messages to stink-pretty:
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from lollypop-gal :
Can I have You're password... Pretty Please. =] I really wanna read it. Seeya xoxo
from strad :
hey, whats with locking ure diary? meh, doesn't matter... how did you first start reading David Eddings and John Marsden? they are fantastic writers arent they? anyway, just thought i'd say hello :-)... and goodbye
from aliem :
heya, just wanted to leave you a note to say hi. Oh, it's manda btw. :-)
from thegrapevine :
Groovy entry! I should say the same thing to Kitty. It sucks to let go of a friend, even if they weren't that great to begin with. But, sometimes it's necessary.
from thegrapevine :
Your sister's teachers suck ass! I can't believe how juvenile they're acting. It's really ridiculous. I'm sorry your sister has to put up with such pathetic people, but I guess it's teaching her how to deal with shitheads sooner rather than later! Too bad there's so many sucky people in this world.
from thegrapevine :
You gonna give me your password?
from mh-diary :
hi i'm michael. i never gave to much recognition to being a reader of yours because...i guess i'm just lazy. Loved reading it so i hope maybe you could continue letting me but only if you want to. feel free to have a look at my diary or leave me a note or email me. Bye.
from thegrapevine :
No fair. It sounds like you're having entirely too much fun and I'm not there. Glad you're feeling better and sounds like you're going to have a great weekend!
from thegrapevine :
I'm gonna have to check out that song. The lyrics are pretty cool. I hope your week is getting better. Take care of yourself! Peace
from thegrapevine :
I just wrote a really long guestbook entry to ya and I couldn't save it cuz you don't have it set-up. That stinks! Anyway, to summarize...I totally know how you feel when it comes to siblings getting what you always wanted. My three brothers and I are all really close in age, so I grew up wearing their hand-me-down clothes because they were all bigger than me. For that I now have absolutely no fashion sense whatsoever and I don't think I've actually felt feminine a day in my life. That blows! You should do something different for your sister instead of giving her a reason to cross something off a list. Maybe you could donate time/money in her name to a charity and explain to her that there are people in this world who don't even think about making lists for their birthday because they're too busy worrying about where they're going to get their next meal...or you could just spend the day with her - take her to lunch and a movie or something. Just a thought. Take care!
from need2getsome :
ahem... did i mention...*puts her hands up*
from arc-angel666 :
Well if you have to stink, it should be pretty lol. Come by and visit sometime.
from arc-angel666 :
Hello just read your diary. Very interesting and funny. Interesting name though, how did you come up with stink pretty?
from miss-vanity :
Stink, you are strange and you have a very cluttered room but that is how i like you. It would be weird if you were normal and clean. lol. Love ya lots like vodka shots! xoxox
from meangyal :
did u look @ my diary i hope u liked it.
from meangyal :
hi its me my real nameis demi and im only thirteen so u don really need to message me any way -ya .
from meangyal :
i dont get ur diary its weird
from sugar-tooth :
yeah big thanks for the sms at 2:30 in the friken morning stinky!! Just to tell me you were singing in the rain?!?!?
from sexjournal13 :
haha i like yr diary. where are you? are you in china?
from sugar-tooth :
Thanks for the b'day wishes chook. Love your work. lol. Chin up! Miss you too but you already knew that.
from sexjournal13 :
hey, thanks for favorite-ing me! sorry if i haven't been very interesting lately though...
from stink-pretty :
Hey sugar, thanks for your note. I'm okay. Thanks for reading my entries. Its good to know I can count on you to be listening. Thanks again!
from sugar-tooth :
Hey chook, just wanted to let you know i think your diary is fab and ofcourse am a loyal reader. Hope things start loking up for you coz i hate it when you're sad!! It makes me sad. Chin up cocoa pops!

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