Here is a list of chuffnutt's favourite diary entries by other members:
coming out? in reverse? by admit-it comment:   Sexual labels SUCK! Jack Is Overflowing by i-am-jack comment:   I feel it too, Jack Canadians Deconstructed by nihilistbear comment:   Another Black Canadian! The Most Sensible Thing I've Heard Out of a Republican's Mouth in a Long Time by genghis-jon comment:   I don't know why people obsess over it so much, but they do. Wait a second. I do know why they obsess over it. Because they get votes bashing gays. "Acting Isn't"-Sydney Langosch by chuffnutt comment:   So many actors make these mistakes. I am one of them. "Acting Is"-Sydney Langosch by chuffnutt comment:   The day I become the best actor in the world, I'll never get it right. This is a list to keep me in check and the "Acting Isn't" balances it out. Unsent Letter by chuffnutt comment:   If ever I'm exposed and if ever I die, read this. I hope to incorporate this in a will in the future. Chapter One - The Plot Thickens by holdensolo comment:   Start from here then read the rest. This is the second entry in his diary, if he ever writes again. "Today is the day that Righteousness and Justice shall prevail and my enemies will be vanquished." Myths of Rape by speak-out comment:   Re-educating the public has proven a much more difficult task than the original search for information. The More You Cry, The More They Cry by i-am-jack comment:   I feel like a fucking neurotic asshole. Sometimes I find it difficult or impossible to even write in here at all. There are times, plenty of times that I do not share myself completely. Joan Jett by fifties-doll comment:   "I tried to find some cleverly worded way to express my disgust with your "Women in Rock" issue, but what I have to say is really quite simple: You guys are completely retarded. Reality? by good-lace comment:   "There is no reality, only perception". A Bold Gesture. by thatkiss comment:   "She kisses me on both cheeks, a little closer to my mouth this time, and my hand slithers around the back of her neck, I lock eyes with her, and bring her lips to mine, finally!" Constructive Depression by oursecrets comment:   "Life sucks, take it out on somebody who deserves the pain, it will make you feel better". nature by bi-polar comment:   "We fall in love for how that person makes us feel." qoute by xgirlygrrlx comment:   Ah....marriage.
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chuffnutt has 3 entries listed by chuffnutt as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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