Maybe I should sell it on ebay as original art. When I'm famous for alternative looks and the like, obviously. =D
from take-chances :
Ah thanks for letting me know. Yes, Johnny Depp rocks. Love your layout, by the way. <3
from l0stwhispers :
No worries about the review! Take your time! =) A rushed review wouldn't be worth it. *Huggles* Chill out in the meanwhile! =D
from devian :
hey you--email me at: [email protected] and we can chat about that cd.
from tearingsoul :
w00t funkay site..eth! *cuddles* siyee
from orionreviews :
your review has been posted.
from wtf-reviews :
Hello, this is Ev'Yan from Winterfresh Reviews. I'm very sad to say that we are no longer excepting any requests & our review site is now officially closed. I'm not sure if we'll ever be back -- it just depends on if we can get our lives back in order. Things here have been super crazy, with school starting & us both trying to sort out things that have been happening over that last couple months. But, I DO want to say thank you for your request & for considering us...we have really appreciated all the love. I want to apologize for putting you on hold. We should have been more punctual with everything. Maybe someday soon, we'll get back on track. But for now, we're done. Thanks again though for understanding...when you get a chance, go to our website to get our information if you'd still like to know what will happen to us afterward...♥Ev'Yan xxx
from theascension :
Thank you very much for letting me know, I appreciate it! Ganbatte, ja ne.
from clusterfuq :
o hay your review is up.
from idleboy22 :
Hey! this is really cool, *(i was wondering how i ended up on it). I was flicking through your favs last week and came across devian, and now im designing his new alnum cover!!! also congratulations on the new review.
from shanureviews :
I apologize for the long wait..again. Suji decided that she wasn't cut out for reviewing, so did it. It's up now!
from shanureviews :
I apologize for the wait. Suji's a bit scatter brained. Your review should be done by wednesday night at the latest. Thanks for being so patient! Btw...I LOVE ANIME. Suji hates it. Go figure. Shanu
from amiekira :
never mind it's not that bad since I've gotten used to it Do you mind if I add u on msn? ^_^
from acaldwell :
yes, it is ccs music~catchucatchme
from lostinmylove :
Thanks for the add! And I love the hearts too, when I first put them on there I used to just mess around with them. Have a great week!
from abc-reviews :
from amiekira :
yeah that was what I was thinking...-_- Now I just gotta tell her that...
from amiekira : sound like you had a great time in Paris! :P (Well, besides the carpeted WALLS lol) Anyway, I so agree on what you say about depression. Seriously, Kim has literally NOTHING to be depressed about. I'm starting to wonder if it's an attention-grabbing scheme...*shifty eyes*
from amiekira :
Hey ^-^ Thanks for adding me! (Cool layout btw!) Keep smiling!
from hcafc-adam :
Uhhhhhhhhhhh... Heres your note... "Quack... Quack... QUACK... QuAcK... MOO!!!" "Moo? What kind of duck are you?" Haha... Oh the memories...
from hcafc-adam :
Woo! I added you too! I'm gonna sit on my bean-bag and read through your diary. =D Fweee.
from hcafc-adam :
I clicked on an advert at the top, because there was a picture of my video game idol, Monkey Island's Guybrush Threepwood... "That's the second biggest duck I've ever had in my pants!" heh...Heh...he... Yeah. uhh... I read a couple of your entries, and you seem pretty cool.
from hcafc-adam :
I clicked on an advert at the top, because there was a picture of my video game idol, Monkey Island's Guybrush Threepwood... "That's the second biggest duck I've ever had in my pants!" heh...Heh...he... Yeah. uhh... I read a couple of your entries, and you seem pretty cool.
from visualreview :
Your review is done! :)
from rayonline :
my neopet user name is "esthery" ... but i share the account with my sister so i can't make any NeoFriends cos she chocse "12 years and under" for the age thingy... I checked out ur shop... *i'll be nice and buy something* (my sister's account is very rich so i don mind helping her waste money) (",)
from audraharris :
hey Charlotte! When are you going to get the layout done? E-mail me! ^_^
from easyreviews :
Your review is up at easyreview. Thank you for being so patient :)
from tearingsoul :
almost got it! its actually state fair but the song on the music thing is 'Strange Little Girl' by tori lol, the rest are v.muchio right!
from rayonline :
hey! i play neopets too...mayb u can giv me ur user name so i can check out ur neopet shop or something...anyway, u have to pay for limewire rite?
from death-bloomz :
You have a cool taste in music - and in films too. The Nightmare Before Christmas is such a kawaii film *^_^* ... Uh... This is pretty random!
