messages to famoustn:
(click here to add new message):

from samcorday :
good luck on finals!
from julymalaise :
No problem hope thanjsgiving is good
from samcorday :
saw you listed me as a favourite diary and realized I never returned the favour. Sorry about your grandmother.Your experiences in the past year have eerily paralleled mine to an extent and if it's any consolation my job-life is non-existent compared to yours. write back.till then :)
from astitchaway :
Actually, your note makes me feel a million times better. I like to know there are people out there who can relate to my experiences. Those are the connections that make the days easier to power through. So, thank you, for stopping by, and I really appreciate your encouragement. :)
from lostasyou :
Wheeeey! Good to know! x
from benzene :
Dear fellow student, I hope you don't mind my reaching out to you. I've been reeling from the Connecticut shootings too. When I read your entry, I thought of this postcard I recently saw in PostSecret, and I want to share it with you: I promise it gets better. But it took a lot of help, and reflection, and the willingness to act. Remember there is so much compassion out there for the asking. Good luck.
from samcorday :
we have a few of the same diaries!! :D....small site!i shall add you and follow your quite entertaining interesting diary.... (gayboi...honestly
from julymalaise :
Thanks, I will!! :)
from crazy-raver :
Looks like you got a good head on yah! A-hole butt cheese douche-bags should really be no problems especially when you see that they don't retain the emotional knowledge from past interactions from relationships.
from julymalaise :
You are welcomeeee!!!
from julymalaise :
Happy 20th birthday!!
from julymalaise :
OMG! THAT is too funny!!! She sounds veey unpleasant and unclassy...
from julymalaise :
That teacher sounded mean and how dare she said that about history! She obviously has no life and is just angry that she was not qualified to be a history teacher because she was probably BORING!"
from lostasyou :
Hhaha, oh really?! What was you thinking? And I'll follow you now :) x
from lostasyou :
Hello, love :) I was "omfggwtf" once upon a time aha and we followed each other on Tumblr, I am sure of it.. but I have changed my URL a million times. So if you still use it, what do you go as these days? Also, glad you came back to DL! xxx
from julymalaise :
Yay!!! And you are welcomee!! :)
from julymalaise :
And do tell me if you are able to get it!
from julymalaise :
Hey, I am glad you are back. I miss your writing. And don't worry, I feel the same way you feel. I just graduated high school and now I am like "This is weird, what should I do?" It is just scary thinking about the future ahead because I want everything to desperately work out the way it should. I guess the best thing for us is keep going and to keep striving for the future and be the best that we can be. I hope things get better with you and I am glad you are back on diaryland!!
from college-kid :
D'aw, thanks. :) Haven't been very exciting, as of late, but I appreciate it all the same. And don't worry about feeling lost. I've felt that a majority of my college years (still do, sometimes) but I'm beginning to think that's what time after highschool is /for/. You're actually given license to (mostly) think for yourself for once, and decide what you want to do with yourself. Hey, it took me 6 years and 4 different degree plans. And I still live at home. No, it's not ideal, and sometimes I really hate it, but it's saving me money. I think of college as a big waiting room, and once you're through, you can do anything you want with your time and money. To me, that's worth it.
from julymalaise :
I'm still reading you. It's just lately, I have been neglecting my diary for the longest time. Hope you are okay. I'm sending some hugs via the computer ((hugs))
from college-kid :
Aw, thanks. =) I try not to keep it too boring. xD
from omfggwtf :
:) i'll follow you in a sec!
from omfggwtf :
tumblr is very addictive! what is your url? ;)
from julymalaise :
Well, I'm glad you are all right!
from julymalaise :
Well, it's good that is nothing serious like cancer, glad your well. And yeah, I hate when teachers are douches because then you hate the class and they ruin like the whole subject for you. Good you joined a gym, it's always fun to go on the treadmill!
from julymalaise :
You're welcome!
from julymalaise :
I hope you will be fine and I hope it is not cancer, just nothing serious. You are in my thoughts!! Stay strong!
from julymalaise :
You're welcome and yay!!!
from julymalaise :
I saw it! And I left you a comment!! It was amazing! Also, I added you on youtube!
from julymalaise :
Yes, I'd like to see it if you do not mind! =)
from julymalaise :
Cool.. were you on T.V.?
from julymalaise :
That's... so AMAZING! Where did you meet her?
from julymalaise :
OMG How was it? I absolutely LOVE Fran!
from julymalaise :
Lucky girl, you met The Nanny?
from omfggwtf :
i get you! i don't want to be stuck in my town either when everyone around me is so happy elsewhere, and the remaining people are leaving soon haa.. it's horrible.
from omfggwtf :
i'm in the exact same boat as you. no one will give me a job either aha. i've applied for like 20 and all i get back is a few emails like "nah sorry, you're not good enough." it's horrible!
from omfggwtf :
thank you! i'll maybe give it a try after i've read something about it ;). i'm so lazy when it comes to actually buying books, ergh. xo.
from warpednormal :
of course its not a problem!! Its really sweet. have fun with the little glimpse into my life! i'm loving your diary as well.
from omfggwtf :
hahaha really? oh it's not just me then. i dunno what it is, just makes me feel really awkward and a bit like " do i react when i'm awkward" bleugh. oh well! xo.
from omfggwtf :
oh and happy birthday for when it was! xo.
from omfggwtf :
just stumbled on here through recent entries, and i LOVE your diary, sorry if it's seen as LURKING but it's interesting! would you mind if i added you? xo.
