Op's Corner

I've updated, believe it or not, but I've also locked the diary. If you would like to read, drop me an email, and I will provide you with a username and password. I don't have current email addresses for many of you on my list of favorites, so please, drop me a note or an email ifyou would like to catch up. [email protected]

My favorite diaries:

waldenponder profile - diary
wifemotherme profile - diary
minstrelite profile - diary
corajoy profile - diary
tattoogranny profile - diary
kidneygurl profile - diary
robinlee profile - diary
irisheyes70 profile - diary
porktornado profile - diary
godsong profile - diary
hardlyasaint profile - diary
nuntobe profile - diary
andrew profile - diary
willowcreek profile - diary
iamblessed profile - diary
marn profile - diary
NicoleRenee profile - diary
jamsjunction profile - diary
wyndspirit profile - diary
wyndsinger profile - diary
loriebug profile - diary
chubbychic profile - diary
thevow profile - diary
dough-boy profile - diary
catie-dids profile - diary
lanne profile - diary
sunnflower profile - diary
science-boy profile - diary
rosytears profile - diary
bastion profile - diary
kdip profile - diary
brainwaves profile - diary
aliboomboom profile - diary
spritopias profile - diary
amedee profile - diary
nacwolin profile - diary
kingskid profile - diary
celidor profile - diary
kellbelle profile - diary
starlight42 profile - diary
captainron profile - diary
mildchild profile - diary
grouse profile - diary
marcialyn profile - diary
lilylivered profile - diary
imabrat2 profile - diary
forty-plus profile - diary
mom-on-roof profile - diary
quinngirl33 profile - diary
widower profile - diary
fatfree4me profile - diary
pooh67 profile - diary
fallen9angel profile - diary
dailycomic profile - diary
camera-girl profile - diary
maliestra profile - diary

My favorite music:

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My favorite authors:

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diaryrings which opalanne belongs to
diaries which list opalanne as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-10-28 14:28:45
this user's total entries: 225
user since: 2003-09-28

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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