Suzanne AKA DeeDee

I'm too complicated to explain in 250 characters. Just know I can't spell and accept it.

My favorite diaries:

kouladron profile - diary
usmcsis profile - diary
comments: "It's funny though, women talk about wanting a long one or a thick one or some such bullshit. i want a penis that is attached to a man with a fucking brain."
flyjughead profile - diary
comments: The Funniest guy around
bdeb profile - diary
comments: "The whole toilet paper thing. It�s alien to us. But we have reached a serenity about it. You need more, we buy more. �nuff said"
balynar profile - diary
comments: The Best Ex-Boyfriend Ever
ladyadriana profile - diary
comments: "I was mortally terrified of a sewing machine a little over a year ago. And, now, I am doing buttonholes. Yeah me. Sometimes the machine got persnickity, but then I petted it and made it happy and it worked again. "
donib profile - diary
selirra profile - diary
comments: The famous porn star herself
breakangel profile - diary
comments: "In my world, it seems like everything I want or love is impossible. On the flip side, I could just be wanting these things because they're impossible and I know I'll never get them. "
letitplay profile - diary
comments: "I wonder if I'll ever find someone and get married. Seems like all I do is find people that don't feel the same way. What's it called...unrequeited love? I'm actually really good at that - perhaps I should write a book."
moirarowan profile - diary
comments: "There was a high level of goobiness to my weekend. Or maybe it was just on Saturday, but there was so much I think it bled over onto Sunday"
leofwynne profile - diary
comments: "Plus it's Friday, so really, how bad can things be? The day only lasts but so long...."
nia-nia profile - diary
lordmoe profile - diary
blackbear profile - diary
Chris-sca profile - diary
comments: "I mean, Christ in his Passion, how do you deal with that sort of person. I only have three words... ball peen hammer."
supfiggy profile - diary
ladyiseulte profile - diary
comments: Miss Kitty
oddny profile - diary
bluphoenix profile - diary
forty-plus profile - diary
threexten profile - diary
comments: The newest home of my evil twin
mermadn profile - diary

My favorite music:

3 Doors Down
comments: This is by FAR my favorite group of the moment. Their CD Better Life is just awsome
BareNaked Ladies
comments: I've got like 3 of their CD's ... Great to sing along to.
Kelly Clarkson
comments: Love Love LOVE the first album.

My favorite movies:

The Breakfast Club
comments: Gotta love the 80's
comments: I could just watch this again and again... and do.
Star Wars Trilogy
comments: "Use the Force Luke"
Big Trouble in Little China
comments: I love this movie, Kurt Russell at his best.
The Incredibles
comments: Go Dash GO!

My favorite authors:

Lee Smith
comments: Fair and Tender Ladies, Oral History, Saving Grace
Laurell K. Hamilton
comments: The Anita Blake Series

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last updated: 2007-06-01 11:44:26
this user's total entries: 456
user since: 2001-02-14

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