
I started this when I was 20. I'm almost 35 now, living in the Big Apple.

My favorite diaries:

jpop profile - diary
comments: j owens who still writes, sporadically
hold-it profile - diary
msea profile - diary
rupeshow profile - diary
comments: davis, my brother
elledyal profile - diary
kindbegger profile - diary
fuckbowser profile - diary
kindbowser profile - diary
panzuda profile - diary
comments: crystal, my sister
automatos profile - diary
miobravo profile - diary
jjquick profile - diary
lissinksi profile - diary
chrisalmond profile - diary
paperfriend profile - diary
suffa-kate profile - diary
gigihodges profile - diary
gumptioned profile - diary
thegorbott profile - diary
comments: quinn, my other half, now cut off
passthison profile - diary
madre-teresa profile - diary
lovaliss profile - diary
adelie profile - diary
troymccool profile - diary
sageface profile - diary
punchstab profile - diary
imprenable profile - diary
comments: a secret, abandoned, like most secrets
lilalee profile - diary
axde profile - diary
chuckduck profile - diary
sudsidies profile - diary
pan-opticon profile - diary
rawbeanage profile - diary
goldfriend profile - diary
milkfilm profile - diary
nations profile - diary
whitepants profile - diary
saint-erin profile - diary
toops profile - diary
comments: my blood and bones sister
williambost profile - diary
comments: my brother in law
virtu profile - diary
bethandbeth profile - diary
reno-dakota profile - diary
dalinography profile - diary
eyesout profile - diary
emotionalist profile - diary
gregcaldwell profile - diary
kimholmes profile - diary
boysordeath profile - diary
freightcars profile - diary
helian profile - diary
tsulnagrom profile - diary
weknowweknow profile - diary
fuckxthis profile - diary
wasgood profile - diary
unowhatihate profile - diary
unowhatilike profile - diary

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

sam shepard
sherman alexie
italo calvino

leave a note for cannet
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diaries which list cannet as a favorite diary
last updated: 2020-06-10 00:19:01
this user's total entries: 858
user since: 2005-08-05

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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