come on in...pull up a chair...just don't make yourself too comfortable

when i was young i began to draw an invisible boundary between myself and other matter who i was dealing with, i maintained a set distance, carefully monitoring the person's attitude so that they wouldn't get any closer...i didn't easily swallow what other people told only passions were books and you might guess, i led a lonely life....

haruki murakami - "sputnik sweetheart"

My favorite diaries:

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My favorite music:

tori amos
comments: what can i say....i somehow think she is the antithesis of everything i'm not...but i'm a diehard fan...i have such a filial attachment to my first concert in '92
jeff buckley
comments: sings with such longing that it causes my inner soul to burst forth in tears
jack johnson
comments: folk music to warm the heart and soul...just like oatmeal only without the stickiness
led zeppelin
comments: i would soo have been a groupie...but instead i'm just going to live vicariously through robert plant's leather pants
comments: i'm soo grunge...have you not seen my wardrobe

My favorite movies:

absolutely fabulous
comments: there is much to say about good british comedy
donnie darko
comments: what can i say...i'm a philosophy major...and this movie haunts me...
the simpsons
comments: i rarely go a day without watching an episode...too bad i'm more like homer than any one else...
comments: i feel like i live my life in episodes only slightly longer than in the movie...
the dangerous lives of altar boys
comments: because i also have dark secrets...

My favorite authors:

franz kafka
comments: the sheer stunning beauty and depression that flows from the causes me to live
vladimir nabokov
comments: no one has come as close to perfect
sylvia plath
comments: theres just something there....
haruki murakami
comments: i find solace in longing...
bret easton ellis
comments: everybody needs a little gore in their lives

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last updated: 2005-06-25 21:09:52
this user's total entries: 159
user since: 2002-03-04

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