messages to rklessdriver:
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from capetowngirl :
Great to hear that you are still happy with Elsie. I laughed at your "we have the I love you thing under control" ha ha ..I can relate. Good luck and I hope you make the selection board to Staff Sergeant. Remember all happens for a reason ;-) Take care x x
from capetowngirl :
Happy New Year! Ahh... you seem to have found your match... well good luck and I hope this year is an amazing year for you ;-) I'm still having fun ...just can't find my prince! Take care.
from capetowngirl :
Sounds like things are going well for you ;-) BTW I love James Blunt too ...downloaded the album onto my iPod a month ago. I enjoy reading your updates. Take care and have a great Christmas. x x
from capetowngirl :
Sounds like your life is getting a little more interesting's nice when someone takes some interest. It's finding that happy medium in your life. Good luck. Have fun and live life to the fullest ;-)
from capetowngirl :
So they screwed up on your paycheck too! I got a call from HR this morning to say this is what they will be deducting for sick leave! I was horrified -my boss had forgotten to waive the deduction before he went on holiday- b*stard! Your life sounds alot more interesting than mine at the moment :-)
from capetowngirl :
So you like the finer things in life ...hey there is nothing wrong with that! So do I. If that's what you want so be it -they're just jealous -maybe their wives cost a fortune to keep so they can't afford what you have! Just a thought ;-) Cheer up -life will get better. You'll meet the right person someday. Take care.
from capetowngirl :
Wish I could play the guitar! I really have enjoyed reading your journal. Your life is interesting. Africa is harsh, but try Cape Town -you would love it- people are friendly and it's not as backward as being in the middle of no where! We all have our up and downs.. c'est la vie. BTW they have the movie Donnie Darko on a big screen in Kensignton Gardens on the 6th Aug. -looking forward to it. Have seen it before -weird. Take care. D
from capetowngirl :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites list ..will read some more tomorrow ..enjoy what I have read so far're really down to earth. I like it ;-)
from gypsy-poet :
2/20 What you said about really living struck a chord with me today. It has been on my mind lately that I am really in charge of my own happiness. I cannot expect someone else to make me happy if I cannot be happy with myself first... true happiness comes from within... everything else is just gravy... good entry today.. thx
from gypsy-poet :
My first car after I joined the AF was a 1981 corvette... I blew out an engine, and then replaced it so it ran nitrous... eventually it get totaled, and I have never driven a car that I liked as much as that one... Congrats on your new wheels... I am envious.
from rice-milk :
i dont know how you can stay positive when your facing any of what you do. i just dont know how you have all of it thrown in your face day after day without losing your head. i guess im glad for my ignorance sometimes. anyway, im happy your looking forward to that gorgeous day. take care
from rice-milk :
take it easy boy :) and if i dont get to the computer again in time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS!!!!! remember to smile xox
from rice-milk :
sorry i havent been in contact lately Will. just a quick note to say hope your well. things my end arent the best. apparently all the little parts of my life must turn to shit one after the other =\ take care
from rice-milk :
and thats the thing about getting a new perspective, its everywhere if you want to look.
from rice-milk :
choice lyrics to quote will... "see you and me have a better time than most can dream"
from rice-milk :
lonely??? how? oh, and im curious... where are you from? u.s im guessing. maybe youve written more about it, but i tend to miss a lot. take care - rm
from rice-milk :
what you wrote at the end of your last entry was nice... just thought id comment. take care

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