messages to kat001:
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from evil-edna :
Um, your diary's locked?!?!?!?
from evil-edna :
You're not selfish. You're wonderful.
from evil-edna :
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Using diaryland on Xmas day. Oh, wait. Shit. Um, I'm off! Hope y'all had a great time :-)
from evil-edna :
Very well said Kat. By the way, Triple 6 knows the set of moves to solve ANY slide puzzle :-D
from evil-edna :
Ah, the vulture syndrome, akin only to the people who steal from the bereaved houses. When my dad died I asked mum why she was insisting that the house be 'strictly private' - she said it was because some people used the excuse of the wake and funeral to nick stuff. Seriously. She has a great (?!) story about a friend of hers many years ago. The woman's brother had died and of course half the country were visiting the house. When the day of the funeral came, the woman found out someone had stolen her dress shoes and she had to go to the funeral in her old ones.
from pleasureable :
=oP Hello. Nice diary. Just thought I'd comment.
from evil-edna :
My condolences to you and your family Kat.
from evil-edna :
Hmmmm, it's not so much the story as the way it's told. There are some people on diaryland could make the story of watching paint dry sound interesting and some of them could make your eyes glaze over even if they're talking about being abducted by aliens. I'll not name names, but I've only got great peeps on my fave list - I am such a lick ~slurp~.
from evil-edna :
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I do the exact same thing with Diaryland/Dairyland. Us Geeks are cool :-)
from mizundaztood :
I totally cracked up about the "Sims: Hot Date" thing, I hate it went that happens! I am also addicted to that game, and not in a happy/healthy kinda way. :) And it's also nice to know that there's another Robbie Williams fan out there!
from evil-edna :
Hee, hee. I love slagging D&D fans. Everyone I've ever know has a sense of humour, so they haven't taken a contract out on me yet. Mind you they probably have to wait until they throw three fives in a row first.....damn, I have to stop doing that :-)
from evil-edna :
The best way to know if you were a good parent is to wait until your kids grow up. If they ask you to babysit, you were a good parent :-)
from evil-edna :
Oh God, that doesn't make you a bad mother! Sheesh, imagine having Martha Stewart as a mother! The very fact you're worrying about it screams out you're a good mom :-)
from evil-edna :
Damn. I want to like Harry Potter, but I'm suffering Potter overload from all the merchandising deals. Guess I'll wait for Lord of the Rings (along with all the D&D geeks). *Ducks to avoid barrage of D&D figures being hurled in her direction*
from mangoes :
You name in my in-box makes me very happy. Update more often, dammnit!
from pischina :
Oh! Wherefore art all our Lovin's??? *SOB* Well, consider yourself Re-Loved. (((LOVELOVELOVE))) Love ya, ME.

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