Here is a list of girl-aflame's favourite diary entries by other members:
withme. by aquietboy comment:   "if you're ever bored of your new life, you can run away with me." cuts straight to the soul. question by aquietboy comment:   "and you can live for one lost chance, or watch the ocean flow... this automn breaks its promises. and i have made a few." uncover. by aquietboy comment:   An electronic hug Other Poetry by chelipoetry comment:   Some damn fine poetry. you're logical in an illogical world by blank01 comment:   Damn good entry, this. ::[ Tears to Choke On ]:: by challenge-me comment:   An entry to chastise me. Dr. Spears tells a story... by elliorange comment:   A hard lesson to remember. 17 months by mousepoet comment:   Well I'm looking for a composer, at any rate. So beautiful, this is. home by aquietboy comment:   "one day we will find our way home" Maybe we're just killing time. by blank01 comment:   Some quotes worth remembering. gift by aquietboy comment:   "like a steel toed whisper/in the dark of the hallway/with the winter still raging/and the scent of you always/hovering around like it heard someone calling","and you live in the spotlight/in day dreams and notions","cause i live for the struggle/the danger/the quicksand" Comic # 196 Blah blah blah blah! by dailycomic comment:   This must be what Guy was thinking all those times I sent him those long-winded, somewhat sappy greeting cards. Haha. ruined by aquietboy comment:   So very beautiful *sigh* I.C.P. by dumbgenius comment:   *laughs* This is Walbert humor at it's best. miracle of driving by mousepoet comment:   This is just an excellent poem. Period. You Had to Be There by dumbgenius comment:   Hahaha! I think all college philosophy professors must have similar senses of humor; this sounds just like Dr. Gandolfo. The List of Do Nots. by scanzilla comment:   Look! A Scanzilla entry that's entertaining AND useful! Autobipgraphical Indulgence, Begging Yours by ghanima comment:   I think some day, this will read like a footnote of my freshman year. building by aquietboy comment:   "here i am 256 km away from the one whom i love. and i do love her. but not enough to stop craving the attentions of others. which makes me think that maybe i don't love enough. or i love too much. or i need more than i allow. or i'm greedy." How does he always know exactly what the hell I'm feeling?? ::[ A Fortune Cookie for You ]:: by challenge-me comment:   That's the damned honest truth. Night Owl by foreverlight comment:   One step up. Rebirth by ghanima comment:   It's never any different, is it? Absolute vs Relative Truth (Part 1) by tech-noir comment:   The best argument for relativism I've heard yet. I'll definitely be whipping this out in class. Thanks tech! Big Kids & Little Adults by poppyfish comment:   This is so very true, and so well stated. Somewhere by elliorange comment:   Incredibly inspiring. Gives me goosebumps everytime. view by mousepoet comment:   This has such a beautiful atmosphere. The 12 days of Suffering carol. by scanzilla comment:   You've got to wonder about this guy. 25 by aquietboy comment:   "i want our old life, the one we had dreamed of. the one we watched dragged to the earth." - My God he's done it again. survey by mywayhighway comment:   Flattery will get you everywhere. 21 by aquietboy comment:   "we fought through the crowd and your blue dress just blended, in with the rest of the revolution." ... "you were there when ghosts came to haunt me, and i wrote electric words to a tragedy" I beleive by tudor-diva comment:   I believe a lot of this myself. Internet Women & Pirate Plots by poppyfish comment:   Amen, sister. Delicious thoughts... by elliorange comment:   So well put, and so very true. 17 by aquietboy comment:   "for each of us there arises a certain degree of need and desire. the two intersect directly at the point at which you are at your weakest. they cross paths on the same plane, at the same angle, at the precise moment that can cause calamity. calamity in this sense not defined as something dangerous or wrong or even unpleasant. calamity defined as the proper and respectful resolution of what needed to be done to move things along." I wish you could write my biography. Speaketh Rennie Today! by maryboleyn comment:   This could come in handy sometime. From a source that I trust. dust by mousepoet comment:   I love pantoums. This one is done beautifully, like all this man's work. 7 by aquietboy comment:   "and everything you love dissolves/like so much old rainwater. and in a moment we can breath/ maybe tommorrow night you'll say/ 'i wasn't trying to hurt you, i was just filling my days.'" ... "but we all eat more than we need/ and i am never full/ and you can't give me all i need/ but that is not your fault... but i thank you for the time we've spent filling up our days." Four days remaining by hisquietside comment:   God, this is exactly what's happening to me. itis by aquietboy comment:   "eighteen. going on a thousand." You write the life I live and the life I wish I lived better than I ever ever could, and