messages to toknowme:
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from thestench :
What me bitch? No way! ;)
from toknowme :
I think you're right sigur-ros. I was once in a philosophy class where we concluded that life has no meaning. I think we were wrong. I think maybe that there is a meaning, we just don't have perspective enough to see it.
from sigur-ros :
there are too many coincidences. for example i have been thinking about fate and predestination all day and then i check your diary and there you are writing about it! sometimes it's hard to believe non of this.. {our lives} means anything at all. maybe it's just nicer to believe it means something.
from toknowme :
(((((Multiple)))))) *G* Thankies sooo much.
from multiple :
Well, I still read your diary! ^_^
from multiple :
*huge hugs*
from multiple :
oh, you don't sound like you have MPD. trust me, i have that one covered. *laughs* but there's always a side of us that doesn't get the exposure that we would necessarily like it to have. there's always a side of us that holds that pent up frustration, or anger, or whatever. sometimes you just need to find a way to coax it out. *hugs* hope the tension eases. i'm rooting for you!
from thestench :
"Oh for want of a simple solution" --Amen
from multiple :
hey again sweetie... first of all, thanks for mentioning me, you made me feel all special... ^_^ *blushes* and secondly, well, that makes the situation a little more complicated. i can't say i've been in the same position as you. *crosses her fingers for you* i hope you can get it all worked out! *waves again and runs away*
from multiple :
you may have the time, but that's not the point. a joint venture is just that - he should be pulling his weight. my husband likes to run off into his own fantasy world from time to time as well - he seems to forget that i even exist. the way i would get him out of it was by telling him that i would do as much as he did. if he didn't cook, then neither would i. if he didn't clean, then neither would i. you might find you get a little more reaction out of him when he realizes you're doing just as much as him - which is practically nothing. *hugs* but hey, you don't have to listen to me, you can do it your own way. you seem to be doing pretty damn well as it is. *waves to her fellow vancouverite and runs away*
from arcadiaskies :
I really like your diary. Your on my favorites. You say things in your diary that I can't even admit to myself sometimes. I like your layout too. I tried to make a layout but... I really messed up, lol. I'll keep reading!
from toknowme :
Thanks Rancidtuna! You can change your template by clicking on change your template in your control panel and then either choosing a template offered by diaryland or changing the HTML yourself!
from rancidtuna27 :
hey sweet template....? question how do u change ur template
from darkfairy13 :
I love the vampire princess miyu stuff *^_^* And I'm sorry that your boyfriend is mad at you :-( nice diary
from multiple :
nice miyu pic on your template. i watched some of it a few months back, but couldn't get the rest of the eps. i live around vancouver - thought i'd mention that. it was kind of weird to find a diary of a local. you have interesting stuff. see ya later.
from toknowme :
I really like Miyu too! Not to mention that if I was shorter and thinner I could really look like her *G* Thanks
from knotagain :
I LOVE Kyuuketsuki Miyu! Your layout is so pretty! :)
from watty :
Just clicked your banner and thought I'd say hi to a fellow Canuck. I was thrilled that Vancouver/Whistler won the Olympic bid yesterday, too. Have a great day! I'll drop in again soon. =)
from toknowme :
Thanks everyone for your notes. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like crying for no reason. I feel a little saner now. New update soon. Gawd I love long weekends!
from sigur-ros :
sometimes i cry and it seems like there is no reason but when i think about it and analyse it i realise i am crying because some part of me is lonely and unhappy. i hope things start looking up for you. shine on.
from hg88 :
I know that feeling, of wanting to cry for absolutely no reason. I think it's just natural sometimes, although I don't know quite -why.- So, I don't think you're insane. Anyway, I popped in through your banner ad. Wanted to say I adore your layout! Hope you're doing okay. :)
from xeriphism :
ok, can't answer ur question. just wanted to say i like ur layout. enjoy. regards G.
from candora :
there is some good that comes from crying and some harm that comes from holding back... I hope you find someone you can trust in your physical space to talk about it...
from zwolf :
Beautiful. It applies both to the layout and to yourself.
from thunderstorm :
Ah, I've been where you've been -- feeling like you're stuck somewhere and too tired to get out. Ironically, it's these places that can often be the impetus for change, because you figure, "What the heck? It can't be worse." So, throw all your energy into something different, something novel. Good luck and take heart.
from wontlookback :
i clicked a link that took me to your diary and i read all entries. i think [that is if your still wondering] a FAQ would be a great idea. and i think you shouldnt hold back on your diary. at times it might be hard but letting go of some feelings or thoughts can make you happier. or feel a little better. anyhoo just thought i would let you know i like your diary and your layout is awesome. and i look forward to your next entry :]
from toknowme :
Thanks you so much for your note Cat. You have some great suggestions. I really appreciate it. It's kind of hard to let go though. Even in writing. I've spent so much time building the walls with which I protect myself....hmmm sounds like another entry. *G*
from ladyvaduva :
hey there.. I had happend upon ur journal by accident.. and really like it.. cheers to the whole betterment of self idea going.. I know how u feel about writing sometimes.. its hard to decide eh? (yes I am canadian .. lol!!) if u wanna do the whole FAQ: maybe update ur profile a lot and do that? or maybe just set aside one entry from ur diary a week or month or whatever and just call it say FAQ (fill in the month/week) etc.. and just let pple know? if that all just made ne sense.. just suggesting I mean.. sometimes u just hafta let go and write about everything to understand yourself better.. don't limit urself to say just one thing or not talk about something.. its your diary do what u want to do with it.. :-) love ur layout... keep up the good work cheers cat
from toknowme :
thanks strangertome. I have had a diary here before. I let it lapse to the point where I'd have to ask d*land to revive it. No point in that really since I prefer this one much better. *s* Glad you like the layout it really was pita.
from strangertome :
Have you had a diary before, because you seem to be very familiar with the set up...nice layout! Anyway, your diary seems really interesting. No guestbook, eh? One less thing to fix layout-wise, I guess. Just letting you know I'm reading...

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