Here is a list of lizbathory's favourite diary entries by other members:
Sick Or Stupid by mawce comment:   Classic action hero stunt double shananigans. my horoscope said a catalyst was in my realm by kimuchi comment:   She is so blessed to have what she does with her gf, one day I wish I can have the same. Personal Ad by gumphood comment:   Fucking great. This had me laughing out loud. Time to add him to my faves! The watch stopped at 1:30am by letters2dad comment:   This is real pain. It will make you cry. It tore me apart.....completely ripped me to shreds. 9021 Blow by gumphood comment:   The vibrator Vs. The pocket pussy. So fucking true it's hilarious! Ass Cheeses by pantasy comment:   I just couldn't stop laughing at this. i hate everyone by low-light comment:   I couldn't have said it better myself. This girl has the right idea. She is my hero of the week!!! ME? EVIL? by taffy77 comment:   Sex! And good sex at that! This entry explains itself. Capital Letters by unclaimed comment:   This is so fucking funny! He is so like everyone of my closest friends. I swear we have all done similar things to Bible Thumpers here. THE BLONDE AMBITION by taffy77 comment:   The almighty Jeapordy game! Life doesn't get much funnier than that. Complaint To The Bank by blu-iguana comment:   This is one of the best written pieces in history! Everyone needs to send a letter like this! Death by summerwind comment:   This is one of the most intense things I ever read. I cried hard after reading it. It hurts. It hurts really bad.
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lizbathory has 2 entries listed by taffy77 as favourites lizbathory has 1 entries listed by fetishkitten as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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