messages to xxiii:
(click here to add new message):

from so-pale :
wow... really a great find! nice layout
from boyecho :
i'm nervous. i dont know why.
from anniebella :
Very nice layout.
from zerom3ph :
ungh. this sounds frighteningly familiar. heh.
from introibo :
god i love your layout.
from rhyme :
from neuroticaa :
from girl101 :
you! ♥.
from muffpuppet :
Merry Christmas, Mr. Dan.
from rhyme :
I have PLEN-TY of respect, sir. Plenty.
from muffpuppet :
Why thankyou. That is all.
from dearcynthia :
"omigod, like 5 years ago-- shut UP!"
from x0lulu0x :
yes. i do realize that it's taken me forever to tell you this. but i'm so so so in love with your diary.
from muffpuppet :
Wow. Surely the most difficult diary to navigate in the whole world. I love it. It must be pretty good at filtering out the, for lack of a better word, imbeciles. I've just skimmed through all your entries, and found that it's witty and entertaining too. Who could have possibly anticipated that? Not me, that's for sure. Excellent diary, though. You're going on my favourites. Feel free to say hello.
from kstarr :
please provide me with some sort of pseudo-astronaut gear the next time i decide to read your diary - i sort of got as little nervous, the void of nothing [save for a few stars] and all.
from zerom3ph :
yeah, i kinda realized that after you added me on icq. only reason i was confused is that i jumped to 23 from a chick's page... figuring it was another of her diaries. kudos on dirtywater though.
from zerom3ph :
too perfect (if such a thing is possible). *lmao* reminds me of comin' home drunk last night in fact.
from rhyme :
yay. you rule.
from incessant :
you're interesting.
from rhyme :
you get a note 'cause you have tiny stars. now will you update?
from subway-thief :
holy hell. this diary rocks ass.
from rhyme :
close to seventeen now, i think.
from rhyme :
see, okay, i'm not going to flood these notes like your others, i promise, but i just found the little link on the actual page and was proud of myself, for some weird reason.
from rhyme :
yes they have.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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