messages to honeyno:
(click here to add new message):

from invisibledon :
Happy Holidays -2003
from ska-t :
damn... leave it to me to find a kickass diary full of great images, and you haven't been here in a while. hope you're safe... and in the groove.
from invisibledon :
Happy Halloween 03
from invisibledon :
Have a great holiday weekend 8/29/03
from bluepyro :
I heart your pictures. A few of them reminded me of ones I have done:) Your talent over rides edit your pictues...I don't know how;b
from invisibledon :
Happy Valentines Day @-'---
from honeyno :
Yes. Sorry, I'm not in school anymore so its been harder for me to get work out. But I have some stuff in the works. Be patient.
from honeyno :
Yes. Sorry, I'm not in school anymore so its been harder for me to get work out. But I have some stuff in the works. Be patient.
from scorpioali :
still breathing?
from invisibledon :
Happy New Year
from honeyno :
You too kiddies!
from scorpioali :
merry christmas!
from invisibledon :
Happy Holidays
from honeyno :
Arg. Sorry about that. It's fixed now. :)
from raven72d :
Ahhh... Actually it's Slidell,not Slydell... You can board the Amtrak there and go all the way to Atlanta.
from raven72d :
Actually, I'm not a girl... But I really do appreciate being on your favorite diary list!
from orpheusd0wn :
I hope the shit clears with the clouds and you find yourself on solid ground. Good luck.
from honeyno :
Thanks : ). I'm good. A bit busy with a new job, which is why I haven't been posting as much : (. But you guys really keep me going. You rule.
from invisibledon :
how you doin'? I really like the newest pic
from invisibledon :
from honeyno :
Sorry about that : (. Its fixed now.
from scorpioali :
and the i
from scorpioali :
thank you for adding me to your favorites list, but you forgot the o in my username. :)
from dearcynthia :
heyy.. I have a question, and feel free to say no. I absolutely do not mean to intrude or offend or upset you in any way: I was wondering if you would let me use one of your pictures for a layout I was designing for myself. I would definitely link back to you, and I'd even let you pre-approve. Let me know. Email might be best: [email protected]
from autumnal :
loooooooooooooove this
from autumnal :
I really love your diary. Your photos are wonderful and scclectic. They are really moving and interesting. Wonderful, wonderful!
from honeyno :
Thanks. You guys are the best. : ) <3 <3 <3
from lifeasarerun :
i thought maybe it was intentional. i know what you mean :) by the way i cant see today (911)'s picture. :(
from frenchpress :
from no-answers :
I've never seen a diary like yours - your images are beautiful and your concept inspiring :)
from invisibledon :
Just looked at everything I love your page
from honeyno :
No, I mean smudged, the blurryiness is intentional. I guess its not as noticable as I thought, which is good : ). When its your own work, you tend to notice little things like that.
from lifeasarerun :
by smudged do you mean the blurryness? if so it kind of adds to it a bit. they are lovely photos. yes indeed.
from honeyno :
Thanks! I plan on keeping it going for awhile.
from phaeacia :
Hi! I love your diary muchly, I went through allll the pictures, you have a wonderful talent for photography, and I hope you keep adding to it.
from phaeacia :
Hi! I love your diary muchly, I went through allll the pictures, you have a wonderful talent for photography, and I hope you keep adding to it.
from honeyno :
He's my king. Yeah.
from antijamsect :
if i ever have a child, i am naming it louisiana puerto rican. you know, after the king.
from honeyno :
No, I missed it. I'm still kicking myself too. : (
from pyrite :
dude. did you see bell hooks at the chicago public library back in feb? she was a-mazin.
from orpheusd0wn :
See, your art is fantastic. Never have I ever been so glad I clicked a banner. Peace.
from dlandbdays :
I love your diary layout, and I had a great time reading your entries. Keep up the awesome work. Peace :)
from honeyno :
Done. Thanks for posting. : )
from raven72d :
The bear... You need to let the little bear friend have more journal time!
from honeyno :
I'm doing this cause no one has left me any messages yet. Leave a message!! Input is kickass.

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