Rkless in so many ways

Ok... I was in the Marine Corps almost 12 yrs, decided I had enough last year. I've seen a lot of the world & enjoy traveling & meeting new people. Things I am not: Not a shell shocked time bomb looking for a place to go off. Not a Sniper. Not a Seal. Not CIA. Not married and been hurt plenty in that arena. Not too bitter about it all.

Things I like: Yes I like my transportation really fast. I like music & play the guitar myself. I appreciate good lit. I enjoy the outdoors. I'm pretty happy with my life so far eventhough there is so much I haven't accomplished yet. I'm not shy but I have been keeping my lifes day to day stuff to myself for the most part of my life so I figured I would share a bit of it with who ever would read for a while. Any questions... just ask

My favorite diaries:

rice-milk profile - diary
comments: Hey she was back... for one day.
gypsy-poet profile - diary
comments: Left too... to bad, was a great read.
capetowngirl profile - diary
comments: Your average S-African woman living London. This is what happens when I can't find a book to read.

My favorite music:

Dave Matthews
comments: Yea he's a bit strange, but so are most of us, it all evens out
Sarah Harmer
comments: Great voice, awsome guitarist, and unreal how nice she is... whats not to like??
comments: Always brings me up when I'm down
All the stuff I grew up with
comments: Early REM, The B-52's, The Smiths, The Dead Kennedys, Sonic Youth

My favorite movies:

Full Metal Jacket
comments: The Marine Corps is my life, just gotta love it
Donnie Darko
comments: So f**king weird I can't stop watching it, all the "what if's" are insane
For a few $ more
comments: Eastwood is the shit and anything of his is (I'm not a Trekie, what did you expect? )
Mrs Parker and the vicious circle
comments: Duh its about Dorothy Parker... kinda... involves a lot of heavy drinking
Leaving Las Vegas
comments: Also involves a lot of heavy drinking, oh if you are careful you'll notice the plot line about a man that finally gets what he really wants in the end and a woman who dosen't.

My favorite authors:

Dorothy Parker
comments: Real whit never gets old
Stehphen King
comments: Definatly the master
Anne McCaffery
comments: Dragon riders of Pern, the only Sci Fi I'ver ever read and liked.

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last updated: 2024-05-27 00:53:52
this user's total entries: 126
user since: 2004-11-05

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