messages to snookum28:
(click here to add new message):

from sanchezcafe :
Haven't seenya in awhile. Hope ya come back. All down at da cafe misses you. -Sanchez
from sanchezcafe :
Sorry that I haven't been noting my buddy list keeps on saying you haven't updated. I'm checking from now on! Would you like fries with dat?
from fefa-chan :
hey girl, just wandering if your still alive lol...j/k i know you're probably really busy but i need your help -again- i have a new template at fefa-chan but i can't decide if i'll keeo the new one or the old one...yea i know it's a silly doubt but if you have time plz help me, also your notes link isn't working, if you want to fix it let me know, bye =)
from anyquestion :
Hey girl, youre making me embarassed with all those compliments ;) i asked you that about the bars cuase in this pc it looks all grey, but if its working for you than i guess its because im using youre really working a loy, hope you have some time to rest - i soon wont, my classes start on monday and i have a huge test on tuesday ... crap >.<
from anyquestion :
i forgot to ask what color do the scrollbars look for you, theyre suposed to look blue, plz answer if you have time...bye
from anyquestion :
Hey, its great to know you like me layouts - you havent used the one i made for you though, guess you must be working a whole lot. bout the links, they look blue where i am now - not at home, thas why im leaving a note-but the pc here is an imac, so mb thats why. I hope you hae time to write in your diary soon ;)
from anyquestion :
Hey, still alive? I got two, no three, actually, new templates up. At fefa-chan AND anyquestion (the third would be fefa-chan's archive. So, if you want to check them, tell me if the links look blue and make me a bit happier ,please do.Fefa
from anyquestion :
i'm funny?that' weird, ppl hardly ever say i'm funny - i'm usually more for a sarcastic sence of humor. it's nice to chat like this, although living notes is the most complicated way ;D And i'm still trying to figure out this whole links problem...too headachy T.T
from anyquestion :
Hey,mmm, why were you laughing?lol, am I funny? the very thought is scary...anyway i'm from brasil, it's a country on south america- not very close to california - this info also explains the huge number of misspelling on any of my notes/entries. Bye, laters, Fefa
from fefa-chan :
Ok, I stoped beating my head on the wall a while least the links work, i wonder what's grong with the color...and what doens cracked up means?
from fefa-chan :
gah! they're NOT suposed to look blue! Mah, whats wrong?They look yellow on my they turn white when you pass the cursor over them?Oh, and my links not workin too, if you can just replace it with <a href="">Fefa-chan</a>.Sorry for all this ::beat head on the nearest wall:: incomoetence, incompetence...>.< !
from anyquestion :
happy you liked it, and thanks for checking ^.~ Bout the link to diaryland i must have forgot it, but if you want to put just a text link replace what you have for <a href="">Diaryland</a> and it should work just fine ;D Just one more question, do the links look blue for you? Cause i'm using my dad's work pc and they look blue here later, fefa-chan
from anyquestion :
Hey girl, I'm glad everything's working allright now. Just have a question: why did you put that imagelink for diaryland?Just curiosity ;) Anyway, i have a new tamplate up on anyquestion if you want to check.By, Fefa
from snookum28 :
Everything works great, thankyou so much :) you are such a sweetheart :)
from snookum28 :
just making sure this works :)
from anyquestion :
I'm not sure what you could've done...did you try to change the background color? Anyway, let's do this: you send me the code as you have it on the journal -with waht you changed and all and I'll take a look and add your stuff,k?Will be waiting
from anyquestion :
I'm glad you liked it - will be sending you the codes right away.
from snookum28 :
Hey Girl, i really do like it, I love the boxes at the bottom
from snookum28 :
hey Girl, No I really no like it....Its really cute, Thankyou, I really Like how you did the boxes at the bottom :)
from anyquestion :
I've made a template for you, you can see it at anyquestion. I hope you like it, but don't forget to be honest with me,k?
from anyquestion :
I've made a template for you, you can see it at anyquestion. I hope you like it, but don't forget to be honest with me,k?
from anyquestion :
Yeah, I think it looks cute, don't forget to let me know if any link is broken or anything. later, fefa
from anyquestion :
K, give me your e-mail so i can send the codes to you Glad you liked it ^-^
from anyquestion :
Hey I haven't started on your main template yet, but i made you one for your archives, i hope you like it (you can see it on anyquestion's archives), if you do plz let me know so I can send you the codes. Fefa
from anyquestion :
will be done in no time ^-^
from anyquestion :
As I said before, mean ppl that don't have any life... Bout the design i'd love to make you one, what you have to tell me is this: If you want a picture, might give me some ideas too and what you want it to have like that thing to leave a note or place for tagboard or buddylist, that sort of things... blue is my favorite color too, that makes things better for me ^-^
from anyquestion :
Can you believe that bcause of those ppl we lost one of the best designers? mean, envious ppl that don't have any life. Anyway, if you'd like me to make you a template just tell me how you want it and i will do it ^-^
from anyquestion :
Thankies ^-^ If you really like my layouts maybe I can make you one if you tired of yours...caurse it wont be as good as lissy's...btw, did you know she's closing?
