messages to normaltoilet:
(click here to add new message):
from whystinger : |
Normal Toilet. Love the phrase and your meaning! Looks like you have been here a long while but took breaks. |
from raven72d : |
Just found your diary. You seem to be another long-term figure here at D-Land. And you're a very good writer. I hope to be reading along. |
from se7enchance : |
With respect, most people *want* to be told what to think. They *need it*, on a real and deep psychological level. Especially when the conclusion they are led to allows them a feeling of moral superiority. The COVID narrative-- the Media-- is this writ large. Most people need a higher authority to tell them how to live their lives. |
from normaltoilet : |
response to previous note (and thank you for reading and responding) - you know that leeches still are used on occasion right? when the situation fits. and that is kind of the point - Medicine is not one-size-fits-all and people should be able to make an informed decision. Not sure how that is possible when the same "medicine" is being mandated for all (regardless of whether they have antibodies already). And if doctors are prevented from asking questions how is the patient supposed to get answers from them? |
from portlypete : |
I agree with some of what you say. However, I had a slightly different slant on the over-use of the phrase, "follow the scienceā. I believe politicians roll it out at every opportunity to shift the blame onto someone else if it (their policy) all goes horribly wrong. Don't let me stop you in full rant (ranting is my hobby) but currently I am concentrating on the thought that one maniacal despot could destroy the entire world as we know it. However, I can agree that medics are as falible as the rest of us. The difference is that their mistakes are harder to hide. In the end, if one is ill they have a choice: they can take an Aspirin or they can put themselves in the hands of someone who (hopefully) has a bit more knowledge of the subject than they do - although, I am here to say that, from personal experience, this is not always the case. I would always encourage the patient to ask questions, and then ask a few more, but generally I would go for science over leeches - but that's just me. |
from se7enchance : |
What a refreshing entry. Not even a right-angle to the narrative; a totally different vector. Your writing is good. Your life sounds hard. People do read your thoughts, here. Cheers~ |
from normaltoilet : |
03032022test |
from coeurdoux : |
Two weeks, Wih! It was a mean and cruel trick from the start and now this?! MAN! You better have just cause :) |
from coeurdoux : |
Congrats on the weight loss! Seriously, go look at a 10lbs bag of potatoes and FEEL PROUD! I always use stuff like that to keep myself motivated and on the right track. I'm also working on losing and it's hard as all get out BUT SO WORTH IT! I want to be healthy, feel good and not dread getting into a pair of jeans! GO WIH! |
from coeurdoux : |
I didn't give up and was happy to see a new post! Glad things are going well. Forward motion is everything! |
from coeurdoux : |
That makes me sad! The worst part about waking from a dream is that the emotion lingers. Thanks for really not ditching me :) Hope you have a great day! I'VE MISSED YOUuuuuuu! |
from coeurdoux : |
Um so I continue to check and I'm still waiting...almost been a month and I've missed reading about life in Wih's head!!!!! Hope all is well. You are loved and missed <3 |
from coeurdoux : |
People say and do things out of emotion. Some times it's an overload of emotion and other times it's shutting down/off emotion. Either way it seems more of a personal coping mechanism. It doesn't make it right but it helps shed some light or understanding and I'm all about giving people the benefit of the doubt. It's never easy and it cannot be ignored. It's a matter of sincerely working through stuff and getting to the heart of the issues/stress. Life moves fast and there is always a ton of stuff coming at each of us. When you love someone, you do whatever it takes to figure it out together (says the girl who is twice divorced) Whatever you do, do not internalize it. Try to remove the emotion when you do address things (and yes, you do have to) and keep things sterile and logical. It's all driven by emotion but the emotion is also what makes it all murky and complicated. You're a way smart girl and I do so love you. |