from shygrl21 :
Thanks for the note in my guestbook. : ) Much appreciated.
from rayonline :
ya...i tried downloading using imesh but the songs just got stuck halfway while downloading...i tink i should jus 4get it...anyway,thanks for the note...
from hobbit-freak :
hello.I don't have to much in commen with you but you like lotr and no doubt yay!And I'm a friend of Sia.bye bye Maddy
from excuseyou :
Thanks for the note, glad you like it!
from earaby :
hi kuri-chan thanks for inviting me to ur diary ring :)
from crimsonxlove :
oh, heh I looked all over and I couldnt find "host it on your own" or watever so I supposed you were just haing a brainfart...but anywho glad to know it wasnt one=)
from tse-505 :
Douglas Adams wrote Hitch hiker's guide and yes, it's hilarious, I like pratchett as well by the way. A little odd I know but I'm in a random mood tonight
from where-i-fall :
Hey! Just done a search for people from Liverpool and you came out top of the list :) I'm from Liverpool too. Kirkby to be precise. Thankfully, i'm not a scally though so yay me! If you fancy chatting to a relatively tame person, get me on MSN: [email protected] :)
from myafee :
Hia... Miss ya loads. I'll fone u soon!
from rayonline :
exactly... it's either tat there is too much time or too little time 2 finish the paper...anyway,good luck 4 ya exams! (",)
from orlis-girl :
i'm not sure if u want a note, but i'm using ur Johnny Depp template. thx
from acidreviews :
oh right. Yes I did review that diary.
from acidreviews :
Sia? I'm not sure. I fixed your age in your entry - sorry about that. I was thinking 1990 when I was writing it and didn't even think about the date.
from acidreviews :
Your review is up at Acid Reviews. Thanks for requesting.
from missbehaved :
I wanted to let you know that the code for the older archive on the Suteki Da Ne layout doesn't work properly. For some reason when I had originally put it in, it was all correct, but when I saved it, the code for the date, time, etc. changed completely. Not sure why that happened, but when I tried to change it back, that didn't work either. Love all the FF layouts though and I may end up using them all at some point or another. :) Keep up the fabulous work.
from irock138 :
Can you fix the Horse template so I can view it. Thank you.
from hobbit-freak :
ummm.I just dropped by 2 say hi.I'm a big fan of LOTR and a friend of Sia's. byes Maddy
from rayonline :'s me again... i tried 2 use the layouts in your site 4 my diary... but the image just won't show up... n now my diary is in a BIG mess! *help*
from tokcocktok :
Yep, I did.
from p-brain :
Thank you. =D Makes my day to hear it.
from diaryreviews :
Your review is up at Diary Reviews.
from rayonline :
thanh u,thank u. i really like ur diary n i still can't figure out how to alter my diary 2 something lk yours... can ya teach me???? please....
from nascarwidow :
You're welcome! Thanks for creating it! I hope it's okay that I changed the title. I also found a few html issues that my dreamweaver software didn't like so I made some adjustments. I hope that was okay too. Thanks, I really love the layout!
from dancergirl23 :
Hey! Just wanted to say that your layouts are awesome, but I can't ever get the picture to load on my diary. I am just about computer illiterate so if you could help me out that would be great!
from vitabella :
heh good to know i was right. thumbs up to making more MI templates! rock on! ;)
from vitabella :
hey, um i hope you're the person in charge of ws layouts otherwise i'll sound crazy, but i just wanted to give you HUUUUGE props for your monkey island layout! i've never known anyone else who knows about that game, so that alone makes you a pretty cool person ;) anywho, that's all, bye!
from tearingsoul :
heya! ty ver muchio for ur note :D
from tokcocktok :
Haha, it's nice to see myself back too. Love the new layout!
