Getting Better all the time. . .

Better, better, aahh, ahhh (Love those Beatles lyrics) This song continually pops in my head as my world improves. And it just kind of sums it up. . .not totally there yet, but getting better all the time.

My favorite diaries:

sunnflower profile - diary
comments: Gorgeous, creative, imaginative site. Another suburbanite.
lilpeanut80 profile - diary
comments: Fascinating account of her life in Asia
swcprincess profile - diary
comments: So Sorry to hear she "retired". Always felt a part of her family!
squirrelrat profile - diary
nightdragon profile - diary
comments: Interesting political voice.
wifemotherme profile - diary
poolagirl profile - diary
comments: She just cracks me up.
hissandtell profile - diary
mom-on-roof profile - diary
comments: Excellent writer. Funny lady.
cruel-irony profile - diary
forty-plus profile - diary
comments: We lead such similar lives.
serenaville profile - diary
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chaosdaily profile - diary
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dear-oprah profile - diary
im2evil4u profile - diary
comments: Beautiful template--a great read.
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My favorite music:

John Mayer
comments: What a cutie.
Norah Jones
Harry Connick

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last updated: 2007-07-04 11:08:34
this user's total entries: 88
user since: 2003-11-18

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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