from coeurdoux : |
(huge kudos on the good eating habits/choices!) |
from coeurdoux : |
I like your template! Unfortunately there aren't many sites out there that offer new templates. Everything is pretty dated and I've got to tinker around a bit to see how to work the html. I've gotten really accustomed to Blogspot so I'm super out of the loop. You really want to change it? |
from stepfordtart : |
Cant you just call the pineapple one of your five-a-day and write the whole experience off as a blip? Start again tomorrow - I made sugar free jelly (jello) with fresh raspberries today....and then went and ruined it with two scoops of honeycomb icecream! s x |
from coeurdoux : |
I hate coming here when you haven't updated!! I'm thinking of starting up here again and am working on getting my template updated. Time to give blogspot a break and go underground :) |
from coeurdoux : |
Ketosis? |
from stepfordtart : |
I applaud your use of the word 'chagrin' - doesnt get used nearly often enough and its a great word! Oh and I too am a 'decamper to the spare room'. My husband snores when he's been drinking (umm...every day!) and wheezes like a pair of rusty old bellows (he smokes). Its revolting. Luckily, he is kind of OK when he's awake! s x |
from coeurdoux : |
Love the title of your last post and I do so love it when a plan comes together!! Um it's snowing here...wth?! |
from coeurdoux : |
Love the title of your last post and I do so love it when a plan comes together!! Um it's snowing here...wth?! |
from stepfordtart : |
BLACKCURRANT???? bLEUGH Bleugh bleuggggghhhh! I feel about blackcurrant how you feel about lemon. Mercifully both flavours exist so we never have to suck anything yucky (unless we choose to!) s x |
from coeurdoux : |
Beans is rail thin and was recovering from a fever of 102.5...give the girl a break!!! I just saw an ENT and am having my tonsils out. I'm sick of being sick and hope YOU feel better soon. I so love that you're writing again!!! |
from coeurdoux : |
Feel better soon! FYI - We tried to play BOOP today in the yard and right off of the bat E got nailed with an egg in the elbow and that killed the whole deal :( |
from stepfordtart : |
would sugar-free lozenges count as less carbs? Hope you feel better soon. s x |
from coeurdoux : |
I had a 'throw away day' on Sunday but I prefer to title it a 'mental health day' and I don't feel one bit bad about it! Life moves fast and comes at you even faster. I love throwing on the brakes, resting, relaxing and not letting stress or to do list consume me (oh and I ate mcDonald's!) |
from coeurdoux : |
I don't think it's make you awkward or unusual. I think you're incredibly self aware and far more honest with yourself than others. |
from coeurdoux : |
No birthday entry?! Get on that! |
from coeurdoux : |
Low carb definitely works! I'm with you on the low fat stuff and really do believe you end up taking in all kinds of not natural synthetic crap. Studies are starting to show that those chemicals actually cause your body to hang onto fat. They are calling them 'fatigens'. At least that's what Doctor Oz says and frankly it makes sense. Mark has lost over 80 lbs doing low carb and I've dropped 30 that way and without much exercise (I'm a loser, baby). I'm stoked about your trip to PEI and can't wait to hear about little treasures you procure! I used your pretty round pottery dish on Saturday for a baby shower. YAY! I think your Mom originally made it and gave it to you. LOVE IT! |
from stepfordtart : |
I had to google PEI - didnt have a clue where/what it was! Oh, and yes, good luck with the low carb thing! s x |
from stepfordtart : |
No worries - Trying to write an update at the mo so there might actually be something new to read later! s x |
from stepfordtart : |
I think its got to be worth a try....and bollocks to anyone who doesnt want to try with you! s x |
from coeurdoux : |
Interestingly enough, I'm more interested in the married people struggling type stuff. Probably because I can relate more and love to see how other people react to, address and cope with it all. Oddly enough, I'm single but still enjoy the sociology of it and the dynamics of relationships. |
from coeurdoux : |
and NOTHING! HI. |
from coeurdoux : |
I love being able to read up on your life and get inside your head. It's been a long time and it so trumps the shallow small talk from time to time! Love you <3 |
from coeurdoux : |
