by candlelight and morning light...

there is a touch of sadness in all of this...

* married * very much in love * multiple personalities * occasional bloodlust * psychology * writing * poetry * musings * medical mysteries * and you thought this was all just a dream...

My favorite diaries:

taneki profile - diary
comments: Jeff - my husband, my love, my life, my everything. i love him more than life itself.
siet profile - diary
comments: Seth - my first Alter, my first love, my Protector, my best friend.
asheki profile - diary
comments: Ashton - my second Alter, my first Punisher, my most devout Protector.
shawnisi profile - diary
comments: Shawnisi - my third Alter, my sexual side, Meridian's commander in chief.
akado profile - diary
comments: Blake - dragon, therapist, emotional turmoil, brilliance. Siet - Shifter, carbon copy, poetic, surreal.
kytilbound profile - diary
comments: Kytil - our adopted daughter, our prophet, our dreams, our miracle.
korrin profile - diary
comments: Korrin - our second father, our counsellor, our honesty.
ariari profile - diary
comments: Arianna - a second chance, a second life, a second love.
stitcheroo profile - diary
comments: the Littles - too many to count, so many to love.
attic-girl profile - diary
comments: Poe - a big secret, a big reader, a big heart.
artemys profile - diary
comments: Xek - our Aussie, our doctor, our sense of humor, our healing heart.
alterwords profile - diary
comments: their poetry
tatano profile - diary
comments: my poetry
mattat profile - diary
comments: our arguments
. profile - diary
. profile - diary
. profile - diary
ankhesenaset profile - diary
comments: catching up with a long long sister, one diary entry at a time
kentraine profile - diary
comments: it's about time i put Beth on here - she's an awesome girl!!!!!!!!
bionicgurl profile - diary
comments: proudly bionic, entertaining, and the best read coming off the west coast
toknowme profile - diary
comments: interesting diary of a vancouver resident... have to read more of this one.
jadefrost profile - diary
comments: poetic curiosity

My favorite music:

comments: i was never faithful except to my own pleasure zone i'm forever black-eyed a product of a broken home
comments: cuz it's always raining in my head forget all the things i should have said
sarah mclachlan
comments: and i will be the one to hold you down kiss you so hard i'll take you breath away
comments: i want to fight i want to fight i want to prove i'm right
comments: in a room beyond the view you choose to temble in reinventing christ to die to make this make some sense

My favorite movies:

fight club
comments: this is your life and it's ending one minute at a time...
the cell
comments: and what world do you come from?
pitch black
comments: "battlefield doctors decide who live and die, it's called triage." "they always called it murder when i did it."
comments: wake up, neo.
neo genesis evangelion (the series)
comments: do you want to be one with me, of one mind and body? it could be... pleasant.

My favorite authors:

a. n. roquelaure
comments: anne rice's pen name - the claiming of sleeping beauty, beauty's punishment, beauty's release
j. k. rowling
comments: harry potter 1 through 5 - you know you love them
timothy findley
comments: the wars, famous last words, spadework, stones
david adam richards
comments: mercy among the children, river of the brokenhearted
douglas coupland
comments: girlfriend in a coma, generation x, all families are psychotic

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last updated: 2003-12-30 19:01:02
this user's total entries: 661
user since: 2002-03-30

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ICQ number: 103511153
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MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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