
"Never let anyone tell you what to say or feel or think. If you can't say it out loud, then write it on a piece of paper"

My favorite diaries:

squirrelx profile - diary
comments: Fellow southerner, sister in the spiritual and a luminous light in a dark world.
mariap profile - diary
comments: My endlessly patient and loving friend who's made a real difference in my life just by listening to my endless litany of woe.
needisaymore profile - diary
comments: Another lady dealing with some of the same issues in her marriage
wifemotherme profile - diary
comments: Only recently started reading this lady. I can see we have a great deal in common
kitchenlogic profile - diary
comments: Another crafter pal with kids the same age as mine
irisheyes70 profile - diary
comments: Sweet lady in the frozen North who's so willingly listened to me whine on a few of my worse days
varmintx profile - diary
comments: Recipes from squirrelx - all deliciouso
wyndspirit profile - diary
comments: Anyone else as addicted to buying yarn as I am cannot be anything but delightful
foosgold profile - diary
comments: Old friend that is regularly tormented by the demented
stwig profile - diary
neurotic-one profile - diary
comments: Funny, smart and brave enough to meet me in real life, Hee!
myexodus profile - diary
bettyalready profile - diary
oliana profile - diary
trinity63 profile - diary
comments: a long time favorite that I used to link to from my other diary
starlight42 profile - diary
opalanne profile - diary

My favorite music:

Aymara Star
Andrea Bocelli
Audio Adrenaline

My favorite movies:

comments: Four cripples, all made whole again by the twin powers of love and hope
The Secret Garden
comments: Again, the themes of redemption and love manifested by the power of transformation
Sense and Sensability
comments: Love overcomes a variety of obstacles
Smoke Signals
comments: The final message is love, loving the best you can and putting the rest into God's hands
White Oleander
comments: I'm troubled and touched everytime I watch this film. Love gone wrong, love made right.

My favorite authors:

Jane Austen
William Shakespeare
The Diarists of Diaryland
Laura Ingalls Wilder

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last updated: 2005-03-05 11:13:13
this user's total entries: 371
user since: 2003-12-08

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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