messages to xorbit:
(click here to add new message):

from annanotbob2 :
Yeah, you're right, I'm so sorry to confirm, but lovely Stepfie died in October 2016, in the end quite suddenly. This is what her sister said: "After an unexpected relapse, Sarah was re-admitted to the hospice yesterday, gravely ill, and died peacefully and with true dignity at 8.15am today (26/10/16). If it's any consolation, she went downhill very, very quickly after she came out of the hospice the first time and she really only had a couple of ''good'' weeks, despite what the consultant had said would happen after the radiotherapy." Her funeral was absolutely packed and her elder daughter made a speech about her that broke all our hearts - in true Stepfordtart style she managed to make it not only heartbreaking, but also self-deprecating and hilarious. Sorry to be the bearer of such sad news. Best wishes xx
from jondavid2010 :
email [email protected] for user/pass
from jondavid2010 :
Well, if you ever start writing again, and either unlock or give me the pword, I'll add you to my reading list. Make sure to send me a note if you do. Be well :)
from jondavid2010 :
Come back, please.
from stepfordtart :
Nicely done! All the angst, but not sappy. Realistic enough to be any of us. s xx
from stepfordtart :
There's some good reads here - I think I shall have to add you (assuming thats OK)! s x
from xorbit :
23.10.11 - just generally fyi, I'm not "back", but trying to post something here and there, if I feel motivated enough to string the words together. thanking [atwowaydream] and [call-me-out] for their kind words :)
from call-me-out :
So glad to see you're back! I lovesdthe new entry.
from atwowaydream :
Loved the latest entry. . . very insightful on moms and depression and just. . motherhood. Glad you're back.
from jondavid2010 :
glad you're back
from atwowaydream :
You have left forever and ever, huh?
from ten-oclock :
My hand is touching the ceiling! :) Your creative process along with your stories = quite enjoyable.
from corposant :
I would ask for a password if you locked your diary.
from revescaches :
I'd keep reading if you locked your diary...
from secret-motel :
You are very kind. Thank you.
from ninabean :
consider my hand raised in case you lock it up :)
from call-me-out :
You are a fantastic writer. The type of writing you do takes time. I'm patiently awaiting your next piece. :)
from janegamma :
***hand fluttering*** I would like a password, should you choose to lock. I am in complete empathy with your privacy diary tending is a tricky business.
from atwowaydream :
i am quite a loyal follower. if you feel like you should lock up, then perhaps just leave me a password. :)
from atwowaydream :
that unhealthy shade of purple is probably the most hilarious and disgusting color i've ever seen. but it made me giggle that we can both understand the pallor of someone who will not blow their nose at the table, or eat custard.
from ten-oclock :
Just finished reading "Size and Shape". Your stories are becoming addictive. Where do you get inspiration for your characters?
from jondavid2010 :
Just so you know, I'm also paying attention.
from corposant :
I really like "pretending to be real" --as a piece standing alone, it's like a prose poem.
from jondavid2010 :
thanks. that's encouraging.
from ghana-rondo :
Why, hello there... Thanks for leaving a note to say you read my little emotional purges. I felt compelled to read your short story (anecdotal evidence) as a courtesy, but found myself really enjoying it! Sounds to me like there�s a great writer in there trying to burst out. I hope you get a break somehow and publish... Thanks for the support and I look forward to reading your posts and your comments on mine. GR
from corposant :
Thanks for the compliment, I am pleased to delight. I am reading Shelley with a horrified fascination.
from moodswing :
imagine if they were all real people... diaryland renaissance, ho!
from journey2one :
Thank you! Thanks for your inspiration. I love writing this way, and never tried it before. It feels great.
from ten-oclock :
Oh that outfit is very doable but I'm not sure what my pig will think of it. :)
from isky :
Hey lovely, i'm going to unlock my diary until I figure out what's going on with it. You should be able to access it now xx
from revescaches :
Now I'm trying to determine just how much is fiction in these stories...
from corposant :
I haven't read Gravity (although I've shelved it a few times at the bookstore where I work). You made me curious, so I read a few descriptions of it. It sounds intriguing. I think I might end up rooting for the microbe creatures to win and wipe out mankind.
from corposant :
Welcome to the Cephalopods diaryring! I changed the html, so the links should display themselves according to your diary's design, much like a cuttlefish camouflaging itself to its environment. And the links should actually work.
from revescaches :
Well I used to read a lot of diaryland diaries, but have really gotten out of that habit. So currently you are the only one ;) I was looking through this old diary of mine and your update was on the top of the "recent entries" list so I just decided to check it out. I liked the story I read so I added you so I wouldn't forget the link. Keep writing
from miss0delaney :
Thanks for the add. I've been reading some of your entries, I like your style.
from and-the-way :
thank you! i'm glad i made the list! :) i read your shelley & james entries and i really enjoyed them.
from jondavid2010 :
some consultants have been good. some not. none told me about the sweet hot drink thing. i'm going to see if i can make that happen before the next feed.