from kbjb :
Random Browsing led me to conflicting memories and this line stood out. "My name is Becca, and I am Nashville. I dream its dream, and live its life." I like it, the flow of the words, but I do not understand the meaning. Just thought I'd share.
from julymalaise :
I know how you feel... I need a job as well!
from bibles :
Congrats on graduating!
from animejournal :
Man those school days! lol a real drag! you guys can leave campus? That's cool! We couldn't not even in high school! lol
from julymalaise :
Hahaha, go girl! Show him who is boss!!!!
from animejournal :
Don't get mad, get even! lol No, that's not the best advice...*sigh* But you know, He isn't worth your time. Realize that not only is he free, but so are you. If he can leave, you can find someone better! Clear?
from julymalaise :
That's terribly crazy!
from julymalaise :
Wow, he choosed drinking than you? You are right, what a terrible jack-ass.
from julymalaise :
Well, sex is sex. And what happened to you guys now?
from julymalaise :
Yes, you can ask me a question if you like. Anyway, so you did it with Jake? Ohemgee, is this your first time?
from julymalaise :
The perks of being a girl (Not.) Yeah, meatloaf is too awesome for words!
from julymalaise :
That was good you deleted that girl, such a slut she is, lol. Anyway, yeah I watched Ghost Hunters with meatloaf in it too! IT was epic!
from animejournal :
man, your journal with the Jurassic Park quotes are classic! I'm going to use it for a novel I'm writing. That speaks to me too.
from julymalaise :
No problem,hahah
from julymalaise :
Bah! That girl sounds like shit!! Don't worry about her! Anyway, I'm glad you had a great time on your birthday, yeah it's hard to fid time for diaryland when you are in school, lol.
from julymalaise :
Happy birthday hun! Enjoy being 17!!! And I'm reminding you to talk about that dumb bitch you had to deal with on the other entry, so yeah! LOL. Also, I heard that movie was great, I want to see it! All of my friends seen it, sucks!
from julymalaise :
ME too!
from coldwars :
If you lived in nashville, you'd have to wait to turn 18 to see a R rated movie!
from julymalaise :
Ghost hunters is the best show, am I right? =)
from julymalaise :
Well, I am glad to hear that!!! =)
from julymalaise :
Good luck on your Senior year tommorrow!
from julymalaise :
You're welcome and that's okay.
from xxholding-on :
hi i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland towards a contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help!
from julymalaise :
I used to play soccer, but I never knew what happened to that idea... hahahha. Anyways, yeah my wrists, they hurt really badly when I type and I hate that, but it is like whatever. Reply back. And I am glad you are doing good with your college plan, hahaha!
from julymalaise :
Wow, that must of sucked when you accidently texted Jake instead of your friend, but it's all goood, I guess. And I hope you are doing good with your college plans, hun. Luv ya, bye.
from yellow-ninja :
Thanks for the prayers. I'm Catholic, so they're definitely appreciated. :)
from julymalaise :
Love the layout, hun. And I though Harry Potter was great, a lot of laughs, some things I was expecting didn't happen, and the ending really sucked actually, but overall a good Harry Potter.
from julymalaise :
Wow, that was near my birthday actually, lolz.
from julymalaise :
When was Jake's birthday, just wondering because my birthday passed a week ago. I love reading your entries!
from julymalaise :
Hopefully, he doesn't and I'm wishing the best that he doesn't break up with you.
from julymalaise :
Oh, I'm very glad you had a great vacation and don't let Jake get to you, he's breathing hot and cold fire right now.
from animejournal :
thats sad what happened with Jake...sometimes it's like that with guys...especially young guys. 85% of what young guys say is a lie....but you can get through this. Be careful who you give your heart to because it is the most precious thing...
from julymalaise :
Happy 4th! Sorry I didn't unlock my diary that quickly, I thought I think until that thingy-ma-jig popped up and asked for the password, lol. Jacob is being so hot and oold! Hopefully, you will get through it, girrl!
from julymalaise :
You're welcome, I've decided too by popular demand! Lol, stay cool!
from julymalaise :
Hey, it's okay, I'll leave my joournal public now
from julymalaise :
Here's the secret thing, it's your username and then password is "lovely" Here, I'm sorry I locked without telling anyone, lol. That wasn't very nice. Hope you enjoy reding about me.
from julymalaise :
Cool, thank you for saying you like my diary. Keep up the good work! Lol, and I promise there will be more entries from here.
from julymalaise :
Hey, I like your diary, may I add you? I'd be honored if you say yes!
from phaythles :
Awww ur welcome hun...just passin round the warm n fuzzy feelin...haha...
from phaythles :
awww muffin dnt sound so blue...shit will perk up...i believe n u!!! lol...
from animejournal :
i think your journal is cool. you keep it real in all of your entries, and i can completely relate! ~Over and Out~
from phaythles :
Not surprised u like my shit...its part of my charm to b witty...sacrastic...with a touch of sweetness...n a dash of i like ur shit too...i was readin it n part of me wanted to crack up n the other part was like hey i can relate...
from octoberbloom :
Hey, who's this? Thanks for adding me
from thruthecrowd :
thanks :-)...if only I had time to write more...
from thruthecrowd :
hey, thanks for adding my diary...:-)
from mymonologues :
Hey! I saw u added me as a favourite, thanks! your page is cool too, so i really want to add you as a favourite. But, dorky as i am, i don't know how to? It takes a while for me to understand this diaryland stuff :P! Could u let me know? thanks

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