messages to zorya:
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from rozx123 :
haha dont need a thesaurus thanks! patently can be used instead of blatantly in the same context, it is often found that blatantly is over used by many people in the wrong context, hence why i prefer to use patently. natalie types as she does on diaryland, as it is a fun informal service which she uses to update her friends on her life. I lot of what she says has in-jokes underlying it, so yes i can see why someone may not like it but surely that is no need to say she is an insult 2 the words female,british n philosopher. bit harsh wouldn't u say?
from raven72d :
Many thanks for adding me to your favorites. I do hope you'll be reading along with my entries. As for accents-- I've worked long and hard at not developing a regional U.S. accent... though my German is Viennese...
from rozx123 :
i really do find it rather amusing that a buxom woman such as yourself, who patently pretends to be far more educated than she is feels the need to refer to people less intelligent than yourself as morons. so someone has attempted a horror story and yet u feel the need to criticise. You don't know the person, so why do it? is it necessary. I have been taught that if u do feel the need to criticise be positive about it and constructive criticism will earn you a lot more respect. Before you turn around and call me an idiot or a moron i am neither of these.
from erato :
Ah, nothing like the lovely drama of LiveJournal. I have been privvy to quite a few spats, but prefer to be the proper little elitist and refuse all comments. Only the truly narcissistic, you see, don't give enough of a damn to answer to such missiles. I can't deny that I follow LJ drama with gusto, though--ha ha! It warms my insides. Thank you for your comment in my diary. I am working on a chapbook right now and finishing a novel for publication who-knows-when.
from rozx123 :
if u were happy with yourself u wouldnt judge others. we look for what we dislike in ourselves in others.... just a thought for you to think about
from zorya :
Answers have been delivered to your door (notes), Madame. Enjoy.
from rozx123 :
you are very judgmental towards people you don't know. i think that is wrong maybe you should become happier with yourself before judging others.

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