messages to hamatsugrl:
(click here to add new message):

from pouncer :
I'm on myspace to! What's your profile name so we can be buddies??
from guessgirly :
happy thanksgiving!
from pouncer :
Hi Girly! That last entry almost made me cry. You wrote it with such emotion. Please don't be sad, we all do things we regret, but definetly definetly DO NOT THINK of yourself so lowly. IT was only a dream not the truth! Hugs and more hugs to you :)
from huocer :
from pouncer :
Hi! You're cool, I think you're the same diary I always find by mistake, but ALWAYS enjoy! Unless you have the same design as someone else, but you're still hot! Bye
from incinerated :
4 hours? Wow, I'm impressed. Thanks for dropping by, leaving a note, and adding my diary to your favourites. All in one shot too ;) 'Tis nice to meet you as well.
from theimposter :
via, i just wanted to send you and joel and even siddy boy my love..i miss you folks madly...i mentioned to joel the other day that i'm certainly planning a trip up your way probably in june with some friends of mine, just to do whatever...and i want to maximize my time with you all, because you all are lovely beyond words...hope life's treating you well
from cdghost :
what a pretty place
from guessgirly :
Happy Thanksgiving 007!!! ;o)
from theimposter :
yes, yes you are, in more ways than you can even imagine...
from huocer :
this had better fucking work. I'm trying to get you this link. hotmail is buggering on me, your guestbook just buggered on me, so this had BETTER work. check the link and you can thank me later
from guessgirly :
hey, i tried calling a couple times but i guess you weren't home. Always remember that your future is in your own hands and no one elses. It is up to you, and only you, to achieve your goals in life. As long as you keep a drive to achieve, your goals will always remain in reach. :-)
from starstrangld :
Hey via...i am so bored. I have to work 10pm-7am tonight and I cannot stop bitching about it. I'll be fine. Whats up with you? Here is a link to my diary....
from guessgirly :
it's all set...just made your appointment. 1:00 pm, be ready for the greatest hair experience ever...well i'm exaggerating a bit, just a little though. :)
from brieberryman :
hey, don't know me but i am a closeted fan of yours. ask joel, i'm an annoying boardie he keeps running into everywhere. i like your diary very much, you're amazing. :D
from hamatsugrl :
wow via you are so cool!!!! why can't anyone else comment nicely to you???? they must all really suck! (my poor attempt to boost my self-esteem)
from sdrawkcab01 :
You're right, it's all in your head.
from huocer :
i didn't go to ISU today. call the mobile when you get home from work.
from sdrawkcab01 :
Little known fact... "sunset ridin'" costs money too. But don't fret. In times of hopelessness, simply remember these wise words: "Where your eyes don't go a filthy scarecrow waves its broomstick arms and does a parody of each unconscious thing you do." -- They Might Be Giants
from huocer :
be patient, love. time is something we can afford to enjoy.
from huocer :
no, there's no direct link YET. i wish i knew that stuff so i wouldn't have to rely on ol' siddharth. oh well.
from rspctbledeth :
Jesus would definitely understand you. he transcends humanity.
from theimposter :
thinking logically, jesus wouldn't understand english...he was human after all, we tend to forget that...but if you think supernaturally, then yes, he could possibly understand you...but i have very definite theories on christ's humanity vs. his divinity...but that'll come at another time and another place...and of course i've missed you and joel loads and loads, kiss him for me, send him my greetings...and i hope to talk to you soon
from strangled- :
VIA! HEY! Haha..i found your diary. You wrote about me and Graham <3 <3. Yes..hes awesome. We must talk soon. Tommmorow, at work. Sounds good. Im making plans wiht myself, i love this! But really, youre fun. We should hang out some time. 630-253-6989. Ciao!
from sdrawkcab01 :
To make a completely logical and precise analogy on life: "Life is like an orange. You have to struggle in order to peel it down to the juicy part, then you have to spit out the seeds in order to chew it, but when all is said and done, the vast majority of them are still grown in Florida." Does that help?
from guessgirly :
you wont believe who called me!!!!
from huocer :
don't be so ridiculous!
from guessgirly :
PAIN!!!!!!!!!!! call me when you get this...I am sorta scared, seriously.
from theimposter :
hey via, you know the curiousity is going to kill me completely..hehehe, but, i'll respect your wishes, although it's going to take EVERYTHING within me!!! love ya via, and hope to talk to you soon....
from guessgirly :
hey...naval piercing tomorrow? it might just be a me when you wake up cuz i'll be up.
from zamaroo :
holy shit i read your entry right when i'm in the middle of watching empire records... :D
from theimposter :
via, just wanted to say i'm thinking of you...i might not be around very much, but don't ever forget that i do think of you daily, and wondering what the hell it is you're doing at that very moment...i adore you completely, and just wanted you to know that...
from guessgirly :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIA!!!! Your 19 are so old, haha i still have a week left. I hope you get everything that your heart desires.
from guessgirly :
in response to your
from huocer :
hey, just wanted to let you know, i'm sorry i forgot to make a big deal about yesterday. i was completely caught up in the fact that i had to wait SO long to see you.. and when i did see you.... oh, joyous!
from guessgirly :
hey, i just locked my diary, the password is what is supposed to be your REAL last name. the one before your grandpa changed it. I'll unlock it in a few days once the search stops linking it to my diary.
from guessgirly :
lol via, i just did the most EVIL me to find out what i did
from theimposter :
and if i managed to say 'guys' one more time in the previous note, i'm sure it would have imploded...time to reread the thesaurus
from theimposter :
via, i'm sorry i couldn't be there with you guys, i would have loved to see them again...but while you guys were at the concert, i was up in my room, listening to sigur in a really cheesy way, i was there with you guys..i'm sure for you, as it was for me, nothing short of a life altering experience
from huocer :
oh, holy geez. that amp. i'm dying. happy happy joy joy indeedy. WOWZA! YOU ARE AMAZING
from huocer :
and the truth is that i miss you yeah the truth is......
from theimposter :
via, that is absolutely the best story i've read in ages...hehehe i understand joel's sentiment...i'd have thom yorke's babies if only it were humanly possible..hehehe...yea anyway i don't wear levi's jeans's just one of those things
from theimposter :
via..loved your entry today...if nothing else, and if it is at all any consolation to you at've touched me in a profound way already..and that says a lot about who you are as a person, and your ability to connect with every faction of humanity... you make me smile...
from theimposter :
dude...VIA! dude...if you keep offering me to come and live in know...i'm not gonna be able to resist...hehehe...all you have to do is ask me about 4 more times in that absolutely precious way you do...and i'll be powerless...PERIOD..hehe
from theimposter :
VIA!! tis I, andy i made a little journal like you and joel requested.. and thank you so much for the kind words in your had me laughing and then balling my eyes out almost're just amazing, i have to keep reminding myself you do actually exist... the main entry is about you and two have awakened me...and it's a great feeling...
from crayola64 :
dont you dare feel bad about the whole calling out thing, im a big girl and i knew what i was getting into. i appreciate your concern and i love you very dearly, so much, but dont feel bad or blame yourself at all. please, dont, i love you so much!
from huocer :
man... computers are even more fickle than people. I lost my connection. then i couldn't get back on.... then when i got back you were gone. i was a little upset... to say the least. i could just break the damn thing. yeah...... later! (i'll call about times..)
from zamaroo :
i thought of you yesterday... we were bored and watching sabrina teenage witch and hanson was on. the littlest one isn't anywhere near cute anymore. :P
from zamaroo :
i love you! i just want you to know that. we're here for ya hun. even if you do push me underwater.

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