from anyquestion :
hey, that was fast! And thanks once again, happy you liked it, had a hell of a work doing it ^-^, if you want check the fefa.pitas one it's another version of the same idea.
from anyquestion :
Hey, thanks for all the nice coments too ^-^ I really did it all by myself and I'm really happy you liked it. I'm already making a new one,two actually, i just can't stop anymore. if you want to check them at: <a href="">Anyquestion</a> or <a href="">fefa.pitas</a> It's mean a lot to me, bye
from anyquestion :
hey, thnka for adding me to your favorites... I have a new template at anyquestion, I think it's quite cute - specially the archives- so if you have time plz check it thanks - fefa-chan
from anyquestion :
Hi, I just can't believe how nice you are! Not only did you check my template but you also did it fast and left a note! Thanks *again* I might change the font as you sugested, i guess it is a bit dificult to read. bye, Fefa
from fefa-chan :
Hey! Thanks for the note,again. I do have a lot of questions about everything- i think it's part of being adolescent- and I'm needing your help already. I'm trying some html and I have made a template, so if you have the time plz check it here: and tell me what you think ;) bye, Fefa.
from sanchezcafe :
Snookums,many do this mind games because they are fogged to see what they want. They don't want to be hurt but by these mistaches they will be. One day I don't know when but you will find a man who will look straight in your eyes. Dang I feel like a granny well just don't give up love because no one can;yep not even the lord could. Bye!
from zombiemonkey :
At first you were on my good side because sanchaz liked you and thought that you were good, then I read some of your entries and I find that you are a breath of freash air. It's like you are surrounded by the smog in L.A. and then magicaly tellaported to the highlands of Scotland. yeah that refreshing. I hope that you have fun with your jobs, it may be hard but I don't think that there is anything more rewarding as to work hard and see for yourself what you have accomplished. Good luck bye zombie
from sanchezcafe :
You been working your hands off,huh?I wish they'll make sleeping a job;yep PS thank ya for da nice comment about my cafe. You brought a smile on my face.
from unseen-me :
Whatever you do, don't let someone else and their negative viewpoint get you down. Diaries exist so that we can be free and say what's really in our hearts and minds. I read fully the entry that got you upset (I understand why) but save a little sorrow for the person who wrote that. Clearly they are not completely happy in themselves, leaving them the only option of lashing out at others. You are unique and beatiful because of that (as are you derogators). Be happy and wish happiness upon everyone else but do not take to heart when people use their lack of happiness against you.
from fefa-chan :
Just wanted to thank for the note you left on my diary. Great thing that person didn't got you down, and I was thinking, she said something about your diary being called the whisper of the butterfly, if i'm not mistaken that's the name of the seems she's not that smart ^.~
from fefa-chan :
hey, i just came across you're diary and I wanted to coment about that girl saying bad things about you. i'm pretty sure lots of ppl already told you not to be upset and all, but what i really wanted to tell-ask- you is this: why do you write in your diary? I've been having problems with this tricky question lately - cuase no one reads my diary- but I got the conclusion I started the diary to talk about things and feel better. If that's what you're diary is for you shouldn't care about what other ppl say. This is a bit long...hope you have read it...hehe i sound like an old lady,and i'm just 15 >.<
from sunnflower :
Hi - just a note to say that you shouldn't get discouraged by the negative comment, although I know it is disheartening and distressing. Just keep on being yourself - which is the point of keeping your diary here - and like anything else your diary will speak to some people and not to others. And by the way, I came in by way of your banner. Keep writing!
from darkfairy13 :
awwww I'm sorry, its sad when people write bad things about you, it crushes me too. There are some not so nice people out there but you just have to find the good in everyone sometimes. awsome diary
from nathalie2000 :
Hi Snook! thanx for the note! I like your diary too! keep up the good work! Love nathalie
from nathalie2000 :
Hi Snook! thanx for the note! I like your diary too! keep up the good work! Love nathalie
from sanchezcafe :
thanks for the nice comment and your template is sweet.What are they whispering?;Yep bored as a nail in wood
from becca-angel :
I used to have it unlocked but then my friends tracked it down so I've locked it and then just given the password to anyone else (as in people I don't know in real life) who wanted it. If you want to read it, you share an account with everybody else. The username is: beccaspeople and the password is: diary So ya, feel free to read it and welcome to the diaryring!
from duckiingbaby :
Hey, I'm glad to see another new user--without the traditional DL templates. Yuck! I just wanted to suugest putting in a Previous/Next link so readers can go through your diary entries a bit easier. But other than that, woohoo--yay diary!
from sanchezcafe :
I see you're new and so am I...Been here only a mounth or so but I want to invite you to my diary known Wisconsin wide as Cozy Corner Cafe. Please take a look and your diary is sweet! ANSWER BACK!
from ravenouseyes :
Try as well. You're off to a good start if you're breaking out of the usual d'land templates! :-) Oh, and for some reason, your current banner is showing as a broken link. (big red X.) Might wanna look @ that!
from leeners :
I was clicking on banners when I came across your site. I read your current entry. There is a way you can get your diary to look nice. There are tons of sites out there that do it for free! I have one (") or you can go to beautify, which is a listing of design sites ( I hope this helps your diary become what you want it to be!

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