messages to morgance:
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from candoor :
Happy V-Day :)
from poolagirl :
Hey! Thanks for the nice mention!
from jfsuperstar :
i was wondering who morgance was! no, i ain't gonna drop you. so glad you read it! i enjoy reading yours as well. really liked tressa's story about her mom!
from twisted-mind :
My daughter is the same age and same weight and gets upset all the time because kids tease her. I was small as a child and do now love being a small adult. My daughter was so jacked this year when she moved into the "tweens" section of the store and got to move up to a size 8/10. Its hard to handle the tears of our kids when we think they are perfect already. Loads of support and understanding sent your way.
from calulu :
I'm glad to hear things are getting a little better for you. Sometimes getting out the house and away from the family by going to work is the best stress reliever you can get.
from myexodus :
To be on the safe side....I don't think any of us should link to you for a while. He may have made a list of all your buddies and will do a search that way. And have husband not check your diary out at work. I'll just put you on the side of my diary for a month or so. Hopefully the jag off won't find you now...fingers crossed and hope you feel better soon....didn't know that was the reason you couldn't take hot baths while pregnant! My new knowledge for the day. =]
from adipose :
Nice layout, great content...what got you to add me as a faveortie? Stroke my little ego baby- ahhh yeah.
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks so much for adding my diary to your Diaryland favorites!
from starlight42 :
good idea. hope this stays private!

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