messages to lilliputty:
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from wonderfall :
Ha! I emailed you after that first time - I don't actually have a diary up and running yet. I suck, I know. My email is: [email protected] - in case you don't want me reading! Hope things with Craig get better - it's so hard to deal with it all - life - sometimes.
from lilliputty :
TO WONDERFALL: I've been trying to see your diary ever since you wrote me the first note...but you don't seem to exist on diaryland! Who are you?? Can you send me a link to your diary please?!!
from wonderfall :
Sounds like the holiday was fun. Loved the photos - you lucky girl! I hope things with the boy get better. Arguing via phone (and email) does suck ass and tends to leave you feeling so down. Oh! And that feather cute! (I haven't read in a while, obviously.)
from substantial :
Interesting diary. Love the photographs. Like the style that animates your entries. Good luck with your lovelife. I hope to be reading more often.
from wonderfall :
I've aborted a baby in the past, and it does fuck one up pretty bad, but I too had some issues prior to that, so it didn't help matters much. I hope things work out with you and Craig - it's all such a delicate matter - this relationship stuff. One never knows what to do or when to do it. It would help if men knew how to communicate! Ha. Or maybe it's us women as they say...nah, couldn't be.
from wonderfall :
I've been reading your diary for a while now and am quite intrigued with your life! Not only that, but you think and communicate your feelings in much the same way as I do. I was initially drawn to your diary because you like Charles Bukowski, and I love what you've written about him on your profile. Ha! I hope you don't mind my reading. - Kelly (Oh, and has anyone ever told you that your boyfriend looks like David Grohl (sort of) from the Foo Fighters?)
from abacinate :
ahhhhhh your layout rules!!
from abacinate :
Paris?! Yeah I definitely can't do that! The only exhibition he'd want to go to is like a gun show, he won't eat half the time (he's 135 pounds or less)...but he does love the outdoors in fact the only he said he wanted was for me to go camping with him but my mom doesn't think I should cuz I'm still sick. Thanks for the suggestions though!!! Maybe I'll try 'em out and see if he'd like one. :) Thanks again! Sounds like you have a lucky boyfriend!
from blue88 :
Don't forget your lucky.... You live in europe you have someone to complain about. Immagine the reverse....
from lapislazuli :
the best part about writing for me - when someone else reads it and relates. that's ecstasy for me. thank you, sincerely.
from lapislazuli :
paranoia has caused me to lock down my diary. username=intrepid, password=stig

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