from atwowaydream :
I do too. I'm just not a fan of people thinking that they are wildebeest. :) I just wish people would act remotely human at concerts. Just a wee bit.
from jondavid2010 :
Thanks for he encouragement. It seems like the whole mother-in-law debacle may have been a catalyst for a new adventure that could be even harder. I don't know a lot about post-partum blues. I hope i have the strength to support her and the twins if that's what's going on.
from janegamma :
Hello, xorbit, and thank you for the add. I'm afraid you ought to revise your assessment of your poetry; I quite like it.
from moodswing :
don't worry. i talk a lot and rarely act. i'm damn attached to this diaryland. i don't know if i'll ever be able to actually quit it. at any rate, i have plans for a public writing space soon. they usually fail but i have high hopes for a new one.
from isky :
I am exactly the same height as you:) We should hang out and look cute together haha xx
from jondavid2010 :
Arr! Thankee for the add to the fav'rits, me hearty! The wee ones be only a week from there birth, so I nay be able to read much fer a spell. Lookin' forwerd ta cetchin' up once they mature, though.
from planetpink :
Thanks for the note! Yeah, sadly, I already HAVE figured out that it's not my fault and he's never going to change. I just can't seem to help myself from caring about him, anyway. I think we're on the outs for good, this time, but I suppose I've thought that dozens of times in the past 15 years. So, I guess it remains to be seen! :)
from ten-oclock :
I refer to a dream dictionary to all the dreams I have. It says if you dream of an actor, you want to have qualities of this person. So maybe you'd like something from Sigourney? I guess I'm not the only woman who dreams of a wife (literally).
from ten-oclock :
I love Sigourney Weaver! She's one of my favorite actors. Are you a fan of hers? Maybe we can swap dreams one day. ;)
from isky :
I like your new layout:)
from atwowaydream :
"glad I'm bloody not" --- love the ending to that.
from amazinfuckup :
Ahaha, thank you darling! Always glad to hear I made someone smile :).
from ping-island :
you're lucky to have another half to handle such things. :( i have to handle it myself or else flee and stop using that room for a few days.
from atwowaydream :
If I could through these mysterious computer waves, I'd give you a fist-prop for understanding procrastination. i'm starting to think it may be a disease. keep writing. i love that you have such passion.
from corposant :
This is a beautifully proportioned design.
from jondavid2010 :
I hate to say it, but I liked the old template. Same writing, yes, but it feels different dressed up this way.
from atwowaydream :
i prefer to think of myself as "saving" books from the library, rather than stealing them.
from atwowaydream :
we're gonna need a bigger boat. ;)
from cymbals :
thanks for your note. it was pretty much spot on about self-esteem. i was talking to a friend about one of my misguided assignations this winter and described it as having nothing to do with the liking the guy, so much as "low self esteem induced appreciation for his persistence". it takes nurturing, i guess, to stop undervaluing yourself. *shrug* definitely still working on it.
from kirakel :
Thanks. I hadn't intended to. Maybe I will, though. I should start doing this again, it was good for me. If I do, I'll probably use it as a sandbox, rather than a soapbox as I did back in the day. Speaking of sand/soapboxes, xorbit, all of your girls here- think about making them sing it in first person. I want to hear them speak for themselves. You'd be pretty surprised at what all of these dots look like when they're connected. They're familiar to me, so- I'll be reading.
from viridis-eyes :
The only time I go to Kuleto's is between 6 and 7:30 pm.... I think that's when it is.... And you should (maybe) take a friend, cause that's when 2-for-1 cocktails are on! The cocktails are pretty good though so if you're not in to sharing then go on in and get yourself two. They're worth it!
from moodswing :
yes! dreaming into the future. you assist my point. the quote you have for ping-island, just above me. i woke up and read that after the dream with a poet getting chomped on by a bear. ah, my indifference to time yields dull results
from jondavid2010 :
You have a cool name. Intriguing. The picture of Geri Halliwell and pink format hooked me just long enough to read an entire entry through. Yearning. The description of people of different heights holding was sweet. Further investigation indicated that you are a Diaryland veteran, as I am, and I was hooked. Ah, vintage Diaryland. Do you share your old names, or eez it a secret?
from call-me-out :
Oh no, dear. My boyfriend's grandma said it, too. It really got me thinking is all.I'm glad you can relate to me some. A+ writing by the way. =]
from isky :
I love the video game reference at the end:) If only secret levels were found more often xx
from atwowaydream :
"ultimately she spent a lot of time sitting in the park on her own, writing really awful poetry and practising signing her other name." -- I can certainly relate to that. I will be reading along with you, as well. :)
from joistmonkey :
I like your stuff - damned interesting and not contrived. Thanks for randomly dropping by!
from isky :
Hey Lovely, thanks so much for the note! Yay, glad to meet a fellow Sydnian:) Hope to see more of your writing xx

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