its my own life. To a Friend by evermind comment:   It doesn't matter that I've never been close enough to touch you; you touch me all the time. this. by aquietboy comment:   "and every rule you ever bend / will still haunt you just the same." whatever I happen to be going through in my life at the moment, he writes about. do you believe in fallen guardian angels? great expectations by non-normal comment:   Here's to real life drama, which never seems to turn out right. gardens. by aquietboy comment:   "when we meet again tommorrow. / we'll pretend everythings alright. / because theres a method to this madness. / theres a horizon still in sight." --- he's still the best. yes. by aquietboy comment:   "hunger leads to homelessness/and homelessness to hell." hawaii by aquietboy comment:   Keep a candle burning for you? A hundred million suns. good friday by keryanna comment:   Dear Lord: Keryanna needs an Easter miracle. She needs a ressurection. I know you can do it, Father, you did it before. You can do it again. Amen. go there. by aquietboy comment:   Commentary on the war like you've never heard. If Michael the arch angel of war could speak, this is what he'd be saying. better than by aquietboy comment:   He is X-Ray vision to my soul. great unknown by mousepoet comment:   Holy crap, this reminds me so much of Yusef Komunyakaa. This guy is gifted! Whatever you call that short, disgusted noise we type as 'ugh.' by ghanima comment:   "How do you forget that you loved someone?" How indeed. Yay, Michelle! by dumbgenius comment:   I'll smile about this forever. marching. by aquietboy comment:   "words are but cold comfort in the face/of measured distanced." what can I say? All the fanworship probably irks him but.. any other response would just be wrong. do i have your permission to be sad by non-normal comment:   Permission is what I want. middle america. by aquietboy comment:   Oh_My_God - This made me so disoriented I could barely navigate over to the favorite entry section. child by keryanna comment:   Growing up sucks sometimes. Sexual politics, I rave about the Madonna/Whore complex by rumblelizard comment:   Hey there's a bit of a feminist in me too - and you have to admit, men...she's right. end it? by imsoalone comment:   I know that distrust. our daughter. by aquietboy comment:   For children lost and children never conceived. Never stop writing, please. not fair by pugilist comment:   So many times, that's all my day consists of. The loveoldermen Diaryring by wuffy comment:   Oh my God! I'm not the only one! Can I just say that I echo every single word of this entry? i'm missing the war by pugilist comment:   I wish I knew how to forget, too. to your masterpiece. by aquietboy comment:   we do what we can/we can't do what we want. Amen, brother. don't wanna be that girl by pugilist comment:   then maybe i wouldn't have these pointless dreams that do nothing but make me feel empty. last night while i slept, you proposed to me in thailand. that will never happen. kusha by keryanna comment:   Absolute chills. numbness by psallmylove comment:   The last lines...*sigh* the last lines. 6 days 11 hours 43 minutes by psallmylove comment:   Distance is more than miles. Dating Dr. Seuss... by oddly-enough comment:   The bit about the dorks is great.. right on, sister. And that picture... excuse me for sounding like a 12 year old in an AOL chat room, but OMG! "I love you" by psallmylove comment:   An echo for me. that's what it is, just because i wrote it doesn't mean i'm goth by toolateforme comment:   One of the better explanations I've heard; brings out the beauty wonderfully. Jesus H. Christ by dumbgenius comment:   He reminds me so much of Jayme here... Holiday in my Head by herodthenut comment:   This diary has tied for the position in Most Enjoyable Diaries To Read At Diaryland. That's not a real contest, you praise whores...that's the determining factor that sorts my buddy list :-S (a) by aquietboy comment:   *sigh* I wish this man were talking to me. Richard Corey by thestoryis comment:   I love this poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson, and I like this user for posting it. Alone by foreverlight comment:   "Days drift apart hardly connected - the once rich umbilical cord through which passed our emotions, our "feelings" love that made us rich with life abortion is an evil thing" Not one word of this don't I feel. gates of ivory and horn by arandomname comment:   This is a great explanation of why honesty is the best policy. mad world by girlhaunted comment:   This is really refreshing to hear. part I by aquietboy comment:   oh my god...i'm not worthy. I'm going to put this on my site under the Poetic Gods and Prophets secion, if he'll let me.
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girl-aflame has 1 entries listed by mywayhighway as favourites girl-aflame has 1 entries listed by myfirstfrost as favourites girl-aflame has 3 entries listed by ineednoname as favourites girl-aflame has 2 entries listed by elliorange as favourites
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