Yikes! I wish I had a magic wand. Those are some tough and very real issues and let's face it, as women those are very emotional issues. Men are wired completely differently. Is there any way to delve deeper into his reasoning without causing discord? Are there elements of fear? Again, men derive their satisfaction from work. Yes, it's a generalization BUT there is some empirical evidence and NO that doesn't mean it applies to everyone. I get all that. I'm just saying, perhaps the fact that he doesn't feel good about his health or his employment status that causes his resistance. What I'm saying is that perhaps this is more about HIM than it is about YOU from his perspective. Is that possible? Marriage is a delicate dance and a tough one at that even on a great day. I know it's super tough BUT don't ever give up and keep the lines of communication wide open with him. Do your best to remove the emotion when you talk (near impossible, I get that). It's worth it and so is he. I so want to hug you right now and tell you that no matter what, it will definitely be alright!!! |
from coeurdoux : |
Regarding the post about money...definitely different perspectives and ideas. It's not the end of the world but I certainly don't envy you. There are no easy answers just be sure not to allow stuff like this to divide you and that doesn't mean conceding or remaining silent! |
from coeurdoux : |
Oh, the joys of married life. No doubt it's super trying and I'd be lying if I didn't say that my heart broke a little bit for you when I read this. How does he respond and what does he say when you talk to him about this? Is it possible he's depressed? Empirical research shows that men derive their satisfaction and self worth from work. When they aren't working, they aren't happy and if he was unhappy there for a long time, chances are good that he's been a train wreck on the inside for some time. Typically men (bless their hearts!) don't even realize it... |
from coeurdoux : |
Ahem... |
from coeurdoux : |
Please continue...waiting! |
from coeurdoux : |
Funny. I have missed you like crazy lately and love the idea of keeping in touch this way. I was just telling Robo about you at my Mom's last weekend. Consider me your personal sound board!!!! Write away (and right away!) LOVE YOU! |
from coeurdoux : |
I seriously laughed so hard reading about the MIL! It was so Liz! |
from coeurdoux : |
we so need to talk! just call my cell 801-502-2424...i don't care about the international thing for now lady. JUST CALL |
from coeurdoux : |
ELIZABETH!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I miss you and was pleased to see an update from you online. YAY! I'll save a spot for you at the Melting Pot ;) |
from coeurdoux : |
I knew that I would miss you, I just had no idea how much!!!! Hope that all is well in your new life! |
from mugwhump : |
I hope for your sake that your feet will find Canadian shores once again. Sorry it took me so long to drop by here. Bad me. |
from mugwhump : |
Relax and be yourself. Your a wonderful, vivacious, funny, creative woman, and he'll enjoy his time visiting with you. Really! |
from mugwhump : |
Isn't it kinda of late to be planting? And what a good sport you are to help your friend out. That's devotion!! |
from mugwhump : |
NT - I will give no advice, but please know that I'm thinking of you, and I'm more than willing to listen any time. |
from mugwhump : |
I'm so glad you're feeling better. There is nothing more exhausting (no pun intended) than continued illness. You are in my thoughts. |
from mugwhump : |
I hate that feeling on not knowing. |
from mugwhump : |
PHewwww!!! What a relief that the meeting had nothing to do with a pink-slip. You don't need that right now. What a tremendous encouragement though to have your HR person along side you, and your boss (in his weird man way) as well. |
from mugwhump : |
Good for you! Don't take that S#!t from a guy. Yes, life is busy, but you (fella) aren't the only one in it! And on another note - what ever possessed you to go out with the camera in 103 degree weather? I'd be dyin'!! You ROCK Normal! |
from mugwhump : |
What a beautiful, from the heart, and honest entry. It sounds like I married a man, much like your describing in your recent relationship. It's never easy. Relationships are never easy. I wish you well. You are a talented, smart, sassy woman, and you deserve the absolute best - no seconds for you! Hugs. |
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