Here is a list of noirluna's favourite diary entries by other members:
I look up at the sky and my mouth is open wide by burnthings comment:   "Listen... these kids, Nathan, they're -kids-, you know? They don't want to play dodge ball anymore than I do, and they don't want to be the one picked last for teams, and they don't want to have to get out of the way of a ball if someone throws it too hard, and they run too slow." a perfect day by burnthings comment:   "It's all or nothing." "Nothing isn't much." She leaned her elbow on the door and looked out at the street. Brown green trees made their way out of the burnt grass, slicked by the recent rain. The white of the siding on the houses had gotten dingy with age. She smiled. News Worthy by burnthings comment:   He stood up, and she took his hand. He looked down at her for a moment, then slid two fingers around her wrist, swinging her arm gently. She giggled. Being a Voyeur by trinity63 comment:   "What was creepy was that the light was cascading behind her, so her body kind of glowed in the dark, and her arms were out stretched kind of maybe how Christ was when he was up on the cross being crucified. When they told her they were arresting her, she just hung her head. So this light cascading behind her, made her look kind of like she was actually up on a cross and she was being crucified." I don't want an addiction; I want an asset by burnthings comment:   "But what if a 'company' comes along that is similar to your 'comapny' who would prove to be a mutually beneficial partner. What then?" "Then I merge." "That's the strangest euphemism for sex I've ever heard."
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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