
Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams, telling myself its not as hard, hard, hard as it seems.

My favorite diaries:

ladiebug profile - diary
pinupgirl profile - diary
comments: First diary I ever read.
limbless profile - diary
crimsonstar profile - diary
s-i-l-v-e-r profile - diary
destinedstar profile - diary
dandelionkat profile - diary
punkunicorn profile - diary
priceless profile - diary
symmetree profile - diary
faultyvision profile - diary
absolutgal82 profile - diary
dirty-a-sid profile - diary
slickasgrace profile - diary
traumatease profile - diary
agitated profile - diary
kellifornia profile - diary
shot-of-tea profile - diary
thecity profile - diary
symmetries profile - diary
over-rated profile - diary
weetabix profile - diary
smartypants profile - diary
evilyoyo profile - diary
rhetoric profile - diary
tinfoilheart profile - diary
hotwaterlove profile - diary
srslyimeanit profile - diary
duplicitous profile - diary
tattoobelly profile - diary
kateness profile - diary
atwowaydream profile - diary
old-story profile - diary
felinenine profile - diary
call-me-out profile - diary
suddenbliss profile - diary
timdangerous profile - diary
lust- profile - diary
secret-motel profile - diary

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
American History X
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
P.S. I Love You
comments: temporary favorite, if not only for the memories of watching it.

My favorite authors:

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last updated: 2021-01-03 16:27:31
this user's total entries: 809
user since: 2000-08-13

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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