Here is a list of hollywoodusc's favourite diary entries by other members:
HARRY POTTER SPOILERS by poppyfish comment:   Dammit, stop taking up all the space in my favorite entries. This was too funny not to end up here though. I wasn't upset about the Weasley's though, I have to admit. Their exit was far too awesome to be sad about their actual absence. But dammit, you are too funny for words. Dammit. Bambi & Birthdays by poppyfish comment:   Hopefully you'll get a kick out of this, Poppy: I sat at my computer reading this entry, and wouldn't you know it, I had that insane urge to laugh (loud and obnoxiously, mind you). My parents were in the room and now I'm pretty sure they think I'm a bit mentally slanted (or at least the looks they gave me made me think so). Good work with this one. Good work. Hire The Handicapped. They're Fun To Watch. by unclebob comment:   He thinks it's offensive. Pph. That just goes to show you that my scruples are as handicapped as the retards in this entry. Passports & Pussies by poppyfish comment:   Don't worry about your buddy list, Poppy. You may not like the number of people on there, but if everyone on there likes you as much as I do... why, then, you're the most popular girl on diaryland. Excuse me while I melt. (Oh yes, and I list any diary entry that makes me laugh out loud in my favorite entries. This entry managed to do it twice.) My Diaryland Trading Card by que-suerte comment:   My first trading card. We both value the allure of a good dead baby joke. where is a pouch when i need one by que-suerte comment:   I don't think that I've ever seen anyone sum up a general topic like menstration so aptly. This was an out-loud-laughter sort of entry. It's got Boobs. It's got farts and poo. It's a stereotypical entry. by weetabix comment:   The first part is funny, but the bottom dialogue is easily the funniest thing I have ever read on diaryland.
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hollywoodusc has 1 entries listed by woosh18 as favourites hollywoodusc has 1 entries listed by wilted-daisy as favourites hollywoodusc has 2 entries listed by third-wheel as favourites hollywoodusc has 1 entries listed by sparrowline as favourites hollywoodusc has 1 entries listed by occhan as favourites hollywoodusc has 1 entries listed by mimmythefoot as favourites hollywoodusc has 1 entries listed by lucid-denial as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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