messages to monfisch:
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from treegddess :
I feel as though the internet has become my oyster. Niki told me you were here. Hello again :)
from lolasavage :
Hey. Hehe, no they don't have oddly shaped noses, damn. But their good, in my eyes anyhow. You should check them out.
from lolasavage :
Hey. Yeah odd looking noses get me every time. Have you ever heard of the band Le Tigre?
from lolasavage :
Aloha doll. I just came across your diary and was in aw of how cool it was. Sorry to hear about your kitty, I've been through those motions too. I was very very happy to find another P.J. Harvey lovin' gal. I would also love to lick her boots. Drop me a note if you like. *lola*
from bipolargirl :
i love katheryn hepburn (cary grant ain't bad either) i love san fran and i love that i got the film 'delicatessen.' thanks so much!!!!! thanks for being my secret santa, it really cheered me up!
from andross :
I am popping around, all around the land of the Diary almighty, to find all of the folks I can find who claim to be from San Francisco, just to say hello and see what their diaries are all about... to get some sort of fragmented image of a collective/diverse personality. I am moving to San Francisco from an obscure part of the country in a week and every second I can, I try to get a feel for what I am getting into... Thanks for letting me peek, Alex
from scarydoll :
hey, i found your diary through tuluum (nicole) & i liked the personality test... i even wrote about it in my diary... ;)
from jackalina :
what happens when two front-butts get together, and drink a little too much wine? Do they have front-butt sex? jackalina loves ya
from freekykiki :
Hi I am just a random person from online...anyways I went to that so called punk person's diary and that pissed me off. icky. (icky she calls herself punk). I don't know though, I don't call myself punk but then compared to a lot of people I'm not. Hehe, animal resucer I am I find that hilarious you put that in.
from tuluum :
As a reader of literally millions of words, over the course of a lifetime that has spanned billions of seconds. I can heartily endorse this diary as the pinnacle of confessionary material. To others I say monfisch is the watershed that humanity has been searching for to. To those who were hoping it was the Dalai Lama. Well you all were just like jipped so get over it. To the "Monfisch Diaries" I give a hearty tongue up. Now i gotta go , da hoes be all up in my bizzage ..... ~ Tuluum

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