from redcrysblack :
do i give up now or what? because i don't know, maybe i would've asked earlier, emailed you perhaps but i was tired and scared. and you think I'm evil, a bitch, right? and hayley doesn't think that we can sort least that's the jist i got, but as you know, i can never let anybody be right...not even now, maybe that's worth someting right now... //Tear in your hand all the world just stopped now and so you say you don't wanna stay together anymore let me take a deep breath babe if you need me. me and neil'll be hanging out with the DREAM KING Neil says hi by the way i don't believe you're leaving me cause me and Charles Manson like the same ice-cream I think it's that girl and I think there're pieces of me you've never seen well all the world is all I am the black of the blackest ocean and that tear in your hand all the world is DANGLIN'...danglin'...danglin' for me DARLIN' you don't know the power that you have with that tear in your hand maybe I aint used to maybes smashing in a cold room cutting my hands up everytime I touch you maybe it's time to wave goodbye now time to wave goodbye now caught a ride with the moon I know I know you well well better than I used to HAZE all clouded up my mind in the DAZE of the way it could've been so you say and I say you know you're full of wish and I know your "baby baby baby babies" I tell you there're pieces of me you've never seen well...//- Tear In Your Hand, Tori Amos. Ummm...sorry if there were any spelling mistakes in that...I'm tired...but I think I copied it up all right.<p> Yes so, I'm a bitch. I'm evil. I'm annoying, evil, agrivating, tiring, immature etc... And I fucking hate that about myself...really...but I don't mean it. You gotta believe me...and I know when I've been a bitch...and that's when I 'punish' myself...ya see...because I DON'T want to be...and I DON'T want to be without you...but all the time I do stupid shit...I know I do. And now you don't wanna talk to me...and I can't handle it. I mean I've been sitting here for god knows how long just crying...and the dumb thing, you were there, right in front of me...but I couldn't bring myself to talk to you. I was scared...and I don't wanna be scared to talk to you. Right, because you were there for me...when everyone else just stayed, and you hugged me, and you make me feel better...and you do care, I'm sure you do...because I do. Or maybe I'm wrong, and maybe you've stopped caring now...and I could understand that because I'm not worth it but I couldn't bear to your not being there...because sometimes I only try for you... So shoot me down if you want...because if it's not gonna work it's not. But I LOVE you, you know how much I FUCKING LOVE you...and if you're willing...I'm willing... See, you gotta mean something because I'm listening to Tori ^_-. LoL. No I am, obviously because of above lyrics. My Dad has 'Little Earthquakes''s not that bad...ya know, relaxing...good for right now...making me feel better...cud just be because it reminds me of you. Hate me more now because I hated her...and now I don't...see...and maybe if I just try a little bit harder...I still say Blink is good outta tune...'rae, fuck the hell off now, other rae is tryna be good girl here!'. Right ummm...this is getting real long, but you know where to find me if you want me...and I'm gonna hug ya know, I don't care if ya don't want one ::huggs:...:)? So...ummm...I appologized, s'pose there's a first time for everything. Love you much more words than can describe... Love rae, chibi, rach...whatever XXXXXXXXX P.S. Ok, so I liiike the Tori thing, pull tongues, say told ya so...go ons. And a billion sorries for EVERYTHING...yeh...every single little thing...better late than never, right? Hopefully...?
from aviclark :
Hi, I found your diary through the FFX girls diaryring, and I really like your diary and your layouts. You're one of the few people I've found that actually does anime templates, which is so awesome. Anytime I want an anime template, I have to have a custom made, and that can get frustrating. But your stuff is amazing, and so is your writing. ^^
from aviclark :
Hi, I found your diary through the FFX girls diaryring, and I really like your diary and your layouts. You're one of the few people I've found that actually does anime templates, which is so awesome. Anytime I want an anime template, I have to have a custom made, and that can get frustrating. But your stuff is amazing, and so is your writing. ^^
from youhaveme :
Hiya! Anyhow how's u? lol. Send me images of Tori- I haven't actually seen her before! you've seen rammstein right? If you havent I'd feel really confused cos u know me and u havent even seen them..... ^_^ I love TILL!!!! lol. (in case u didnt know....) Anyhow guess i'll see u later! Auf weidersehen.
from youhaveme :
Hey I downloaded Tori amos: caught in a light sneeze I think...... It's really GOOD! lol. She's like alanis a bit, don't u think? Anyhow, tell me what u think of mein hertz brennt by rammstein, k? I promise u that's one of their best. I also recommend downloading "sonne" too. ^^ c ya soon!
from youhaveme :
Not anymore!
from crooked-rain :
Thanks for joining the Draco/Harry diaryring. I really, really love your layout, by the way. Tori rocks! Anyway, thanks again.
from drapeauluvr :
hey, i basically just started my diary and joined the ffx girls and no one talks to me!!! Heh heh, anyways, we seem to like a lot of the same things like rock music and definetly anime. We can talk sometime.
from lilaznd3vil :
nice quotes. btw what animes do u read?
