Anything Funime, Hotime, Anime Baby!

I'm a versatile individual and i will talk about anything, especially regarding Asia (though I'm black), but i love Asian people, music, movies, heck, etc, baby! I will talk about ANYTHING YOU want to talk about! So comment away!

My favorite diaries:

kelms28 profile - diary
comments: very poetic, and im trying to crack a code
famoustn profile - diary
comments: funny person! lol Getting into it strongly!
giggleshit profile - diary
comments: funny as well and really truthful!
channel33 profile - diary
comments: A really good journal
secret-motel profile - diary
comments: The name is awesome!
snoopy-9487 profile - diary
comments: Love the name, and can relate to this person
kurai-yousei profile - diary
comments: my buddy who likes to read my journals!
missjonas profile - diary
comments: my cousin woot, woot!
letsfaceit profile - diary
comments: awesome diarrryyy!!!
crayon profile - diary
comments: cool
brainmush profile - diary
comments: read always
blackthornh profile - diary
comments: wow very good and impressive journal
koorikaze profile - diary
comments: really cool person
julymalaise profile - diary
comments: awesome person! Please read this person's diary!
wtng4lezlie profile - diary
comments: I'm addicted to this diary!
sugar-pain profile - diary
comments: a person with the same tastes that I have!
sugar-pain-baby profile - diary
comments: changed!

My favorite music:

comments: Great Asian artist poetic and can sing! fabulous! I love her!
comments: great performer from Korea I have every album, and everything else!
Michael/Janet Jackson
comments: A SEXY PART OF MY LIFE is MJ!!!!! And Janet was my first SUPER FANDOM!
Spice Girls
comments: I can't help it! I love their CDs. I have every single one!

My favorite movies:

comments: yes, Disney's classics are the best, better than DC crap! They are genius with plot, music, and attractiveness
comments: another "Disney" of Japan. he makes womC crap! They are genius with plot, music, and attractivenessen look fabo and he knows how to captivate never boring!
American Girl
comments: The best historically accurate and morally clean movies you can show children without being too cheesy and suger coating anything
comments: all black people love her, but anyone might think she is funny
Pet Shop of Horrors
comments: I haven't missed one movie!!!!

My favorite authors:

Jeff Kinney
comments: I absolutely love Diary of a Wimpy Kid! It's fabo! Thanks cous for letting me read!
JM Barrie
comments: SUCCESS!!!
Lawrence Yep
comments: how many guys can write a successful book about women? He can!
Arthur Conan Doyle
comments: Sherlock Holmes for life!
comments: manga the first all female manga group in Japan and they make some FABO mangas like Tsubasa!

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last updated: 2017-01-11 04:16:56
this user's total entries: 153
user since: 2009-04-09

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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