messages to authority:
(click here to add new message):

from cass5426 :
i love you so so much sweetheart!!! thank you for being you.. that's the best thing i could ever ask for!!
from gnometits :
i'm still in chicago until saturday sometime. i'm not sure when you are going back. i don't see you online right now. but if i don't hear from you before i leave to go home i'll call when i get home.
from mylovedies :
i like ur diary <3
from gnometits :
haha. i don't even remember leaving that last "note"
from gnometits :
man, look at all the good shit i miss when i don't t check your notes. it's about nine o clock and this is my 25th hour without sleep. i'm crazy.
from enondoiel :
About the same kind of sick person who thinks the world will actually THANK George Bush for starting WW3. And you counted my guestbook entries? How sweet.
from enondoiel :
I see your fear of living in a world with Saddam (yes, we all hate the thought of being nuked and attacked with biological weapons), but he's not really the only one, you know? Can you think of anyone else with nuclear weapons to blow up the entire earth, and a wee bit too much power on his hands? Gee, I don't know... Maybe you should look a bit around in your country as well (assuming you're American). Just a thought.

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