from lilaznd3vil :
hey kewl diary.. by the way i'm also obsessed with anime. xD
from tokcocktok :
Thanks! :) *hugs*
from tokcocktok :
Hi, I'm just dropping by randomly to all the beloved people on my buddy list. And I just wanted to tell you that I have a NEW LAYOUT! (sorry, I was excited.) Care to tell me what you think please? :)
from tokcocktok :
Thanks for the compliment. For your question, I just chose a lighter color for hover. Whee!
from youhaveme :
Happy New year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! From, lozzie. ^^
from youhaveme :
I am hyper. Randomly. Whenever i'm drunk. Basically all the time. SO there you go! we have something in common! Bet you're thinking "oh God......." I wouldn't blame you. I'd do the same thing. There you go! another thing in common......oh dear.....i'm off on one, once again.
from tokcocktok :
Hey, thanks for your note. Anyways, your links should be a lighter gray. I know you're trying to get that whole effect thing, but I can barely read the links (or even see them for that matter). I'll now check out your templates ;) Until next time, Michael.
from youhaveme :
It does, it just depends what time you go on it. The html is correct i dont know why it doesn't show.... lol. It does sometimes. ^_^ plz come on msn soon. I might be waiting.
from youhaveme :
Hey hows you? Lol. I know you must have so many layouts. I can't make layouts so i just left mine the way it is. lol. Christmas on thursday.....yay!
from youhaveme :
Lol. I'm not good at german -lol. I changed my lickle rammstein people into aliens. Woooohhhhooooo. for now, das freilos.
from piecesof8 :
Hi there, this is your piratey mate, Michael from Pieces of Eight. I've organised a caption contest with a spiffy reward - to participate, go to and check it out!
from piecesof8 :
Your membership has been accepted. Thank you for joining.
from piecesof8 :
Hi there, this is Pieces of Eight, a new fanlisting for avid Pirates of the Caribbean fans. Would you care to join? Please check it out!
from tokcocktok :
Gosh, thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind ;)
from tokcocktok :
Hey, I changed my layout to fit the holiday season. Care to take a look?
from tokcocktok :
Hi there, just dropping in randomly :) [Could you please change the comments in your profile about my diary to something more appropiate? Thanks!]
from revuebattles :
Sepia Reviews is taking part in the battle, so if you'd like to help your review site out, please join up to partake in the battle under Sepia Reviews! Come check it out!
from sbspsd :
I have sent you an email. Please check your inbox.
from sbspsd :
Hi there. This is Sepia Reviews. We're currently looking for reviewers and your diary is pretty good so could you help us out by reviewing for us? It's a diary a week or so - nothing heavy (more if you can!). Let us know. Thank you!
from un-me :
So is your highness ready to talk yet?
from un-me :
I'm not gonna take it back, cause if thats what I need to do for you to be my m8 then what does that prove?
from un-me :
Ur not gonna talk to me on msn so I'm gonna say this. Ok, 1st off, that line outta context, it does sound a lil dumb, U gotta admite. 2nd of all, this isn't bout music. This is a bout U. Am I not good enough for you, am I not Tori-ish enough for you, cause I love you, see...but I dnt wanna know do U, cause I don't love Tori. Went to town with Emy and Bo, my 1st time was meant to be with you, but then agen U probs don't understand that do you? I'm gonna say I'm sorry but I know there is no use, you can hate me if you want, ignore me, but I'm never gonna h8 you, not truley, don'th think I possibly could...ok, fuck this, if U knew how much you meant to me U'd talk...but I'm not gonna take bakc the horses thing.
from muppetreview :
your review is posted.
from un-me :
Heya K-chan. I luv U, U don't hate me, U luv me! Life is too cool! Lil Miss Perfect U do be! Are U free on monday afternoon? Chat soon!
from irasshaimase :
Thanks kuri. I can't talk to mum, i feel that'll make things worse. If you read my diary you'll understand why. I've tried to cut though, the scissors are too blunt and there are no scars....i couldn't go on wednesday.:( i'm sorry.
from laurelote :
Hi! Thanks for joining my (Captain!) Jack Sparrow and PotC diaryrings, mate! :-D
from irasshaimase :
I can't wait until half term either. lol. school's boring. i won't be going trampolining on wednesday, i might go next friday if i can make it. xraix
from irasshaimase :
Hiya. How come you weren't there on friday? :( <p> I can't go next week. I Have half an hour detention on wednesday or thursday. I don't think i'll go no more. :( I'll try and find an art place soon or a keyboard place :) <p> copy and paste the address. The picture should load. Lol. I know i'm bad at drawing-but i still love it!
from tokcocktok :
Hi. Thanks for dropping by. I don't know how to face them in school in two days time, that's all.
