Seeking Me

The physicist Leo Szilard once announced to his friend Hans Bethe that he was thinking of keeping a diary: "I don't intend to publish. I am merely going to record the facts for the information of God." "Don't you think God knows the facts?" Bethe asked. "Yes," said Szilard. "He knows the facts, but He does not know THIS version of the fact."

-Hans Christian von Baeyer, Taming the Atom.

This is my perception of that around me.

My favorite diaries:

summer-gale profile - diary
comments: The Story Of How Diane's Getting Her Groove Back
fellbehind profile - diary
comments: Where Oh Where Has He Gone.....wished he'd break up with the new girl and cry out his angst again.
frenchpress profile - diary
comments: Gentle Soul of Gentle Writing
sahm profile - diary
sins-to-tell profile - diary
comments: secrets of the confessional
nacwolin profile - diary
comments: Guiding light
thebugprince profile - diary
comments: Reminds me of my liberal days
spritopias profile - diary
comments: I hope my sons grow up just like him
msguided profile - diary
comments: What a woman
thecrankyone profile - diary
comments: I can't read your diary computer hits safety mode within your pages
me-me-meee profile - diary
comments: Oh My
im2evil4u profile - diary
comments: This is no banker.....sssssssh
batten profile - diary
comments: Ariel of the Sea
pashiesplace profile - diary
captainron profile - diary
comments: No Gilligan that's for sure
autumnleigh profile - diary
calulu profile - diary
comments: Southern Belle
awnery profile - diary
leslieirene profile - diary
kstyle profile - diary
sixweasels profile - diary
comments: Queen of her Domain and a gracious Hostess to her Kingdom
polly-esther profile - diary
comments: Lois Lane by trade
mbwillow profile - diary
starlight42 profile - diary
somuchbling profile - diary
dailypieces profile - diary
comments: ah it now, I read your entire diary trying to figure out who =]
behindtheat profile - diary
comments: Up and Coming Tales in the Skys
bettyalready profile - diary
comments: Betty is more than ready for what ever endeavor she embarks upon
politics101 profile - diary
comments: missing the lunacy of the bayou's
janie12975 profile - diary
comments: Modern day Brady Bunch
nagvioli profile - diary
comments: In search of creation
crackisbad profile - diary
comments: And here I was wondering why you weren't updating! Stupid me did too much 'cleaning'.
irisheyes70 profile - diary
ezi profile - diary
nascarwidow profile - diary
i-am-jack profile - diary
comments: Its fellbehinds fault that your here. A person can only take so much damn whining and angst of most around here. Tell DannyBoy to update so you needn't feel shamed with my listing you =]
vadergirl profile - diary
comments: Yippee, Dear Jane is Back
ingridwrites profile - diary
eastportgrrl profile - diary
comments: Sailor girl with a great big heart!
zencelt profile - diary
comments: The secret is out on how she gets all the guys attention! =]
almostnormal profile - diary
comments: Interesting find from Betty
crystal42 profile - diary
comments: Yikes, forgot you were back and to put you here.
jesbohn profile - diary
moodymama profile - diary
comments: Is she here? Or is she there?
twisted-mind profile - diary
comments: Let me in!!
passing-go profile - diary
comments: OMG....I forgot how to do this adding buddy stuff
xnavygrrl profile - diary

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diaries which list myexodus as a favorite diary
last updated: 2008-10-26 22:58:14
this user's total entries: 346
user since: 2004-05-23

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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