from irasshaimase :
I guess so, mum says it's ok. I forgot about today anyway! I'm sorry! :( We had a half day in school you see-went home lunchtime and all i could think about was sleep and how totally useless going into school was...and hating avril lavagne. c u then, then?
from irasshaimase :
Ah you invited fiona, is it? Lol. It's ok. Don't tell i her i know no one told me. It is fiona right? LOL. I still might go on wednesday, it just depends on this incredibly painful migraine to cease, or for me to stop forgetting and keep getting homework.
from irasshaimase :
Sorry! I haven't gone trampolining for a while! I hadn't got your message till today. Sorry if you think i'm ignoring you, mum just has been busy recently, and i've been so forgetful. :(.......Also....I don't really like going anymore-sorry...maybe i'll turn up on wednesday and a few times but it's not really my kinda thing. Still go by all means! im thinking of joining an art club or learning the maybe once i find somewhere, we can learn how to draw good comics and about it? lol. Art is really good fun, and don't worry if you can't draw, i'll help you a bit and you can learn at your own pace!
from tokcocktok :
Hey hi! I did a rant for October's monthly rant and maybe you could check it out and possibly vote for me? Rant: ---Vote: [just state: I vote for Michael!] Thanks a lot and good bye!
from tokcocktok :
Oh..a pity. There is actually a good way to promote your diary. Go get reviews from many sites and score high on them. Then when people go to those sites to request a review, they look at the hall of fame and there you go...your die-ary is listed!
from tokcocktok :
Hey hi! No, your diary isn't remote...ok, to be honest, maybe, but I like it! Its Sepia-Silver material...remember?
from tokcocktok :
Nice to see you're doing well. Wow. A DESIGN site..not bad. I like the layout with the eye best. Oh back to the note making. Guess what? My personal layout's finally done. Give me your honest opinion about it? (eg: what you think, etc.) [Well, as you can tell from my 'design.html' section, I borrowed bits and pieces of the HTML code from Sharp Designs] Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon!
from irasshaimase :
Hiya. ye sure i'll go trampolining tommorow. I gave your card to rachael for her to give you, she says she'll probably give it to you on saturday cos it's her birthday. ^_^. C u tommorow then? xraix
from irasshaimase :
Happy birthday! I got u a card, do you think i should drop it by? Sorry i couldn't sign the tagboard, it wouldn't load on mu comp. xxrai suzukixx p.s sorry about trampolining. mum is annoyed with me and dad had to go the hospital on friday. SORRY :(
from sbspsd :
Hi there. Your review is complete. Congratulations!
from jme-reviews :
Hey youre diary review is finsished and posted on the site! If you have any questions feel free to ask?? Thanx- Jme-reviews
from jme-reviews :
Hi its Me from jme-reviews.You requested a diary review. I was looking for the link to us on your diary and I couldnt find it. I will keep you on the pending list until you put the link up. Please link us ASAP! -Thankyou
from jme-reviews :
Hi I just started a new review site named jme-reviews. If you would like to have your diary reviewed please check out my site! Thank you ! -jamie-
from bonkersquipy :
welcome to the anti-nsync diaryring...and thanks for joining...
from allihave :
Hey, it's fucking-hell. Just to let you know that quite a lot of people in my area aren't straight :P Took me a while to get to know that, and before I knew it I felt like everyone was straight too :S Take care :P
from mojo1915 :
Greetings friend! I hope you have an awesome day. -Jesse :D
from kilo- :
Hey Kuri Chan! cool Diary! ^o^ Anime rocks! and so does Final Fantasy! o_- around? o_o
from darkfairy13 :
Awsome diary, glad to see another one of charymessiah's fans ^_^ Anime rocks, and manga. Mostly shoujo stuff. keep up the good work! (i'm so corney :-p)
from charymessiah :
thanx for the website!! =D
from botan-chan :
hi this is so cool to find other people who like anime, i mean it is almost impossible to find other people at school...wait a minute that is a bit off topic isn't it...sorry, any how i think it is cool that u like anime also byebye^v^ botan-chan
from everygirl24 :
Hey Sakura, yay, I'm the first one to leave you a note! :D You may want to try a place that offers free DLand designs, like [] or []. I had a pretty pink, starry layout from the latter before they ran into problems with image hosting, so I just chose an imageless template from PooDesigns and got an image host, []. Hope that helped! (And to have more fun with DiaryLand, join some diaryrings, take some surveys, and add yourself a guestbook!)

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